Speed Is King

Chapter 63

When they reached the town, dusk was upon them.

The town lights turned on by themselves, and bathed the town of dead men, women and spiders in an eerie pale yellow light, giving them a frighteningly mysterious feel.

Powerful spotlights shone brightly around the town walls and illuminated the road leading up to the gate brightly.

“Will you have problems shooting in low light like this?” Elliot asked Camelia as they moved slowly towards the North Gate.

“Nope, I’m good. I’m not a sniper type of shooter who likes to slowly aim and hit difficult to reach targets. I am more of a heavy machine gunner type of shooter. I prefer being able to just press a trigger, wave the gun around and kill all my enemies.” Camelia said with a beautiful smile.

“Wave the gun around huh?” Elliot chuckled. “The laser guns you’re holding will be able to fire as long as it doesn’t overheat. Thankfully we’re deep in the winter season right now, so the guns will have a much longer up-time. But heat management is key in drawing out the full potential of a laser gun in a long battle.”

“Hmmm. I got it. I’ve got enough practice earlier, I know how to squeeze these babies and make them squeal happily for hours.”

“Okay. We’ll be going up against three powerful Brood Mothers and a horde of their spiderlings. Please take out as many spiderlings as fast as possible to give us an easier time dealing with the Brood Mothers. Once you’re done with the spiderlings, focus on killing the Brood Mother that I’m dealing with.” Elliot continued his pre-battle instructions.

“Yes Commander!” Camelia gave Elliot a mock salute.

“At ease, Private!” Elliot played along and replied in mock seriousness.

“Is this how human beings do their mating dance?” Brock rumbled out to Winter.

“I think so. The human female is giving out very clear signs of willingness. It seems to be working very well. Good job Master! Keep dancing this way!” Winter cheered.

Elliot blinked and his lips twitched slightly as he fought to keep from laughing.

A little bit of his mirth must have shown though, because Camelia smiled shyly and looked away.

“You should make your move tonight, little Master. I always find that making offspring after a rousing battle makes for a very enjoyable session!” Brock generously gave Elliot advice from his abundant experience.

“Brock?” Elliot asked.

“Yes, little Master? You can ask me anything about offspring making!” Brock turned around to smile widely at Elliot.

“If you mention anything about making offspring with Camelia again, I’ll tame a Brood Mother and partner her and her little spiderlings with you.” Elliot said with a smile.

Brock’s smile immediately evaporated and stopped mentioning offsprings with Camelia. The word ‘offspring’ and Camelia never met together in one sentence uttered by Brock ever again.

“Alright, let’s clean up the town! After that, I want to look for a nice, clean spot to sleep.” Elliot announced. “Beasts, come on out, all of you.”

Two Giant Armored Mammoths, two African Bull Elephants, two ferocious looking tigers, a Great Lion and a bunch of wolves and hawks appeared from all around him. Additionally, there were also the new comers – 6 still-cute but also already-savage looking baby Armored Kaijins among their number.

“Mammoths, the walls look like they could do with another two holes..” Elliot said.



They immediately charged and smashed into the town walls, causing another huge section to collapse.

All the beasts roared excitedly and dashed into the town! Die evil spiders! Their roars seemed to say.

However, they were stunned when they entered the town. There were no living spiders to be seen.

Elliot frowned deeply and sniffed the air. Their scent was still extremely strong, and his 6th sense was tingling slightly. There was danger still, and not one that can be lightly dismissed at that. The only question was, where?

“Hawks, find them.” Elliot ordered, and then he nimbly leapt from building to building until he reached the guard tower that was around ten meters tall.

His powerful vision soon found a strange giant hole in the middle of the town square. The second he laid eyes on it, his 6th sense tingled powerfully.



Apparently his hawks had arrived at the same conclusion and circled the hole high up in the sky, totally unwilling to get close to it.

“That’s an extremely large hole.” Elliot said uneasily in his public mind space.

“We need to lure them out of the hole.” Brock rumbled instantly in response. “Fighting a bunch of spiders is bad enough. Fighting them in a dark hole is’¦ hell.”

“Yes. We need to lure them out.” For once, Winter was in full agreement with Brock.

“Them?” Elliot asked lightly as he squinted his eyes and sniffed the air deeply. “I don’t think the word is “them”.

Brock groaned loudly. Fighting a giant Brood Mother once was more than enough for him!

Clack. Clack. Clack clack clack clack clack. Distinct spider footsteps could be heard coming out of the hole. One set of spider footsteps.

“And we don’t need to lure it out. It’s coming out of the hole. And if we can hear its footsteps all the way from here, it must be a really b- HOLY SMOKES! HOW BIG IS THAT THING?” Elliot stared in horror at the utterly massive pair of spider legs which were coming out of the hole.

The pair of spider legs which had appeared out of the hole was a dangerous bright purple in colour with striking red stripes all over. Unlike the Brood Mother they killed earlier which had thin and sharp legs, this particular spider had thick and hairy legs.

Two more thick, hairy, purple legs soon joined the first pair outside of the hole.

And then two more.

But the body was still out of sight.

“Is it really a spider?” Elliot gulped lightly. “The body should be visible once the third pair of legs show themselves, right?”

Two more giant legs appeared before the spider showed its brutally disgusting and horrific body.


It’s shrill cry sounded ominously.

“It sounds really big.” Brock said nervously.

“It is big.” Elliot replied grimly.. “Very, very, very big.”

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