SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1084 The Ursula

"While I can't block her entirely, I can create magical disturbances and distractions." I began, rubbing my chin as I spoke.

"These should give us a bit more time. Plus, with the curse gone, you're free to counter her magic. Together, we should be able to buy enough time for the Automaton to start producing the Mecha Knights."

Oberon was silent for a moment, considering the plan. Then, he looked up at me, determination shining in his eyes.

"Let's do it," he said firmly. "For the freedom of the Fairy Kingdom."

With a smile, I stood, extending my hand toward the Fairy King.

As he shook it, I knew that we were stepping onto a treacherous path, filled with uncertainties. But one thing was clear to me.

'We're going to win this one.'

[Several Moments Later]

After initiating the first step of our plan, which was obscuring the observatory ability of the Elf Queen, and the rest of the Triumvirate, we delved into the next phase.

"Alright," I breathed out, my gaze trained on the vast, untouched riches of the Luminis Labyrinth and forest.

"Let's get to work."

We started by gathering the materials.

The ores within the Labyrinth were rich and abundant, the soil of the forest was ripe and magical.

The fairies under Oberon's command flew in all directions, their small hands deftly mining and gathering the resources we needed.

I watched them, my mind ticking over the plans and blueprints that I had envisioned.

After the materials were gathered, it was time for the engineering. The fairies proved surprisingly adept at this, their small fingers nimble and precise.

I directed them, giving explicit instructions, guiding their hands as they began to put together the framework of the Automaton.

The ores were melted down and cast into molds. Carefully, piece by piece, the Automaton started to take shape.

Its base structure was of a metal so shiny it could mirror the sun, a body as intricate as the most complex of puzzles.

Though it was labor-intensive, it was also oddly therapeutic.

There was something satisfying about seeing the Automaton slowly materialize from the abstract plans.

When the body was complete, it was time to imbue it with magic.

This was the most delicate part of the process. Too much magic and the Automaton could overload and become unstable. Too little, and it would be lifeless and inert.

I channeled my magic into the Automaton, envisioning a complex network of mana pathways flowing throughout its body, connecting all its parts.

Slowly, I felt the Automaton respond, its own magical core starting to resonate with mine. It was a slow, gradual process, but eventually, the Automaton's core pulsed with a steady rhythm, indicating it was alive.

Last, but not least, the Core of the Automaton.

I already had what I was going to use, considering how I had been using Spellcraft to gather Nether in a single point since the process began.

Once every other aspect of the Automaton was developed completely, so too was the Core; all as per my calculations.

And then, after what felt like an eternity, our masterpiece was complete.

"It is done." I smiled, watching the result of my work.

Standing before us was the Automaton.

She floated, her form reminiscent of a fairy, yet so much more. Her shiny metallic body, interwoven with the magic of the forest, was a sight to behold. I think you should take a look at

I had designed her to look like Jane Ursula, my closest friend from the past, so she had the same delicate frame and peach-pink hair.

She even used glasses too.

The resemblance was uncanny, from her wings to her facial features.

"Hello, Lewis," the Automaton said, her voice a soft, musical hum. I smiled, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over me.

I didn't quite get the voice right, but this was close enough.

I had already decided on a name for her too.

"Hello, Ursula," I replied, donning a wide grin. "How do you feel?"

"I do not have any proper emotions. Since I am a relatively new entity, I believe I will have to study, learn, and understand these emotions in order to properly answer your questions. I will say that I am currently at optimal performance." She responded, her expression stoic.

Automatons were different from Golems in the sense that they were capable of functioning independently of remote or manual control.

'The level of complexity and cognitive abilities differ, so it's not fair to place all Automatons on the same pedestal…'

This creation of mine, The Ursula, was by far the most advanced Autmaton to ever exist; at least, that I knew of.

Her potential for growth was immense.

Cognitive ability alone, she was superior to the Gawain that Jared designed.

'She's lacking in combat ability, though, but that's fine.'

After all, she wasn't built for combat, but for guidance and direction. She would be my eyes and ears here in the Fairy Kingdom, and she would also greatly assist in the creation of the Mecha Knights that the Fairies had to make.

I also made her to be a future assistant in my endeavors. She was going to be very useful to me moving forward.

For now, though, it was best she assisted the Fairies with this project and used this as an opportunity to grow.

'I can't wait to see the results.'

And with that already out of the way, my purpose within the Fairy Kingdom was now concluded. It had been almost a week since I first arrived here, and a lot had happened in that time, but it was finally time to move on.

'I am already way behind schedule.'





What do you think of the Ursula? By the way, who do you all stan the most? Jared or Lewis?

I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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