SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1086 The Unknown World

Holding the Arcana in my hand, its energy pulsed rhythmically, like a heartbeat. I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle of victory.

The shimmering image of the 'Justice' symbol was embedded in the center. I had acquired the [Justice]Arcana.

'Thirteen down. Eight to go.' The thought echoed in my mind.

I steeled myself as I mulled over my remaining task. It was a daunting endeavor, but it was one I was willing to face. The Arcanas would not gather themselves, after all.

Taking a deep breath, I looked ahead. From this point forward, I was stepping into unknown territory. Literally. I was journeying into the 'Unknown World' - the parts of this realm that hadn't been touched by civilization, uncharted and unexplored.

"I'm going blind from this point on," I muttered to myself. The echo of my own voice seemed to emphasize the gravity of the situation. The comforting familiarity of the known world was behind me. Ahead lay only the uncharted, the untamed.

I could only imagine the potential dangers that lurked in the shadows of the unknown world. Dangerous creatures, hostile environments, and, worst of all, complete and utter unpredictability. It was a challenge, to say the least.

But then again, I reminded myself, I had come this far. I had faced challenges and emerged victorious. This was just another hurdle to overcome.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to set out. I had Arcanas to gather, after all. And though the path ahead was murky and filled with uncertainty, I was determined to face whatever lay ahead.

The journey into the Unknown World had begun.


In this world, there exists a boundary that separates the known from the unknown, the charted from the uncharted.

This boundary is not marked by a signpost or a wall but by a seemingly endless expanse of dark, unforgiving waters.

This is the demarcation between the Known World and the Unknown World - the Dark Waters.

The dark waters have served as an insurmountable barrier for the humans of this world.

For centuries, they have tried to cross this barrier, to delve into the mysteries of the Unknown World.

But the Dark Waters have been implacable in their resistance. Ships that dare to traverse these waters are never seen again, swallowed up by the abyss without a trace.

So, for the people of this world, the dark waters have come to symbolize the boundary of their understanding.

It is a boundary they have come to respect and fear, for what lies beyond is a mystery they cannot comprehend.

What could possibly exist beyond these dark waters?

The mind races with possibilities, each more frightening than the last. Perhaps it is a land teeming with creatures more horrifying than their darkest nightmares.

Monsters with gaping jaws, razor-sharp claws, and eyes that glow with malevolence in the darkness.

Or perhaps, it is a world inhabited by demons, creatures of pure evil that delight in pain and suffering.

The Unknown World could also hold horrors that have no name, things that defy description, things that the human mind simply cannot comprehend.

The unknown is, after all, a fertile ground for fear to grow, feeding off the uncertainty and the possibilities that it holds.

But the dark waters continue to guard their secrets, standing as an immovable barrier between the Known World and the Unknown.

A silent testament to the limits of human understanding and a stern reminder of the mysteries that remain just out of reach.

The Unknown World remains, as it has always been, a mystery.

For the denizens of the Known World, the Unknown World is an enigma that is both fascinating and terrifying - a question mark at the edge of their world.

********I think you should take a look at

[Unknown World]

<Northern Settlement: A Goblin Village>

The sun hadn't yet fully risen, but Gobtia was already bustling with energy. As a goblin, she was small in stature, with big, expressive eyes that held a curious sparkle and greenish skin that had a gentle sheen in the soft glow of dawn.

She lived in a close-knit goblin village tucked between the woods and the hills. Her father was the Village Chief, a man of firm but kind disposition. He had ruled the village for many years now, with the fair judgement that had earned him the unwavering respect of the villagers. His deep-set eyes were always alight with wisdom, a sharp contrast to the constant grief they held for the loss of his mate, Gobtia's mother.

Gobtia was a well-loved figure in her village, known for her lively demeanor and kind heart. She woke up with the sunrise, fetched fresh water from the well, cleaned their modest house, and tended to their little vegetable garden that was lush with an array of colourful produce. Her life was not adventurous or glamorous but it held a gentle rhythm that she found comforting.

Gobtia was a creature of habit. Her afternoons were spent helping out in the village, either at the bakery or with the village blacksmith, and evenings were for sewing and cooking. Despite her youth, she was a proficient cook, having learned from her mother before her untimely demise.

The village was a mosaic of personalities. There was old Goblina, a wrinkled goblin who had seen many seasons and loved sharing tales of the past, and young and impish Gobkin who was always getting into trouble. The village was Gobtia's family, and she had a unique relationship with each member.

Being the Village Chief's daughter, and also his only child, came with its own burdens. She was expected to choose a mate, someone who would be her partner for life, as was the goblin way. The chosen one would be the next Village Chief, a role that came with immense responsibility. This made her a sought-after mate, and many a young goblin had tried to win her heart, but Gobtia was not ready to make such a decision yet.

However, the prospect of choosing a life partner was a weighty one, and the constant attention from potential suitors was a source of stress. She often found herself contemplating her future, longing for guidance from her mother.

Despite the pressure and the sense of responsibility, Gobtia led a content life. Each day was a testament to her strength, her love for her village, and her longing to uphold her mother's memory.

She was a beacon of hope and stability in a community that thrived on its bonds, a village rooted in tradition and bathed in the affection of its denizens.

Still, on some days, curiosity got the better of her and she would look beyond the territory of her small Goblin village, wondering what lay beyond it.

It was just a simple thought. Perhaps a wish too.

She wanted to know... if there was someone else out there.

... It was unfortunate how she came to find out that stern truth.





Okay, some of you might be a bit taken aback by the direction this is going, but don't worry, we're still on track.

Just wanted to indulge a little in lore and a change in perspective.


I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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