SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1092 Farewell To A Home

[A Week Later]


A week of intense training had passed, each day melting into the next in a routine of meditation, physical exercise, magical practice, and the constant absorption of knowledge about the new world I was now a part of.

My body had been pushed to its limits, yet I felt invigorated rather than exhausted. My magic felt stronger, more attuned, and my mind clearer than ever before.

The sun had already dipped below the horizon, surrendering the world to the stars, when I finally opened my eyes and stepped out of my tent.

The chill of the night air was a welcome change from the warmth of the day.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves and played with my hair, carrying the faint scent of roasting meat and the mellow undertones of a bonfire.

I turned my gaze to see Gobtia approaching me, her small goblin face lit by the flickering fire behind her.

She smiled at me, her eyes shining in the firelight, and motioned for me to follow her.

"Food's ready, Lewis," she said, her voice echoing slightly in the quiet night.

My stomach growled in response, reminding me of the long hours I had spent training without a bite to eat.

I thanked Gobtia and followed her to the communal bonfire, my feet sinking slightly into the soft earth beneath me.

The goblin village was bathed in an ethereal glow, the firelight dancing on the faces of its inhabitants.

The air was filled with the sound of laughter and cheerful chatter as the goblins gathered around the fire for their communal meal.

A sense of camaraderie filled the air, warm and inviting, just like the food that was spread out before us.

Over the past week, I had become a part of their daily routine. The goblins had not only accepted me into their community but had also shared their lives and lore with me.

I had learned about their culture, their traditions, their hopes, and their fears.

In return, I had offered my knowledge and my strength to them, a symbiotic exchange that had fostered mutual respect and understanding.

As I sat down with them around the fire, tasting the simple yet hearty meal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. The faces around me were no longer alien but familiar, their smiles sincere, their laughter contagious.

I looked around at the faces illuminated by the firelight, the faces of my newfound companions. Each one of them had their own story, their own dreams, their own battles.

And yet, in that moment, we were one - one village, one community, one family.

A smile spread across my face, a genuine expression of my contentment.

Even if it had only been for a week… I felt a strong bond with these people.

Yes, I thought to myself as I clinked my cup with Gobtia's, savoring the moment.

'I am finally ready.'

Ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, ready to retrieve what was mine, ready to venture into the unknown once again.

'After everything that has happened, its finally time…'

I looked at the laughing faces around me, and the gentle gazes that surrounded me, feeling warmth permeate through me.

'It was short, but I really was happy here.'

And that made all the difference.

A warm, hearty laughter echoed through the goblin village as we sat around the roaring bonfire. As the laughter died down and the goblins returned to their discussions, I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was about to say.

"Gobtia, Chief," I began, my voice steady despite the knot in my stomach. Both turned to look at me, their expressions curious.

"I have something I need to tell you."

The Chief tilted his head, his eyes peering at me intently. "What is it, Lewis?"

"I...I will be leaving tomorrow," I confessed, holding their gazes. "I plan to face the creature in the Dark Waters."

A ripple of shock passed over their faces.

Gobtia's eyes widened and her father's bushy eyebrows knitted together in concern. The rest of the goblins, who had overheard our conversation, fell into a hushed silence.I think you should take a look at

"Why?" Gobtia asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why would you go there? It's too dangerous."

"I know," I nodded. "But I have to do it. I need to retrieve something that I lost there."

The Chief sighed heavily, his shoulders drooping. "Lewis, you've become like a son to me in this short time. You've become a part of our village, a part of our family. I...I would have been proud to have you as a son-in-law."

Gobtia blushed at her father's words, lowering her gaze to her lap. "I...I feel the same way, Lewis," she confessed, her voice quivering slightly. "I've...I've loved you since I first saw you. But I know that you have someone else in your heart."

I looked at her, surprised by her words, but also touched by her understanding.

"Yes," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "There is someone I love. Someone I need to save."

"We understand, Lewis," the Chief said, his voice full of warmth. "You've got a mission to complete. And we respect that."

"And we won't forget your kindness either," Gobtia added, looking up at me with a smile. "You saved our village, Lewis. You gave us hope."

I nodded, moved by their words. "I owe you a lot too," I confessed. "Your kindness, your hospitality...I won't forget any of it. And I hope that our paths cross again once my mission is over."

I looked over at the rest of the Goblins too. I could see the warmth in their eyes… and while it was a bizarre experience, being so friendly with monsters, it was an amazing one at that.

'I thought the Nether Realm would be crawling with dangers and horrors, but…'

I had been treated with so much warmth in my time here.

It made me so happy.

'I wish you could see all this with me, Karlia…'

And that was what strengthened my resolve further.

'I have to show you everything. I will. I promise.'

As I said my farewells to the Goblins, and they did the same, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at leaving the village, my temporary home.

But I also felt a sense of resolution.

I had a mission to complete, a love to save.

And with the strength I had gained and the memories of the goblin village in my heart, I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"It's finally time to end this."





For anyone thinking the story is dragging on unnecessarily, I feel you. I'll try to speed things up as fast as I can.

I just like really wholesome moments.

The final parts of the arc are slowly arriving.

I too can't wait for the Final Arc.


I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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