SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1102 The Nether Root

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"It's finally time…"

As I held the last of the Arcanas in my hands, a rush of conflicting emotions welled up within me.

Elation, fear, anticipation – they all swirled together, creating a tempest within my heart.

I stared at the ancient artifacts in my hands, their intricate designs glowing softly under the light of the setting sun.

'All that's left is to make [The World]. Heh, quite a fitting name…'

It had the power to traverse the boundaries of the Nether Realm, to reach the Nether Root, the origin of all worlds within this plane of existence.

And now, with all 21 of the Arcanas in my possession, all I had to do was to make it appear.

'Karlia… I'm almost there.'

The thought of her sparked a rush of longing and determination.

Her smile, her laughter, the gentle touch of her hand - I could remember it all as if it were yesterday.

She was waiting for me, trapped in the Nether Root, and it was up to me to rescue her.

'You're suffering so much, right? Even now…'

A warm smile spread across my face as I thought about our reunion.

It felt like a lifetime since I had last seen her, held her, but now I was so close. Just one more step, one final leap into the unknown.

'I'm coming to save you!'

I could feel the spectral form of the Kraken, my familiar, by my side. Its presence was a comforting anchor, a constant reminder of the bond we shared, and the promise I had made.

We were in this together, and we would face whatever awaited us in the Nether Root.

The weight of the Arcanas in my hand felt reassuring. They were my tools, my keys to the unknown, and they had led me to this point.

I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. I was ready.

With a smile and a newfound determination, I looked towards the horizon, the setting sun painting the sky with hues of orange and purple.

"It's finally time," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the gentle rustling of the leaves.

The world around me seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the gravity of my declaration.

"Let's begin."

As I stood amidst the scattered Arcanas, a sense of understanding washed over me.

I knew what I had to do, and for once, it wasn't about control.

I didn't have to command them; I needed to guide them, to nudge them into alignment, and let their inherent energies do the rest.

'Since I didn't learn how to use them individually, that would be a waste of time. Instead, I'll use Spellcraft to activate and resonate them with one another.'

Underneath my hands, the symbols and Spells of the Arcanas pulsed, each a separate song of power, waiting to harmonize into one resonating melody.

I reached out with my mind, my own energy intertwining with theirs, a conductor poised before an ethereal orchestra.

I closed my eyes, letting the flow of their individual songs envelop me.

I began to weave them together, guiding them gently with the delicate threads of Spellcraft. With each touch, the Arcanas hummed in response, their energy rising and falling, flowing into each other.

The very air around me vibrated as their energies built, the power rising like a swelling tide. I could feel the ground beneath me tremble, the wind dance around me, the very world itself holding its breath as the symphony of power reached its crescendo.

Then, with a final, resonating surge… [The World] was born.

I opened my eyes, and before me hovered [The World], a radiant card of pulsating energy.

The Arcanas had combined, their once separate melodies now a harmonious chorus resonating within the massive card.

"Haha… there you are."

The creation of [The World] felt like witnessing the birth of a star, an explosive, yet eerily beautiful sight.

'It's beautiful…'

With [The World] now in my grasp, I retrieved [The Compass].

It was the second piece of this puzzle; my ticket to navigating the route to the destination I sought.

'I don't know who he is, but I really owe this Crazy Neron for this. His message had indicated the properties of [The Compass], and using that as a base, Jared and I worked tirelessly to perfect it.'

Holding it aloft, I could sense it reacting to [The World], the delicate needles vibrating in eager anticipation.

The air crackled around me as I poured energy into [The World] and [The Compass], activating them. The world seemed to twist and distort around me, a kaleidoscope of realities merging and parting before my eyes.

Then, it happened.

A doorway, shimmering and wavering, appeared before me.

It swirled with multiple colors, but mostly a dark hue of purple and black, with flashes of light and tiny sparks of energy dancing around it.

This was it, the gateway to the Root of the Nether Realm, the path to Karlia.

"Beyond this is… hell."

I didn't hesitate.

There was no room for doubt, no time for second thoughts.

With a deep breath, I stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the unknown.

As I left my world behind, I clung to the hope that nestled within my heart, the unwavering belief that I would return, and I wouldn't be alone.

'Wait for me. It won't be long now!'


As I crossed the portal, reality itself seemed to stretch, distort, and dissolve.

It felt as if I were being pulled into a vortex, my very essence drawn into the depths of the Nether Realm. I was traversing the boundaries of existence, leaving the familiar behind and stepping into an unfathomable unknown.

When the journey ended, an overwhelming darkness engulfed me.

I had reached the Nether Root, the primordial birthplace of all the worlds in this realm, and it was a realm of endless nothingness.

'T-this is…?!'

A void that swallowed light, that silenced sound, that stilled time.

It was a darkness unlike any I had ever experienced.

A darkness so profound, so absolute, that it felt tangible, as if I could reach out and touch the void itself. It stretched out in all directions, an infinite canvas of obsidian void, devoid of any semblance of life, of color, of form.

'Where am I? I… I don't know.'

But within that void, I could sense...something.

An ancient power, a primordial energy that thrummed in the stillness. It was as if the darkness itself were alive, aware of my presence, observing me as I tried to comprehend the incomprehensible.

'Is that you, Karlia?'

The silence of the void was deafening.

There were no sounds, no echoes, no whispers of wind or rustle of leaves.

Yet, in that silence, I could hear the heartbeat of the Nether Root. A slow, rhythmic pulse that reverberated in the void, resonating in sync with my own heartbeat.

My feet made no sound as they stepped on... what exactly?

There was no floor, no solid ground beneath me, yet I could stand.

I was in a place that defied all laws of physics, that discarded the rules of reality, that existed outside the parameters of space and time.

As I moved forward, the void around me responded. It shifted, it swirled, it rippled, creating pathways where there was nothing.

It was guiding me, leading me deeper into the heart of the Nether Root.

There was no light to guide my way, no stars to serve as my compass.

Yet, I wasn't lost.

'I'll continue moving forward… no matter how long it takes!'

If it was for Karlia, I was willing to do anything!

'No matter what it takes.'





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