SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1116 Libra Vs Karlia [Pt 2]

A black hole.

Inside this empty void, there's a point of infinite density called a singularity at its center.

The laws of the world as we know break down to a point where the current understanding of even Scholars becomes irrelevant.

The event horizon is the boundary beyond which nothing—not even light—can escape, and approaching it causes extreme tidal forces that stretch objects so thin it loses reason.

Once inside, matter is pulled toward the singularity due to overwhelming gravity, and spacetime curvature becomes extreme.

Yet… when it comes to entities who make and break the laws…


… None of those concepts matter in the slightest.

The Constellation Libra crashed into this void, but rather than the black hole performing its usual duties, it became instantly consumed by Libra's presence, unable to withstand the extreme power she held.

Nothing escapes a black hole, with the exception of a Constellation apparently.

Still, even with the black hole dissipated, Libra was confronted with yet another problem as she floated in the vastness of an empty space.

… A place devoid of life at all.


Floating above her was the source of her current predicament.


"This place is perfect. This way, no one gets hurt." The succubus spoke, her hair floating behind her as she stared down at Libra's gigantic form.

How? How was such a being able to compete with a Constellation?

It made no sense!

She shouldn't even have been able to land a hit! Not even the greatest of black holes could harm Libra, or any other Constellation for that matter.

That was because they were mere creations.

Little babies could never hurt their guardians. No matter how hard the fish tried, it could never hurt the river it lived in.

So also could mere entities never hope to reach the realm of Constellations.

But this woman… this woman was different.


"I don't know how you got this power, or who the hell you are… but you've made a terrible mistake," Libra growled as she rubbed her face and stared hard at Karlia.

"Oh? And what mistake is that?"

Space began to tremble. The closest planets and stars gradually broke down. Everything that had meaning or form in any way began to resonate.

Everything was being caused by one thing.

"You've managed to piss me off." Libra declared, her brimming eyes now glowing even brighter than the stars.

"[Representation: Balance Of The World]."

Once Libra said that, the world came into a pause.

Everything stopped.

… And all for good reason.

It is trite that every Constellation possesses a Representation.

Libra's Representation was [Balance], just as Leo's Representation is[Authority].

Her power involved one simple thing.

Reconstructing anything and anyone in the world in order to serve what she deemed to be its natural state.

If Libra deemed a planet destroyed as its natural state, then it would be destroyed without question.

If Libra deemed fire to be cold as its natural state, then no flame she affected would ever burn anyone.

As such, if Libra deemed the opponent before her to simply not exist, then… it would be so!

Without question!

"[You are an eyesore. Begone]."

That was all that was needed to be said.

The rest was history.


A second passed. Two seconds passed. Three. Five. Ten. Fifteen… TWENTY!

"Why aren't you gone?"

Libra's power was instant. Her sovereign representation remained unchallenged. Unless a rival Constellation interfered, her will would manifest.

So why?

Why was Karlia still standing above her, practically unfazed?

"I do not sense a Constellation within you, or even affecting you in the slightest. You should be gone now. ANSWER ME, YOU WENCH! WHY ARE YOU STILL HE—!"


A resounding noise followed Karlia sending another punch to Libra, this time sinking her deeper into the vastness of the universe, bringing her to the edge of another unoccupied galaxy.

As Libra flew, her body was on a collision course with another Black Hole.

'H-how… gurk!'

Her head spun as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

Why was her Representation now working on Karlia? They had always worked without any interference, so why now?

Why her?

"It's no use thinking about it, idiot. Your powers won't work on me because it's not enough!"

As Karlia's voice echoed in Libra's ears, she crashed upon a much larger black hole, one that would devour anything and everything.


The black hole broke apart instantly.

Libra was short on breath at this point. It wasn't that she was tired or anything. No, Constellations didn't feel things like exhaustion.

It was because of her exasperation at a foe that should have been easy to defeat.

'Why can't I destroy her?'

At this point, Libra was exploring all the other options that existed beyond the confines of how she had initially defined Karlia.

Karlia was obviously more than she had hoped.

"She's strong. She's fast. She rivals my power…"

There was no doubt about it now. Libra couldn't think of anything else.

"You… have you become a Constellation?"

Only Constellations could rival each other. It only made sense that Libra couldn't affect Karlia.

If she had somehow managed to attain that kind of status, then it would be impossible to do.

"A Constellation? Pfft! No… why would you compare me to you losers?"


"W-what did you just say…?"

Did this woman just call Constellations losers?

"I doubt you guys could hold a candle to your progenitors. You like to act all high and mighty, like the pinnacle of existence, when you are clearly under a progenitor.

Did she mean The Nether??!

Of course, The Nether was far more powerful than any Constellation, but he was out of the equation.

There was only one Nether, and his only match was Aether.

Everything else fell under them.

That was trite.

But so what? What did that have to do with the current situation?

"H-hold on, you can't mean… no that's impossible!"

"That's right!" Karlia grinned, her sharp teeth showing as she folded her arms and looked down at Libra's massive frame.

What the Constellation had never imagined before—not even for a second—due to how impossible it was. That was what Karlia declared to be true.

"No… that can't be!"

"Haha! You better believe it." Karlia's voice drowned Libra's words, stifling the atmosphere.

"For an eternity, I suffered at the hands of your master. He tortured me indefinitely, and every time he did so, I transcended my limits and grew even more powerful…"

What in the world was this succubus saying?

"The Aether within me became Nether, and my entire form completely underwent evolution. A mortal? An immortal? A Constellation? Na… you're selling me too short."

But that was impossible. No, it couldn't even exist!

"I'm none of them. I'm as close to the Nether as any being could possibly get. Though… I wouldn't place myself there yet."

"B-but that… that would mean…!!!"

"That's right." Karlia could only grin as Libra began to understand the reality of the situation.

It was already clear at this point.

"You Constellations are nothing to me."





Thanks for reading!

Karlia really got a glow up, didn't she?

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