Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 381: “Catching Them All”

Chapter 381: “Catching Them All”

The ring rolled down on the grass, and an exit door quickly grew larger as it rolled. Huge eyes could be seen from it, and a terrifying snakes head the size of a truck poked out.

Hold the flame! Prepare the Conjunctivitis Curse! Rodolphus shouted loudly.

However, they soon discovered something was off. The Ukrainian Ironbellys flame didnt even end; it turned its huge head and flew towards the sky with its wings.

Why did it leave? The wizards were confused.

Ukrainian Ironbelly is second to Hungarian Horntail in terms of aggressiveness and ferocity among dragons. Although it is huge in size, its intelligence is not good. The biggest characteristic of this dragon is that it will never let go of its prey, and a chance to counterattack doesnt appear. How could this dragon leave them like this?

However, there was no time left for them to think because they didnt pay attention to the huge noise that came out.

Something was slapping the ground, making a loud noise. Everyone cast their eyes on their backs.

That loud noise came from a thick and terrifying snake tail wrapped in dark green scales, smashing the ruins that had been destroyed to the ground.

That is a huge snake. However, there is no time left for them to attack or flee. Everyone was greeted by a pair of orange-yellow vertical pupils covered with crystal lenses.

They couldnt even feel the killing intent and coldness contained in the eyes, and everyones thoughts froze in place as if a spell had cast them. The barrier coming from the tips of everyones wands dissipated, and the spells froze.

The group of wizards suddenly turned into lifeless bodies. Just seeing those eyes, they immediately froze in place. They fell down in groups like stiff corpses and made a dull sound. The Ukrainian Ironbelly leaped into the clouds, changing its figure into Seans original appearance.

The airwing bird that looked like a small hot air balloon cried.

Ah, Im sorry little guy. Ill make it up to you when we get back. Sean laughed and rubbed the birds head.

Before entering Baron Skinners mansion, Sean set up something like putting the Shadow Worms for emergency teleport. He considered that the worm on the ground might not be effective in teleporting because of its environment, so he decided to leave one more worm.

Sean can fly and transform into a dragon. The sky is an excellent battlefield. After all, ordinary wizards can only use broomsticks to fly and attack him.

He let the airwing bird float in mid-air and put the worm on someones back. When Sean teleported over, he happened to be on the birds body.

Afterward, Sean turned into a Ukrainian Ironbelly to attract everyones attention while throwing the ring away. The Basilisk knew what he must do next and petrified everyone instantly.

However, I didnt expect a sudden attack like this. Most of the people who attacked me were Death Eaters. Sean, who had turned into black smoke, frowned.

He saw their faces when he turned into the dragon and attacked them. The Lestrange brothers, Walden Macnair, and many more who should have been locked up. These are the people that Sean knows well.

When Sean was pretending to be Voldemort to brainwash the Death Eaters, they were there at the table. Ever since Sean pretended to be used by Voldemort and broke away. Barty Jr. never contacted him, or he called the Death Eaters again.

Sean could vaguely guess in his heart that it was likely that Voldemort had returned.

Unexpectedly, this group of Death Eaters, who were once his loyal subordinates, returned to him so quickly and even came here to attack him. This is one of the reasons why Sean has been cautious until now. He worries that Voldemort will also come here to take him out.

However, it appears that Voldemort just sent his own followers.

Sean frowned and glanced down with his binoculars.

Its almost time. I guess its time to clean up this place. He muttered, and the black smoke rushed down.

On the ground the wizards had turned into gray-black stones and fell to the ground. No moon is hanging high in the sky, but something is still running in the jungle.

Fenrir Greyback had already turned into a werewolf, and his sanity had long been flooded with bloodlust and killing. However, for a guy who prides himself on being a werewolf and keen to attack other wizards, Fenrir has never had a lot of thoughts in his head.

However, his sharp claws constantly stepped into the soil, his mouth was full of stench, he was breathing heavily, and he was running away in the most desperate way.

Behind him, a loud sound of trees collapsing and being pushed away can be heard. Fenrir didnt dare to look back at all and ran even faster.

A thought was repeating in Fenrirs barren mind.

Maybe it was the Basilisk chasing other people, maybe it was his prayer that had an effect, and the sound of the tree collapsing behind him became farther and farther away. Fenrir refrained from howling; he gradually slowed down, and his werewolf form quietly shaped to normal again.

He panted violently without bothering to wipe the sweat off his brow and immediately took out his wand. Before he could get away, he heard a spell was cast.

Fenrirs power is pretty good, and he instinctively swung his wand to block the spell.

Whos there?! His eyes widened.

No one answered him. Only more spells came toward him. While pulling away from the spell, Fenrir moved his nose, trying to smell the enemys position. In the shadows, Sean was casting the spell calmly and even had the time to note some things in his mind.

Werewolfs magic power is no different from normal wizards. Regardless of other aspects, a werewolf is stronger than a normal wizard in terms of combat ability because of its keen instinct and senses.

Although this werewolf is a little bit bloodthirsty, I must admit that his strength is far stronger than a werewolf like Lupin, who restrains himself.

Of course, his weaknesses are obvious. They only use their fighting instincts, and most of the time, they rely on their intuition. They dont use their brains much when in combat.

There is no difference in Fenrir when I saw him before. The possibility of him being used by Voldemort as a body can be ruled out.

I guess thats it. Ill finish these notes later when Im done with this. Its time to finish him off.

Seans eyes froze, and he swung his right hand twice quickly. Two spells were cast, one in front and one behind, and one even chased the end of the first spell.

Fenrir shook off the wand angrily and shouted, Come out, you!

There was an explosion. The spell hit the ground beside Fenrir and exploded violently. Mud and stones splashed toward Fenrir, and just as he was about to swing his wand to knock them away, the two largest pieces of dirt twisted and changed shape.

Two hungry wolves turned from the mud and pounced on him from left to right.

Damn! Fenrir growled and tore apart the hungry wolves on the left but was bitten by the other wolf on his right.

The wand in his right hand loosened for a moment because of the pain. Because of this moment, when he felt the sudden fluctuation of magic power behind him, it was too late to fight back.

Fenrir was sent flying straight away, and his wand was thrown out of his hand. Before his body that hit a giant tree could even slip off, another spell was coming for him.

Catching him alive is much more troublesome than killing directly. Sean brushed off the dirt on his shoulders and waved his wand.

The vines turned into ropes, binding Fenrir tightly, and Sean cast another spell. This can be regarded as some small improvement of his Disarming Charm, using some principles of the Cleaning spell. The effect of this spell is that you can directly strip that person wholly.

Because the effect is more outstanding, Sean is not ashamed to tell others that he has improved such a spell. Of course, when facing the enemy, it is necessary to remove all the things they have to prevent any sneak attacks.

At this time, Dave sent him a message, The hunt is over, Pudding, and I will wait for you at the previous place.

When Sean returned to Baron Skinners mansion with Fenrir, who was petrified, he saw Pudding licking his paws leisurely, and Dave was circling it.

Sean walked over and saw the few Death Eaters that slipped through.

Dave confessed, I didnt do it on purpose, and I accidentally killed one. The other was Puddings doing, and it was already dead by then.

Sean shook his head helplessly. At this time, the Basilisk had put on its glasses again, and a pile of petrified wizards lay densely on the ground. Sean checked them one by one, and there were quite a few Death Eaters here.

However, there was no sign of Barty Jr., Bellatrix, Regulus, or the Malfoys.

Sean raised his brows, took off everyones clothes, and threw them into the ring together.

Take care of the prisoners.

After returning to the ring, Sean walked back to the center of the ruins, which were razed to the ground. Skinner slowly emerged from the ground and stared blankly.

Are you going to stay here, or do you want me to relieve you? Sean raised his wand without intending to comfort him, I have a way to kill ghosts.

Hearing what Sean said, Skinner moved. He quickly shook his head sadly, I dont have the courage to see herI deserve all of this I may need more time to atone for the sin I made.

Ultimately, he is still a coward, fearing facing his former lover.

Sean shook his head, Its up to you. Well, just take it as a deal between us. If I need to know some details about the Blood Pact in the future, I will come to you again. In exchange for it, you can ask me to kill you at any time or when you have the courage for her forgiveness.

Skinner bowed his head deeply, Thank you

Sean shook his head again, turned into black smoke, and flew into the sky.


Somewhere in the center of a gloomy island in the middle of the lake. The air suddenly distorted, and the invisibility cloak was lifted a little, revealing Grindelwalds face. He looked much older all of a sudden, but the arrogant look still remained.

Why did I leave these reminders to myself Grindelwald was still hiding in the invisibility cloak, rubbing in his hand and whispering to himself.

Suddenly, he smiled, I didnt expect my hopes to be pinned on other people.

Sean, dont let me down. He looked down at his palms.

It was a Blood Pact that had completely lost its luster and was broken apart.

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