Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 717

The shop owner immediately gethis daughter and wife behind him as he heard the thug’s words. To be honest, he was starting to regret his decision of staying in this town! If he didn’t rely on the supplies on his store, his family wouldn’t be in this dangerous situation right now.

“Please, just take everything in this store, but leave us alone!” The shop owner said desperately. He didn’t have the courage to swing the baseball bat on his hand as he knew that he wouldn’t be able to overpower every thugs here! But as long as he could leave safely with his wife and daughter, he wouldn’t mind losing everything inside this store!

But it was useless as it was clear that these thugs had set their eyes on the mother and daughter behind the middle-aged shop owner!

“You will give everything to us right? That means those two women are also part of this shop!” The thugs’ leader said coldly. He waved his hand and the thugs that noticed the woman earlier immediately jumped the shop owner and started beating him on the ground.

“Please, leave us alone! Take everything you want, but please let us leave!” The shop owner shouted for mercy.

“You are useless! Did you think we are just a common debt collector?” the Thug kept beating the shop owner on the ground.

The shop owner tried his best to withstand the thug’s blow to make sure that no one else would get to his wife and daughter. If these people beat him, but then let go of his family afterward, he wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself!

“Boss, I am bored! This man didn’t resist my punch at all!” The thug said as he frowned.

“You know what? We aren’t after any of your money! You know we have plenty, but it was all just a useless paper with no value!” The thugs’ leader said as he opened one of the black schoolbag that he brought with him earlier and dumped the entire money inside before trampling them with his foot.

“You understand that you no longer could buy anything in this world! Now, I am bored of you! Get out of my face and make sure you never show your face to me again!” The thugs’ leader said coldly.

The shop owner nodded and called his wife and daughter over as he wanted to walk away as fast as he could from these thugs. But before he could walk out of the door, the thugs’ leader called him again!

“Hey, are you deaf! I didn’t tell you to bring those two women with you! I own everything here and that includes those two women!” The Thug Leader said with a smirk on his face. He stretched out his hands and caress the girl’s cheek with a lustful look on his eyes. The girl immediately got away from the man with panic in her eyes.

This world really plunged into chaos as people started to show their depraved side! Perhaps everyone was really depraved inside from the very beginning, but they were just too afraid to show it to the public!

The Thugs immediately surrounded the two women and all of them laughed as everyone was really excited to get their hands on these two women. The reason why they didn’t touch these women immediately was just to have fun! Their food was adequate now as they took control of the shop and what was left was to have a little bit of fun!

“Please! Leave them alone!” The shop owner begged as he tried to pull his daughter towards him.

“Get away from here already, old man!” the red-haired thug earlier kicked the shop owner to the ground before dragging the mother and daughter back inside the shop.

“I will mess you up, you bastard!” The shop owner shouted in anger as he swung the metal bat on his hand towards the red-haired thugs. He had strength despite his age as he served in the military on his youth! Although he didn’t learn martial arts diligently, he still had the grip strength to overpower a few thugs!

But after hitting a few thugs, some of them immediately took control of the situation and knocked the metal bat off of the shop owner’s hand. Some of the thugs that were hit were unlucky and had their head fractured, but some of them didn’t even receive that heavy of an injury to stay down!

“Damn it, kill him quick!” The thugs leader shouted as he was annoyed by the mess that the shop owner caused.

The red-haired thug rubbed his head a little as he also got hit in the head, although not too hard! He pulled out a knife from his pocket and immediately rushed towards the shop owner with an intent to kill. The other thugs also did the same thing as they rushed towards the shop owner with their own weapon.

The shop owner couldn’t do anything except protecting his wife and daughter from these thugs! He was hit by various weapons and finally fell down to the ground into his own pool of bloods.

But the thugs didn’t stop there as they kept assaulting the shop owner in cold blood. Even the mother and daughter that tried to stop them was pushed to the ground forcefully as if they didn’t care about these two women at all!

The mother and daughter pair burst into tears as they could no longer see any movement from the shop owner! They were begging for someone to help them escape this nightmarish place and punished the evil in front of them!

The mother immediately take a piece of glass on the ground and aimed the glass towards the thugs! She knew that it was better for her to die right here than become the thug’s plaything, but she didn’t know whether her daughter would follow her footstep. Still, it was better than not trying at all!

But right when she wanted to ram the glass to one of the thug’s body, suddenly the thugs fell down with their throat cut open grotesquely!

Then the sound of footsteps came from the street in front of the shop!

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