Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 726

Before he did anything else, Dio had to revive Pietro first! Once Dio told Natasha his plan, she was shocked as she didn’t know such a thing could be done! If Natasha heard it from anyone else, she wouldn’t believe it, but as Dio was the one saying it, she doubted that Dio would talk nonsense!

Natasha immediately brought Dio to the freezing room where the Avengers kept Quicksilver’s body as per Dio’s request. Even after nearly 2 years, Pietro’s body wasn’t rotten at all. It was very well preserved!

Dio immediately summoned [The World] and put his hand on Pietro’s body to activate Reality Overwrite ability. Dio quickly consumed the Souls that he accumulated for such a long time. The longer the person died, the more amount of souls required to achieve successful revival with an even smaller chance of success! But because Dio has constantly been killing bad guys, the number of souls he had right now was very high!

Nevertheless, it was worthwhile to spend all of the souls he accumulated to bring back Pietro!

At the same time, although Natasha didn’t understand why Dio just stood there doing nothing, she noticed in horror that Pietro’s fingers started moving! At the same time, Dio breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed he managed to bring Pietro back. He immediately activated another Reality Overwrite to restore Pietro’s frozen body back to normal.

Pietro immediately opened his eyes and looked around confusedly. Dio wasn’t worried at all as he expected that it would take some time to get used to everything after resurrection!

“Where am I?” Pietro asked confusedly.

“Welcome back, Pietro!” Dio smiled warmly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pietro recovered quickly in the next few days, and he learned about what happened after his death. He didn’t blame Dio for what happened to Wanda because he already knew that Dio also died that day. There was nothing Dio could do to change the situation at that time.

But it didn’t stop him from blaming himself for being too incompetent! He blamed himself for failing to fulfill his role as the older brother that should protect his sister! If he was as strong as Dio, would he be able to prevent this catastrophe from happening? But he quickly snapped back to his senses after hearing Dio’s word.

Dio said, “I paid a large price to bring you back, so don’t make me regret it if you would only lament for your own shortcoming. I expected that you would do something remarkable to help the people in need!” Dio’s word sounded unpleasant, but Pietro couldn’t be upset because of that, because it was the truth! He couldn’t wallow in grief and keep blaming himself as he was alive now, and he ought to help out! He couldn’t just give up when nobody was giving up! He ought to rescue Wanda and bring back everyone else!

Soon, Pietro turned his self-blame and pain into motivation. The enemy they were going against was a powerful one, so he owned Dio to help out in this war! He couldn’t be a waste of space anymore! He knew that when he first joined the Avengers. He knew he didn’t do much, so he ought to build his strength as fast as possible!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Everyone has their own secret, but I need to know, how did you do it?!” Steve asked Dio as he was still mesmerized by Dio’s so-called miracle.

“It’s an ability that costs a lot of money! It was an ability to overwrite reality itself, but the reality that would be overwritten should be real too! Imaginary things can’t be overwritten. In addition, the requirement is tremendous!” Dio said sullenly.

Steve was a little bit disappointed as he didn’t really understand what Dio meant, but he believed that Dio wouldn’t lie to him.

“So, how much does it cost to resurrect someone? Can you resurrect basically anyone?” Steve asked further.

Dio thought about Steve’s word for a while and sighed as he understood what Steve was trying to ask. “Did you want to ask if I could resurrect Peggy Carter?” Dio asked solemnly.

Steve knew that it was a bit much to ask, but he nodded anyway. He still loved Peggy with all his heart, so he couldn’t just let it go!

“If I can just resurrect anyone I want, I would’ve already resurrected my parent and Wanda! The first condition for the resurrection to activate is that the body has to exist and well-preserved, then it has to be an unnatural death! After those two conditions are met, the time of death determines the price to be paid! The later it is to resurrect someone, the higher the price to be paid! As for the price, I don’t think you want to know about that!” Dio said solemnly.

“Besides, if I ever resurrect Peggy Carter, she will return in her old age! I can’t just reverse her time again since she will eventually die of old age anyway! Why do you have to make her suffer over a few hours of time together!” Dio explained for Steve to cease his obsession.

Steve’s heart sunk. He understood what Dio was saying, but his longing for Peggy was too strong that his heart couldn’t take it!

“What is this price you are talking about?” Steve asked anyway.

“Are you sure you want to know? It would probably cause the rift between us once you find out!” Dio said coldly. He knew how strong Steve’s justice was, and the knowledge that he needed a lot of souls to revive someone would be devastating!

“I am sure!” Steve said insistently.

Dio took a deep breath and sighed as he ought to be calm in this situation. “The price of activating this ability is a soul! More accurately, an Evil Soul! The eviller a soul, the more soul I’ll get, and the more powerful the ability becomes!” Dio said solemnly.

“Evil Soul?” Steve said as he froze for a moment. He then thought about Dio’s non-stop killing for the past two years, and it all made sense now! He now realised why Dio didn’t choose to resurrect Pietro as soon as he could and waited for a whole two years instead before doing so. It must be because Dio hasn’t met the requirement for activating his ability!

It also meant that Pietro was resurrected on top of the death of countless people! This requirement was surely not doable by any average person! Steve turned his attention back to Dio as he looked at him with a complicated look. He now understood why Dio was reluctant to tell him what the price was!

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