Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 76: Strider Unit, Viper Serpent

She paused, demonstrating the robot's flexibility as it moved its joints in fluid, lifelike motions. "Its articulated joints mimic human movements for better flexibility and dexterity."

The humanoid robot had a polished, silver-gray exterior with a more humanoid face, but its eyes glowed a bright blue, giving it an eerie, lifelike appearance.

Its body was slim but muscular, and the joints moved fluidly, showing off its advanced articulation.

Ram who was, standing to the side, observed the attribute panels of the three robots.

As he did so, memories of his old Iron Robot, which he had owned before his capture, came flooding back.

Reflecting on it, he spent countless nights extracting life energy into life energy crystals in order to purchase it.

He couldn't help but think, "Although Iron Robot may seem ordinary compared to these robots before me, if I get the chance, I should retrieve it."

[ Name: Strider Unit]

[ Type: Multi-Role Humanoid Combat Unit]

[ Grade: Silver]

[ Technology:

[Advanced Combat Core]: Powered by a Life energy combustion core for long operational periods.

[High-Density Alloy Claws]: Made for precision cutting and slashing.

[Adaptive Combat AI]: Uses advanced algorithms to adapt fighting style to enemy tactics.]

[ Specifications:

Height: 2.1 meters

Weight: 900 kilograms]

[ Skills:

[Blade Strike]: Delivers high-speed slashing attacks with alloy claws, capable of cutting through most materials.

[Tactical Shift]: Adjusts movement and attack style mid-combat based on enemy actions.

[Energy Surge]: Temporarily boosts speed and power by 20% for 10 seconds.]

[ Additional Features: Articulated joints, Combat Adaptation.]

"It's powered by a Life energy combustion core," Mai continued. "That allows it to recharge quickly using Life energy crystals and operate for extended periods without needing to rest or refuel."

Liam whistled, clearly impressed. "That robot looks quite menacing. If Su Mu had not killed the old woman before she got serious with her robots, we would have been in a dire situation."

She then moved to the final robot, the serpent. It was easily the most unusual of the three, its massive body coiled like a snake.

Its segmented form was made from interlocking metallic scales that shifted as it moved, giving it an almost organic quality.

Each scale gleamed with a dark, oil-slick sheen, and the robot's head was sleek and predatory, with narrow, glowing red eyes.

[ Name: Viper Serpent]

[ Type: Recon & Assault Hybrid]

[ Grade: Silver]

[ Technology:

[Proximity and Vibration Sensors]: Detects movement and enemies within a 50-meter radius.

[Segmented Body Design]: Allows for high-speed movement and flexible navigation in complex terrain.

[Drone Deployment System]: Houses small reconnaissance drones for scouting and tactical support.]

[ Specifications:

Length: 12 meters

Weight: 1,200 kilograms]

[ Skills:

[Spiked Assault]: Deploys retractable spikes from armor plating for close-range attacks.

[Coil Constrict]: Wraps around targets, immobilizing them while delivering crushing force.

[Stealth Mode]: Temporarily cloaks itself for undetected movement, reducing detection by 80%.]

[ Additional Features: Multi-Terrain Navigation, Integrated EMP resistance to avoid disabling.]

"This one's a special design," Mai said, gesturing to the serpent's body. "It's a multi-role unit built for reconnaissance, combat, and tactical support."

"Its segmented design allows it to move with incredible speed and flexibility, and the armor plates along its body can retract to reveal sharp spikes for offense or defense."

"It's also equipped with proximity and vibration sensors," Mai added, "so it can detect enemies or obstacles nearby."

"Plus, it has a deployable drone system—small drones can launch from compartments along its body for recon or additional firepower."

Sid crossed his arms, eyeing the serpent with interest. "That thing looks like it could take on an army by itself."

Mai chuckled. "That's the idea. It's a multi-role unit, so we can use it in a lot of different situations."

"But again, we'll need to test these in real combat before we count on them."

Su Mu, who had been quietly observing with a thoughtful expression, chimed in. "With those three on our side, we've got a serious advantage. We just need to make sure they'll hold up in battle."

Mai nodded, casting a glance at the three robots. "They're powerful, that's undeniable. However, they can be easily countered, and my fighting style doesn't rely heavily on robots."

"It's you all who need to put in the effort for us to complete the mission successfully."

With the robots fully operational and Ming Yue's abilities helping to restore the team's energy, they got back on track toward the mission location.

Ram took the wheel again, and the truck rumbled through the dense forest as the team mentally prepared for what lay ahead.

Two hours passed as they navigated the rugged terrain, thankfully without encountering any more threats along the way.

The tension in the air began to build as they got closer to the D-rank monster den, knowing they were approaching the specified location.

As the truck rolled to a stop at the specified location, it became immediately clear that they weren't the only ones here.

More than ten small groups had gathered in the area, all clearly there for the same reason: to obtain the Source Seed from the monster den.

Each group had a mix of professionals, some heavily armed, others more mysterious, their eyes sharp and watchful.

A heavy silence filled the air, and a palpable pressure began to build between the groups.

Each team eyed the others with vigilance, sizing up potential competitors while keeping their own plans close to the chest.

There was no open hostility yet, but it was clear that the tension could snap at any moment.

Sid scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he recognized a few familiar faces among the other groups.

"Looks like everyone's got the same idea," he muttered under his breath. "This isn't going to be a walk in the park."

Liam, leaning casually against the truck, surveyed the scene with a smirk. "I'd say it's about to get real interesting."

"Everyone's here for the Source Seed, and nobody's going to walk away without a fight. You recognize any of them?"

Sid nodded grimly. "A few. We've had clashes with some of these guys on past missions. None of them are pushovers."

His eyes narrowed further as he added, "And why are they all waiting here? It feels like they're stalling for something."

Ram, seated behind the wheel, glanced at Mai, who had been quietly taking in the scene.

Her eyes were sharp, analyzing every group, every weapon, every movement. "What's the plan, Mai?" he asked.

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