Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 81: CaveMen

The Arcane Robo Kittens had been on the move for hours, scouring the twisting, dark labyrinth tunnels.

Their small, agile bodies had covered dozens of miles, navigating through thousands of interconnected tunnels with precision.

Despite their advance capabilities, the kittens found no signs of life—no monsters, no threats, not even a trace of activity or the professionals and mechanical soldiers from earlier. The stillness of the tunnels seemed almost oppressive.

The Robo Cat, now lounging beside Mai, seemed to be taking a break, its tail flicking lazily with other members of the team.

The kittens, each a bit larger than ordinary kittens, had returned from their scouting mission and gathered in a corner where they took a short break.

They snacked on the energy cores Mai had given them to recharge, their conversation interspersed with sporadic mechanical purrs.

"Well, that was uneventful, meow," one of the kittens said with a mechanical sigh, its voice carrying a hint of digital boredom.

As a kitten created by Arcane Robo Cat and mutated by arcane energy, each one of them inherited most of its abilities, such as high-level data handling from the smart chip. "I was expecting something a bit more exciting."

"Tell me about it," another kitten replied, its voice chipper. "This place is as dead as a tomb. Still, it's not every day we get to explore so many tunnels. At least we're having fun, better than staying inactive."

The conversation continued with the kittens chatting idly, their voices blending into the quiet hum of the dark tunnels.

Their observations were interrupted when one of the kittens that were still exploring let out a curious beep, its sensors detecting something unusual.

"Hey, wait a minute," the kitten said, its voice suddenly alert. "I'm picking up something interesting up ahead."

The kittens reactivated their scanners and followed the new signal, which led them to a set of rotating stone stairs.

The stairs spiraled down into the depths of the Void Space, a sight that immediately piqued their curiosity.

"Looks like we've found something new," one of the kittens said excitedly. "Shall we check it out? or relay it back to Mom."

Decided to relay it back, with this new discovery, the kittens made their way back, their tiny robotic bodies moving with purpose. Once they reached, they relayed their findings to Mai and the team.

"Stairs?" Mai mused, intrigued. "That's unusual. This might be a way to get to another level of the Void Space. Let's check it out."

The team gathered around the Arcane Robo Cat as it relayed the findings with a holographic projection: a set of rotating stone stairs leading to a lower level.

The main unit's eyes flickered as it processed the information, highlighting the best optimal route to the stair's location.

The team followed according to the map and soon arrived at the location.

Mai collected the truck using her arcane spell combined with a storage capsule, efficiently shrinking it for easy transport.

The team then proceeded on foot, cautiously following the kittens down the spiraling stone steps. The air grew cooler, and the darkness around them deepened as they descended.

Soon enough, the narrow, twisting tunnels gave way to an expansive second layer of the Void Space.

Ram couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of scale. As they moved further down, it became clear that the Void Space was much larger than they had initially anticipated.

With the ceiling stretching high above. The terrain was relatively flat, dotted with grass and small trees, enhancing the sense of openness.

The view from the elevated stairs they saw before extended their gaze into the void, providing a clearer perspective of their surroundings, which, although still rugged, felt less daunting, and there was a distinct majesty to the immense, open expanse.

Even without sunlight, it was strange to observe that many plants were glowing in various colors, similar to the bioluminescent fungi on the first floor, yet more vibrant.

Upon arriving at the second layer, the kittens scattered into groups, each venturing off in separate directions, while Mai and her companions selected a path and proceeded.

The second layer presented a stark contrast to the first.

As they continued forward, the kittens stumbled upon something unexpected: a large, open area inhabited by a small group of primitive creatures.

They were cavemen-like monsters that looked humanoid, and slightly similar to humans in the Stone Age, about one meter in height, with stout bodies and crude, jagged weapons, who seemed to be living for a long time in this space.

Despite their primitive appearance, similar to humans from the Stone Age, extensive genetic testing by scientists has proven that there is no DNA match, they are entirely different species.

These monsters were a default spawn in many low-level monster dens, known for their quick reproduction rates and low intelligence.

They were frequently encountered throughout Blue Star, with a short life span of no more than five years but reproduced quickly enough to maintain their numbers.

The kittens observed these creatures from a distance, noting their behavior.

The cavemen were engaged in various activities—some were foraging for food, while others seemed to be crafting rudimentary tools or engaging in simple social interactions.

"This is unusual," one of the kittens said, its voice filled with intrigue. "We're not supposed to find these guys here. They're usually in lower-level dens, not in a place like this."

Another kitten chimed in, "Maybe this is a nesting area or a breeding ground. Either way, it's definitely worth reporting back."

Mai and her team gathered around the display, watching the data relayed. Ram glanced at Mai, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Cavemen? That's not what I expected to find here."

Mai nodded; her gaze focused on the map. "It's definitely unexpected. These creatures are usually found in lower-level dens. Their presence here could indicate a few things—perhaps a shift in the Void Space's structure or an unusual anomaly."

Sid noted the large number of them on the screen. "They seem to be in greater numbers than usual. Do you think they're part of this layer's ecosystem, or is there something else going on?"

Liam, ever the pragmatist, suggested, "Whatever the reason, it's clear we need to investigate further. If there are cavemen here, there might be other monsters in this layer."

The group watched the screen as the cavemen went about their activities—hunting, foraging, and interacting in their crude, instinctual manner.

The view was unexpectedly confusing, a stark contrast to the high-level dangers they had expected in the Void Space.

It's not just one; other kittens have also discovered similar groups of cavemen, not far from each other.

Analyzing the data Mai advised, glancing at her team. "We need to check this layer further and find out what other surprises await us."

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