Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 83: Planetary Barrier, God's Descent II

"Two months," Brother Chen replied with a radiant smile gracing his features as he gestured toward the towering trees and the boundless sky above.

He was not worried about the Nightmare Gods since there was backup coming.

"Although the Nightmare God's leading more than five true gods, we should be able to cope with them once the Divine Spirit Tree successfully connects with the Eternal God Tree," he replied, his voice filled with conviction.

"Hmm, I hope so, it's just that I was unable to cultivate the Divine Spirit Tree to True God Level by then," the woman whispers softly, her voice barely audible above the rustle of leaves and the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore, she cradles the snow-white rabbit in her hands with tender care.

Facing five True Gods, that can use their nightmare domain, is not an easy feat unless they can connect to the Eternal God Tree through the Divine Spirit Tree and use their divine domain.

Battling War Gods or Nightmare Gods within their Divine or Nightmare domains is significantly different from confronting them without the support of these realms.

These Domains represent the heart of their kingdom of Gods, and without them, the Gods are merely a bit more powerful than the top-tier demigods or newborn True Gods.

She pauses for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the horizon as if searching for answers amidst the vast expanse of the forest.

"Brother Chen your talent as a Fate Watcher is getting stronger and stronger," she continues, her tone thoughtful. "Especially since the awakening of Fourth Solution of Fate Watcher, now combined with your Profession as a Fate Puppeteer, I think you're about to upgrade to high-level True God soon."

"Haha, it's a small matter," Brother Chen laughed, listening to her praise. His next words, however, carried a note of concern.

As he spoke, his words were laced with heartfelt empathy. "I hope Little Lena can recover quickly from her current state," he said, his tone gentle yet earnest.

The woman nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting his concern as she cast her gaze down at the rabbit cradled in her hands.

"Indeed, she was born with a powerful Divine talent, yet it is this very gift that has led to her present circumstances," she murmured, her voice laced with sympathy. "Hey, do you know who did this to her?"

Brother Chen's gaze darkened, his playful demeanor fading into a somber expression. His eyes flickered with an intensity that contrasted sharply with the peaceful surroundings of the lake.

"I have some suspicions, about some core members of the Alliance," he said, his voice now steady and grim.

"But without concrete proof, it's all just speculation. Whoever it was, they knew exactly what they were doing. Targeting Lena was a calculated move."

Sister Ye's eyes hardened, her grip tightening around the Moon Gazing Jade Rabbit, which let out a soft, comforting hum.

"To harm someone like Lena... they must be either incredibly desperate or incredibly foolish." The serene goddess's voice carried a dangerous edge, an unfamiliar shift from her usual calm demeanor.

"I don't think it's desperation," Brother Chen muttered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "The one who orchestrated this has deeper motives. Lena's talent is not something that can be controlled easily. It could be they feared what she might become."

"Fear?" Sister Ye raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Or envy?"

Brother Chen met her gaze, a faint smile tugging at his lips, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Perhaps both," he said, his tone soft yet measured.

"But that's something our main bodies should worry about. We need to focus on the immediate threat." He stood, stretching his arms out casually, though the weight of his words hung heavy in the air.

"Since the Nightmare Gods and other nearby Outer Gods are planning to attack soon, it's time for us to begin Stage 1 and proceed with the implementation of the Planetary Barrier."

Sister Ye nodded, her eyes narrowing with renewed purpose. "Well then, I'll inform Rhea. You stay here and keep an eye on the Divine Spirit Tree. It's been a while since I last saw her," she said, her voice laced with affection as she turned northward.

In a blink, the soft serenity in her gaze sharpened into focus. With ease, her divine senses effortlessly pierced through the void barrier, bypassing the fractures of space that encircled the Divine Spirit Tree, that kept them hidden from the world, her vision homing in on a massive city that floated atop giant, majestic islands.

These islands, though seemingly small from her perspective, were vast enough to hold entire cities—each one capable of accommodating tens of millions.

And yet, most of these floating islands remained eerily vacant, filled with monsters.

At the center, the largest island stood like a regal throne, hosting a grand, glowing structure: The Dawn Federation headquarters.

Its church-like architecture radiated intense divine light, sending beams of hope and strength across the sky. This was the heart of the Federation, where Captain Rhea resided.

A subtle smile emerged on Sister Ye's face as she observed the scene.

Silently, she vanished from his side.

Brother Chen, observed as Sister Ye dissolved into the air, her figure fading like a wisp of light.

Her sudden absence left behind a peaceful silence, yet the weight of their conversation still hung heavy in the air.

Turning back toward the shimmering lake, Brother Chen's eyes narrowed as he stared at the cracks in space surrounding the Divine Spirit Tree.

The silence around him was broken only by the occasional ripple in the lake or the soft hum of the Moon Gazing Jade Rabbit, nestled in Sister Ye's absence.

His thoughts were far from the present tranquility, preoccupied with the oncoming storm.

"The Nightmare Gods… they never learn," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

Despite their endless defeats, they continued to push forward, as if compelled by something darker, something more insidious.

He shifted his gaze towards the horizon where the towering trees blurred into the distance. "Two months," he thought to himself.

That's all the time they had to complete the connection between the Divine Spirit Tree and the Eternal God Tree.

"I wonder how our little Lena is doing," he mused quietly, his thoughts turning to the child that bore the weight, her circumstances were the result of power struggles far beyond her control, yet she was caught in the crossfire, suffering the consequences of a game played by gods and monsters.

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