Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 87: Species Evolution Master

As the last of the cavemen were turned to ash, the formation began to hum with an eerie light. The spiritual energy from the Half-Drows, who had been pouring their power into the formation throughout the ritual, surged in intensity.

The air around the formation shimmered, and suddenly, the ground itself seemed to pulse with life.

The formation glowed brightly, radiating an overwhelming spiritual energy.

Everyone in the team watched in stunned silence as the light reached its peak, and then, in a blinding flash, the ritual came to an end.

When the light finally faded, the view inside the formation changed. The cavemen had been replaced.

In their place stood another group of elite Half-Drow mages—fifty of them, standing in the same positions as the ones who had just performed the sacrifice.

"They… they summoned more?" Ram asked, his voice barely concealing his shock.

Liam cursed under his breath. "They sacrificed the cavemen to summon reinforcements. Fifty more elite mages, just like that."

Mai's eyes narrowed, analyzing the scene. "It's not just a simple summoning ritual. This is blood sacrifice—an ancient and dark form of magic."

"They're using the cavemen as fuel to replenish their numbers. Those new mages—they're just as powerful as the ones we've already seen. If they can keep doing this…"

She trailed off, her thoughts racing. There were tens of thousands of cavemen living on this floor.

"What if they sacrifice all of them?" she muttered, her mind flashing with the terrifying implications. "Is this why they've been breeding cavemen on such a massive scale?"

Ram clenched his jaw, the tension building. "If they can keep summoning more elite mages every time they perform this ritual, we're in serious trouble."

"We don't have any reinforcements," Liam added grimly. "But they can summon as many as they want. And why are there so many fire mages, all of them elite? Where are they coming from?"

With the new wave of elite mages reinforcing their numbers, the Half-Drows exuded even more confidence.

Their numbers had swelled, their power growing visibly as they prepared for the next wave of attacks.

The thought of facing so many elite mages was daunting.

Even the biomechanical soldiers, with their advanced firearms and mechanical enhancements, seemed at risk of being overwhelmed if the Half-Drows kept summoning more of their kind.

There is no chance that they can win if it's just the five of them, Ram's mind raced. "They're targeting the biomechanical soldiers, for now, at least for now, they don't seem to care about us."

"For the moment, we should be safe," Mai said, her mind racing with strategies. "But if we want to get out of here, we need a plan. We can't face all of them head-on, but if we can bait some of the fire mages separately, maybe we can take them down one by one."

"And if we're lucky, we might get return cards," Su Mu added, her voice calm but focused. "We need to get back out of here, and that's our best shot."

As they began planning how to bait and ambush the fire mages, Ram's mind wandered to a special cavemen tribe he had seen the day before.

This tribe was different from the rest. The members were taller, their features more refined, almost like a mix between cavemen and Half-Drows.

The leader of the tribe, in particular, had caught Ram's attention—although not powerful, its unusual ability piqued his interest.

The leader of that tribe had a special ability.

When Ram had first examined it with his Spiritual Eye, he didn't give much thought about it, but now if that skill can be used they don't need to worry about how to bait those half-Drows.

The ability was called Species Evolution Master, he still remembered the details clearly:

[ Species Evolution Master

Effect: Grants the leader and his subordinates a 1% increase in all attributes for every two subordinates of the same species within a 100-meter radius, up to a maximum of 50% for 60 seconds.

After every successful battle, there's a 15% chance that nearby subordinates or itselfe will gain evolution points and evolve, breaking their species limitations to undergo a species-specific mutation, resulting in stat increases or a new ability.]

Unlike the ordinary cavemen, this tribe had a leader capable of enhancing its entire group, and even more importantly, it had the potential to evolve after every victory.

If Ram could upgrade and control this caveman leader, it might give them a fighting chance.

It could rally the cavemen and use them to distract or even fight the Half-Drows while Ram and his team made their escape.

He never imagined that such a low-level species could awaken an ability with this much potential. If it wasn't for his Spiritual Eye, he might have overlooked this tribe entirely. Now, he had a plan.

"Mai," Ram said, his voice steady with a new determination. "I think I've found a way to even the odds. There's a special tribe of cavemen I saw yesterday."

"Their leader has a unique ability—the Species Evolution Master. If we can control them, we might be able to use the tribe as a distraction or even as reinforcements to help us escape."

Mai turned toward him, her sharp eyes narrowing even with such ability, she didn't think these cavemen could be much help in such a short time.

"A caveman tribe with an ability like that?" She considered the idea for a moment, then nodded. "If you can pull that off, it might give us some time, but controlling an entire tribe? That's risky."

"I know it's a long shot," Ram admitted, "but I think it's our best option. They've already proven they can summon reinforcements through that blood sacrifice ritual, and with that many fire mages, we won't last long in a direct fight. We need something to divert their attention."

Su Mu nodded, her expression calm but serious. "It's dangerous, but the longer we stay here, the worse our chances get. If you're sure about this, we should let you try."

Ram glanced at the others, his resolve firm. "I'll go alone. If I bring anyone else, it might draw too much attention."

"I have my wood spirits with me. Ling'er and Groot will cover me, and I'll be able to move quickly without exposing our position."

Mai frowned but didn't argue. "If that's what you think is best, go. But be careful. If anything happens, call for backup immediately."

Sid stepped forward, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure you want to go alone? It's risky out there."

Ram shook his head, he appreciated their concern, but he didn't want to expose his abilities to others, "The more people that go, the harder it'll be to stay undetected. I've got this. Just trust me."

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