Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 244

244 The rage of one who keeps it to themself brings a disaster

Most of the guards stopped as they witnessed Vincent grabbing the ball of fire, getting pushed back a meter, and holding the quickly extinguishing ball of fire as if was a simple burning object.



[Mana absorbed mutated into +1 Mana. Total Mana is 49 (9+40)]


Vincent threw the tiny ball of fire as if it was a small piece of burning wood. The previous dangerous fireball was shortly extinguished.

Vincent slammed his foot on the ground and lunged forward at the closest guard. Vincent glared at the guard and extended his finger. “Finger Shank!” He shouted.

The guard felt intimidated. He raised his shield and prepared to block the incoming attack. However, when the index finger covered by the mutated blood met with the shield, a small finger-sized dent bent deeper and deeper until the material couldn’t withstand the sheer force of one finger.

The shield got pierced, but the momentum didn’t die down. The shield was pushed against the metal chest armor, and the finger soon met with the last defense the guard had protecting his life. However, the metal armor took less time to surrender than the shield when it was met with Vincent’s mighty finger.


*Thud* The guard fell to his knees, barely alive, and life flashed before his eyes. After Vincent pulled out his finger with a swing, red blood splattered on the ground. The guard slammed headfirst and died a quick death that not even he expected.

Vincent killed a person for the first time in his entire life. After doing such deed, a person would at least contemplate or feel a strange mix of emotions depending on their personality.

However, Vincent didn’t have time to waste on such luxury feelings. Kazumi warned of an incoming attack by multiple people. He turned around and raised both arms to block.

*Clang* Multiple sparks flew in the air. Vincent smirked and pushed three blades with all his strength.

The three guards who failed the sneak attack became shocked. They didn’t think Vincent would notice their ambush, not after controlling their killing intent for a brief moment until their blade reached him.

Getting discovered, blocked, and pushed back by overwhelming strength startled them in utter confusion.

“How strong is this monster? My twenty strength added with you two should have been enough!” One the three said.

The guard forgot how he couldn’t use all his strength because the pressure made his body heavier, and his strength became less reactive. Thus, he couldn’t exert all his power. The same could be said for the other two guards.

“We can’t overpower this monster with strength nor with magic. His intense intent is also intimidating me. My hands are shaking, and they aren’t listening to me. This monster must have C Rank power or above!” The second one was quickly added.

“I’ll use the Capture Vail then. It was fortunate to leave a spare one on me.” The third guard took out a small vail and prepared to throw it at Vincent, but before he was about to make the throw...

*Rumble!* The ground suddenly trembled, and a rupturing sound as if the earth was about to split open sounded from underneath them.

[Something empowered by mana is rising from the ground! Get away from here!]

Kazumi warned.

Vincent hastily jumped back. A tendril shot from the ground. One of the guards got impaled and was lifted in the air by this mysterious tendril. Blood splattered, and the guard’s skin started to wither mysteriously.

Shortly, a red glowing object attached to a tendril shot up from the ground. It stopped extending until it reached four meters high. Following it were dozens of thick tendrils raising from the ground. They started gathering and collecting together.

Vincent took a few steps back while watching a gigantic humanoid figure made of thick vines form. A visible large red mushroom was growing inside its chest.

However, it didn’t remain visible for too long as the upper body became complete, and the red mushroom was encased in vines as if it was its heart. A moment later, a couple of tiny red mushrooms started appearing on the vines.

Lupa ran to Vincent after this mysterious vine monster made the appearance. “My mate, what is this thing?...” She asked. Her ears soon twitched, and she turned her gaze elsewhere. “My mate, I think my sisters are in trouble!” She exclaimed.

“I can find a way to fend for myself. Please go and see what’s happening to them. I am starting to worry after I heard Iris shouting and later the green light.” Vincent told Lupa to check on Ester and Iris.

Lupa unhesitantly trusted Vincent’s words and left immediately.

*Ester and Iris part*

A few minutes ago, Vincent, Ester, Lupa, and Iris arrived. They tied the horses with a tree and then started approaching the open area where they last fought for their lives.

Vincent asked Iris to go back and stay with the horses, but Lupa heard a woman’s screams before Iris could answer.

Lupa focused on her hearing and mentioned the discovery of multiple footsteps scattered all over the place. “I hear many steps that are heavier than goblins. I can hear more people than my fingers. My mate, we ambush?” She informed.

Vincent considered it to be the worst outcome. One which Kazumi tried her best to prepare for. A situation Vincent didn’t want Iris to see was most likely beyond the cluster of trees separating them.

“I will stay back with Iris. I will not let her go through this alone.” Ester decided.

“Elsir is just a durable blade at the moment... I can’t help if it’s against humans.” She added with a hint of sadness. Ester wanted to help both the two fighters and the emotional Iris.

Vincent and Lupa agreed with Ester’s determination to stay behind. “Iris, please wait for us to return. Please don’t take a peek at what’s happening beyond the trees. Iris, I don’t want you to have nightmares for weeks if... ” He said before leaving Ester and Iris behind.

However, as time passed, Vincent nor Lupa returned. Ester and Iris could only hear multiple people angrily shouting at Vincent and Lupa. The nervous Iris became deeply worried.

“Iris, follow me while I take a quick peek, but stay a meter or two behind so that you can’t see what’s happening.” Ester waved her hand and started to approach the exit of the cluster of trees.

“I know how it feels not to know what is happening and can’t watch. However, remember only to come and take a peek after I say so.” Said Ester as she almost arrived behind the cluster of trees blocking their sight. However, this action caused the start of a problem Ester never thought she would experience from Iris.

Iris didn’t stop a meter behind Ester. Instead, she tip-toed after Ester without making a sound. She was used to walking without making a sound.

Iris took a peek. The sight of the dead goblins piled on each other shook Iris to her core. It wasn’t too long ago that the dead goblins in her sight were those she knew all her life and those she secretly helped whenever they were sick.

The bodies of the goblins lying lifelessly on the ground made Iris feel sick. Her eyes were fortunate enough to never experience such brutality in her life.

But every blessing has a price to pay. Living a peaceful life of running away at the sight of humans or large animals now made this brutal scene more horrifying. Even the grizzly bears’ attack felt mild compared to the twelve guards’ despicable playful actions.

Iris felt strange. Her heart raced, and her blood boiled by a feeling she had barely felt in her entire life. Iris felt anger and deep hatred more than she could withhold.

Iris saw a guard step on a stick. He annoyingly kicked it on the pile of goblin corpses and hurried toward Lupa to try to land an attack. He couldn’t even graze her skirt.

A few bodies rolled and fell. Iris noticed two pieces of cloth in the hands of a goblin. She knew pretty well who they belonged to since Ester only handed two pieces of before they left. All of the goblin’s possessions were made of nature, with grass or sticks.

Iris recalled the two goblin children rascals excitedly wearing them around their necks and trying to imitate her. She even heard their parents scold them for not sleeping.

Iris couldn’t hold the anger building up any longer. All the timidness she had shattered like a glass cup. Iris snapped, and tears of rage couldn’t stop overflowing.

“NOOOO!” Iris angrily shouted. A powerful murderous intent blasted from her body and traveled with her loud shout.

Overload immediately activated after most of her entire being wanted to kill the private guards who created the horrible sight. Not to kill an animal, not to kill an insect, but to kill the very humans she feared the most.

Ester became shocked after hearing Iris shout loudly and feeling a shiver down her spine. She turned her head and was startled when she saw Iris beside her.

A green light illuminated their surroundings. Ester saw Iris with a pair of radiant green eyes and the jewel-like horn shining brighter than her eyes.

“I understand, Iris, but we have to leave it to Vincent, Kazumi, and Lupa.” Ester tried to calm Iris down before the situation escalated. Ester feared she was about to have another Overload Vincent in her hands.

Additionally, Ester believed that she couldn’t protect Iris and herself against humans that could be stronger or more experienced in combat than her.

A human as an enemy is far different than a Demonic Beast, giant ants, or towering bears.

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