Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 123: Chapter 123: A New Target (Part 5)

After saying that to Don, Sylvia quickly turned away and peeked out of the fitting room. Seeing the coast was clear, she reached out to grab a still-confused Summer's hand before pulling her out, whispering urgtly, "Come on, let's go. Coast is clear."

Don found himself alone in the dressing room once again and quickly pulled up his underwear, his mind spinning. 'Well, that wasn't awkward at all,' he thought sarcastically, the reality of what had just happed settling in.

As the post-nut clarity washed over him, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake. He quickly shook his head, dismissing the thought. 'What's done is done.' He looked over at the pile of clothes he still had to try on and thought, 'Glad I didn't cum this way.'

Meanwhile, outside the fitting room, Summer, still in disbelief over what had just happed, hit Sylvia on the shoulder and whispered harshly, "What the hell was that?"

Sylvia put on a playfully innoct expression and shrugged. "I was just helping, Summer. You don't need to thank me."

"Thank you?!" Summer hissed in an outraged but low tone, trying to avoid drawing Don's atttion. She felt mortified just standing near the fitting room where everything had occurred. Locking hands with Sylvia, she quickly pulled her frid away from the sce, whispering, "Come on, let's go."

Inside the fitting room, Don had be listing to their conversation the tire time, his hanced hearing making it impossible to miss. 'Summer sounds more embarrassed than angry,' he guessed, feeling relieved that she wasn't likely to tell anyone.

But Sylvia… Sylvia was unpredictable, and that made her dangerous. He knew he'd have to keep an eye on her, maybe ev look into her backg. 'She's definitely strange,' he concluded, shaking his head at the thought.

Minutes passed, and the store clerk evtually returned, looking a with a puzzled expression. "They're not in the bathroom," she said, slightly confused. "Maybe they stepped out wh I wasn't looking."

Don, already still trying out outfits, gave her a quick reply. "Alright, no problem."

The clerk's gaze shifted to the fitting room with a hint of suspicion. She convinced herself that she needed to check for the sake of store policy and quietly moved the curtain aside, just a little. She managed to catch a glimpse of Don as he was taking off his shirt, alone in the fitting room. Her cheeks immediately flushed red, and she quickly pulled away, clearing her throat nervously.

"Call for me if you need anything else," she said before hastily leaving.

Don, who had heard the subtle shuffle of her feet and the slight movemt of the curtain, shook his head in mild amusemt. 'People in this world are definitely more perverted than in mine.' He thought as he finished changing, th gathered the clothes he had decided to purchase.

Meanwhile, in one of the many bathrooms at the mall, Summer and Sylvia were in one of the stalls, with Summer sitting on the toilet, the seat down, as she vted her frustrations.

"That was super weird, Sylvia! And with me there too, what the actual fuck!" Summer exclaimed, her voice hushed but intse.

Leaning against the stall door, Sylvia maintained her calm demeanor and ev had a slight smirk on her lips. "I've be wondering what a real dick feels like, so I just thought, why not?" She paused, her expression softing slightly. "Plus, I wanted you to be there with me wh I did it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have felt safe. Your brother also seemed like a good guy, sooo please don't hate me."

Summer sighed, her face still flushed with embarrassmt. "I don't hate you, but you could've at least warned me."

Sylvia rolled her eyes, her voice full of sarcasm. "Sure, imagine me coming to you and saying, 'Hey Summer, I want to taste dick, but I need you there because I'm a big scaredy-cat.'"

Despite herself, Summer couldn't help but laugh a little. "And your plan was better?"

Sylvia groaned. "Don't remind me. I followed a script from a porno, thinking it would work if I just wt with it. Your brother probably thinks I'm a slut."

Summer looked at her frid with a small, amused smile. "Well, what did you expect after… you know, doing that in front of me?"

Sylvia rolled her eyes again, but this time with a hint of self-deprecation. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"

Summer shrugged, still smiling. "Sooo… awkward question… how did it feel?"

For the next t minutes, Sylvia described her experice in more detail than Summer had expected—or wanted, really. Despite her embarrassmt, she couldn't dy a certain morbid curiosity.

Just as they were finishing their conversation, Summer's phone buzzed. She checked it to find a from Don: *I'm ready to go. You coming along?*

Summer frowned, showing the message to Sylvia. "How can he be so casual after what just happed?"

Sylvia shrugged, offering a nonchalant explanation. "Guys are simple creatures, or so my mom says."

Summer shook her head, still processing everything. "That jerk couldn't ev apologize for getting some of his… gunk on me. The ride home is gonna be so awkward."

Sylvia laughed. "Don't stress. I'll be right there with you. Unless you want to get an Ober?"

Summer sighed, deciding against it. "No, it's fine. Let's just go."

As they exited the stall, they nearly bumped into a janitor who was just walking in. The man quickly apologized, looking startled. "Sorry, didn't think anyone was in here."

Sylvia flashed him a smile. "No worries, we were just leaving."

Both girls washed their hands quickly and exited the wom's restroom. As they left, the janitor headed straight into the stall they had just vacated. Closing the door behind him, he took a deep sniff of the air, his eyes fluttering in pleasure as he muttered to himself, "Smells very moist." With a creepy grin, he quickly undid his pants, ready to gage in a differt kind of work.

However, his momt of twisted satisfaction was short-lived. Another janitor, a stockier man with a bald head, walked into the wom's room a momt later. He froze as he heard the sounds coming from the stall. "Steve, are you kidding me? We talked about this!" he shouted in exasperation.

Meanwhile, Summer and Sylvia, oblivious to what was happing behind them, walked briskly back to the store, ready to rejoin Don and put the whole awkward experice behind them… hopefully.

Don, already dressed and ready, was waiting by the counter with his selected clothes in hand, his expression neutral but his thoughts busy.

The girls approached him, and he turned to them with a calm smile, pretding as though nothing out of the ordinary had happed.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

Summer gave him a reluctant nod, avoiding eye contact, while Sylvia just smiled, her expression as cheerful as ever.

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