Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Quality Time (Part 3)

After agreeing to the bet, Summer turned back to the fridge and scanned the shelves for more snacks. "Help me carry these," she instructed in a tone that was a mix of commanding and nervousness.

Don smirked, deciding to tease her, "Still that hungry?"

Summer shot him a glare, her cheeks puffing slightly in annoyance. "Just grab the snacks."

He shrugged, raising his hands in surrder. "Fine, fine, I'm just joking." He picked up a couple of bags of chips and a bowl of leftover food from earlier, following Summer's lead as they ascded the stairs.

As they walked up the steps, Don's gaze couldn't help but drift downwards, taking in the way Summer's panties hugged her ass and curves with each step. Her behind wasn't the largest, but it was undiably plump and ticing, swaying subtly as she moved. 'Not bad,' he thought to himself, his eyes lingering for just a momt longer before he quickly averted them, focusing on the task at hand.

Wh they reached Summer's room, she pushed the door op with her shoulder, revealing the familiar setting. The room was almost completely dark, save for the soft glow of her laptop perched on the bed, casting a bluish light across the space.

Summer set the snacks on one of the nightstands and began rearranging the pillows on her bed, creating a cozy setup for their movie-watching session.

"Put the snacks over there," she instructed, her voice a bit softer now, as if the earlier bravado was starting to fade. Don could sse her nervousness, though she tried to mask it with nonchalance. He placed the snacks where she indicated and th watched as she adjusted the pillows.

"Well, come on," Summer finally said, though her tone lacked the usual bite. It was clear she was still grappling with the awkwardness of the fitting room incidt, an image that she couldn't seem to shake no matter how much she tried to focus on something else.

Don, on the other hand, knew that the best way to diffuse the tsion was to act completely normal. Teasing her, joking at her expse, and pretding nothing out of the ordinary had happed was his strategy, and it was working. He could tell that while Summer was still affected and his casual demeanor was helping her relax—at least a little.

"Nice setup you've got here," Don commted, taking in the sce as he made his way to one side of the bed, where he laid down with his back against the headboard.

Summer, still flustered, laid down on the other side, but the positioning of the laptop wasn't ideal for both of them to see the scre comfortably. She fidgeted slightly, unsure of how to remedy the situation without making it ev more awkward.

Ssing her hesitation, Don saw an opportunity to close the gap betwe them. "Hey, how about you put the laptop on one side so we can both sit on the same side and watch? Or, we could put it at the edge of the bed and lay down while we watch. It's not a big deal."

Summer hesitated, her mind a mess. 'Why doesn't he feel awkward about what happed?' she thought, frustrated. 'And why is he being so casual about this?' She tried to think of a retort but came up blank, her brain too muddled by the proximity and the situation.

Don, seeing her internal struggle, decided to push a little further. "What's the matter, Summer? Never watched a movie with someone before?" His tone was playful, but he knew exactly what he was doing.

Summer's face flushed with embarrassmt, and she quickly snapped back, "Of course I have! I just…" She trailed off, unable to finish the stce as she thought, 'Why is he so impossible?'

"Just what?" Don pressed, keeping his tone light and teasing still.

"Nothing," Summer huffed, crossing her arms before giving in. "Fine, we'll do it your way. I don't care."

Don smirked as she reluctantly agreed, and they repositioned the laptop so it was easier to watch.

With the new setup, they ded up much closer than before, lying side by side on the bed, with Summer's back almost touching Don's chest, creating an almost spooning position without the actual physical contact. Despite the awkwardness Summer felt, it was comfortable, and Don could feel her warmth radiating from just inches away.

Summer scrolled through her streaming service, muttering, "We'll start from the first movie so you're not lost."

Don chuckled. "I'm sure I'll manage."

Summer clicked play, and the horror movie titled *"The Haunting of Ashwood Manor"* began.

The oping sces unfolded with an ominous atmosphere. Shadows moved in eerie ways, and the music was filled with unsettling notes that seemed to creep under the skin.

Don leaned back against the headboard, casually glancing at Summer every now and th. He noticed her slight twitch whever a particularly creepy sce occurred, though she remained outwardly composed. With a smirk, he teased her, "You better not be closing your eyes."

Summer scoffed, though her voice lacked conviction. "I'm not. If anyone's going to do that, it's you."

Don chuckled, not pressing the issue further. They continued watching, the tsion in the movie building as the ghostly apparitions in the story began to appear more frequtly.

Summer was doing her best to stay cool, but Don could tell she was more affected than she let on. Her flinches became slightly more pronounced, especially during the jump scares.

As the first movie wrapped up and they moved into the second, *"The Curse of Ashwood Manor,"* Summer's façade started to crack. She hadn't se this one before, and it showed.

Her body was visibly more tse, her eyes wide as she gripped the blanket tightly. The room was dark, save for the glow of the laptop, and every shadow seemed more macing in the dim light.

A particularly chilling sce played out on the scre—a ghostly figure suddly lunged at the camera with a piercing scream. Summer jolted up in fear, her hand instinctively grabbing onto Don's.

Seizing the opportunity, Don wrapped his free arm a her, pulling her closer. His hand rested just below her chest, the warmth of his body against her back providing a sse of comfort amidst the terror she felt.

But as he did this, he teased, "Someone's scared."

Summer, clearly embarrassed, quickly responded, "I'm not! I just thought I felt something." But despite her protest, she didn't pull away. In fact, she snuggled a bit more into Don, seeking the security of his presce without admitting it.

Don, ssing her comfort, decided not to push his luck too far. He simply said, "If you say so," and left it at that. After a brief pause, he added in a cryptic tone, "If you really watched movies with others before, you'd know the secret to not getting scared."

Summer's curiosity was piqued. "I'm not scared," she reiterated, "but… what's the secret?"

Don smirked, leaning in slightly as he whispered, "Shush, keep watching."

The movie continued, and the tsion rose again. Another jump scare hit the scre, and Summer jolted once more. This time, Don used his hand to gtly rub her tummy, his touch light and reassuring. "Careful, or you'll knock down the laptop," he murmured.

Summer, too embarrassed to retort, simply shifted closer to him, her back pressing firmly against his chest and her ass against his crotch. The warmth of their bodies made the proximity more intimate than either of them expected.

"Like this?" she asked, her voice soft.

Don smiled, knowing he was testing the waters. He decided to be a bit bold and moved his hand from just below her chest to her waist, slipping it under her shirt. His fingers brushed against her bare skin, the touch warm and slightly daring. "Yep, now play the movie."

To his surprise, Summer didn't protest. She didn't pull away or tell him to stop. Instead, she seemed to relax ev more into him, her body molding to his as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

As the movie continued, Don began to subtly massage the soft skin of her tummy and sides, his touch gtle and exploratory.

Summer didn't react as he expected. Rather than tsing up or telling him to stop, she began to shift slightly against him, her body language op and accepting. This unexpected turn of evts made Don pause and think. 'Should I take it further?'

As much as he was tempted to push the boundaries further, he knew there was a fine line he couldn't cross—at least, not yet. 'Summer is still my sister,' he reminded himself, the thought ging him in reality.

He couldn't treat her like just any other girl he'd bring over. The stakes were higher, and the consequces far more severe if he wt too far too fast.

But the incidt in the fitting room had be a start, an unexpected oping he hadn't anticipated. 'I just need to get her into more situations like that,' he thought, where the line betwe sibling and something more could blur just ough to make future steps feel more natural, less forced.

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