Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Chapter 158 Guests

The majority of the 30 Tier-1 Summons had a higher star rating.

Higher star ratings indicated better potential, which made it much easier to break through the barrier separating the Tiers. 

That was also why the Nature Spirit and all 3-Star Subjects advanced to Tier-1 even though they had been summoned only recently.

Other than that, many Combat Summons had advanced to Tier-1 thanks to the support granted by external means, and the energy influx they obtained from killing Monsters.

Michael didn't venture out to hunt often, but his War Rune had also reached the low refinement degree of the 1st Tier by now. The soul share he received from his subjects was quite high, after all.

Even though his territory had grown much stronger than before, it opened a lot of opportunities for them to explore. In fact, it was because of the strength they gained that they had a lot more things to do.

One of the tasks they could focus on now that they had grown much stronger was the conquest of the lizard cave. 

But before they started working on it, Michael had to look after a few more administrative tasks. He had summoned 750 Summons, who had to be introduced to the territory and help them settle down. Their helping hands had to be distributed according to their past lives work experience, and they had to be given a place to sleep.

They required nourishing meals, enough water, clothes, and the wish to support their Lord and territory. By planting a seed of desire in their hearts, Michael could ensure that his subjects would work hard to maintain the basic living conditions they'd been granted upon being summoned and would strive to upgrade their living conditions to a higher level.

Michael knew that not everyone would selflessly sacrifice their time and effort to work tirelessly for their Lord and territory. Thus, he provided new summons with a basic package or more of a welcome kit to ensure their survival. They would survive in his territory even if they wouldn't work hard. After all, Michael gained something from their sheer existence; their Link of Loyalty strengthened his Soultraits.

To gain a higher level of treatment, which included a home, better food, more sets of clothes, and the chance to take a glimpse at the neutral energy absorption technique [Pandemonium's Requiem] the subjects had to work hard. Starless Summons would be distributed tasks evenly and given work somewhere inside the territory.

Meanwhile, 1-Star Summons and Summons with a higher star rating would pursue their occupation and strive toward helping their Lord and territory while becoming more adept at their occupation.

There were even higher perks, but they could only be attained by having an increasingly firm Link of Loyalty, and by meeting certain conditions.

As long as they fulfilled the above criteria, they're given energy pills, better resources, tools, and equipment, and full access to copies of [Sacred Rectification] and [Pandemonium's Requiem].

It was necessary to implement different levels of benefits offered at this point in the territory's progress. His territory's population expanded rapidly, and it was not possible to distribute all the resources uniformly among his subjects. In the first place, not every Summon was in dire need of energy pills, forging blueprints, books related to forging, concocting, enchanting, carpentry, and so on.

Michael also noticed that some Starless Summons had grown lazy. Before implementing the new reward system, everyone received the same opportunities whether they worked tirelessly for their Lord and territory, or if they didn't do anything. It didn't really matter before. That resulted in increased laziness and slacking around. Not everyone loved to support their Lord wholeheartedly.

It was understandable.

However, Michael couldn't accept that lazy subjects received the same benefits and perks as hard-working subjects. Thus, the new system was implemented, allowing the lazy slackers to survive and sleep in a slightly crowded space, and eat ordinary, but filling food.

After the new system was implemented, a portion of the lazy slackers began to work harder again. Not everyone did their best, but the situation improved considerably.

Slowly but steadily, everything in the territory seemed to be working out.

There was no news about the three Lionhearts, who had been tasked with the Senator's secret mission, either. 

Michael finally felt like he wasn't surrounded by trouble all the time. The last two weeks had been quite enjoyable, peaceful, and very beneficial.

At last, Michael perfected the Berserker Physique's first stage. He had yet to complete the second stage and finish the Berserker Physique for good, but Michael was not in a hurry. Rushing through the second stage wouldn't help him in any way. Slow and meticulous work was far more important when it came to the refinement of the body. Everything had to be perfect, after all if he did not want to injure himself.

Michael could have switched to the Sacred Rectification technique now that he finished the Berserker Physique's first stage. However, he didn't want to change mid-way – even if it was possible to do so using Sacred Rectification. Switching to new techniques whenever something with higher potential appeared wasn't good. Michael would rather finish one process after another to minimize risk and ensure the best performance.

"What should I do now?" Michael murmured to himself as he went through his mental to-do list.

There was a lot to do, but nothing that put him in a tight spot. He wasn't pressed on time anymore which was quite a relief.

Unfortunately, his joy didn't last long.

The moment he saw Little Rabbit, the young Demi-human from the Speedster Rabbitfolk barge through the thicket of bushes, he knew that something was wrong.

Little Rabbit looked distressed as she charged straight at him. She was so fast that Michael thought Little Rabbit might have advanced to the 2nd Tier. Of course, that was not the case. She was just in stress, which resulted in her racial trait activating itself naturally.

"Lord, you have to see this!!" Little Rabbit shouted loudly.

She could barely slow down to prevent crashing into Michael and skidded to a halt inches away from him.

"Did you guys find something? Is it a Tier-2 Monster?" Michael asked, without feeling too worried.

After working tirelessly on the conquest of the lizard cavern, Michael and his people came up with various ways to separate Tier-2 Monster groups and how to kill them. He could keep his calm in front of her. After all, he was confident enough to say that they had grown strong enough to win against the Blood-eyed Minotaur without a single casualty if the attack were to happen now. 

That was how strong they had grown. Another encounter with a Monster like the Blood-eyed Minotaur wouldn't end in a humiliating defeat this time!

However, Little Rabbit shook her head, "There is no monster, my Lord!" 


"We found a group of Forest Elves!" Little Rabbit added, her voice filled with concern.

"Forest Elves? Do you mean the EmeraldLeaf Adventurer Team?" Michael asked, slightly confused. Tiara and Blaire knew about the EmeraldLeaf team, and that they were the only Forest Elves nearby.

"Why didn't you guys bring them over? They're not our allies, but the EmeraldLeaf Adventurer team is not our enemy either," Michael said lightly. He was not too bothered about hiding the territory's progress from the EmeraldLeaf Adventurer team.

However, Little Rabbit didn't seem to be convinced. No, the conviction was not the problem.

"My Lord…that might be a little bit difficult…" She began to speak, only to shut her mouth when she saw the darkness deep inside Michael's eyes.

He looked straight into her eyes, causing Little Rabbit to lose the ability to speak for a moment.

"They've been poisoned, and it looks like they were pursued. Tiara and the others weren't sure what to do with them…" Little Rabbit revealed at last.

"Pursued? So, they brought guests?" Michael asked, which Little Rabbit affirmed with a faint nod.

"Then let's welcome our guests!"

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