Supreme Lord Shapeshifter

Chapter 127: Smart And Brave Woman

Chapter 127: Smart And Brave Woman

Martin's slight smile and his look at her slightly scared Leila. The basis of this fear was not due to "perversion" and a similar situation in any way.

It is just that the eye and aura Martin had enough to scare her.

The experienced, Levoq, captain of the group began to think after noticing the situation.

He didn't know why that dangerous man and the Leila looking at each other. All he could do was warn Leila.

"Leila, look at me ! I warned you not to look at that dangerous man."

Leila, along with the words of Levoq, took a big deep breath and drank the beer glass that was standing on her table.


Martin, after the woman started drinking he took his eyes off her and began to think.

"I've never seen anyone connected to the clan I have until now. I wonder if she knows how deep the clan she has."

That's what Martin thought. Because there was something important and key.

Shapeshifter was born with certain creatures and because of the clan, they had never changed.

They could only evolve into certain different classes or improve their already existing shapeshifting creature.

In short, although the woman he saw seemed to have less of a connection than himself, Martin could change the clan he belongs by using the market system provided him.

He could have different clans at the same time.

But the girl opposite was born to the Hearth Clan as a real person.

The system says the Hearth Clan served as the side layer of the Black Hearth Clan.


At that point, Martin spoke to the bartender and asked him for a beer.

The bartender was a middle-aged man, and after making a confirmation sign with his head without saying anything, after putting yellow sparkling beer in a large cup of wood - he handed it out to Martin.

Martin, after taking the glass, began walking to the group's table.

He knew the level of each one.

Even if he didn't turn into a creature, he could easily kill each one because of the passive abilities he possessed.


Leila was the first one the realize that dangerous man saw them. Levoq breathed a slightly deep breath.

At that time, Martin pulled a seat and started talking after sitting at their table.

"How are you, my friends? Are you having fun?"

Martin's tone was simple and full. But he put his voice a small layer of authoritative tone to not look weak.

Leila and the other group members looked at each other. Levaq was going to leave the table, and suddenly he felt evil energy towards himself.

At the same time, he felt the eyes of the man sitting next to them. At that point, Martin spoke.

I asked you, people a question."

These words weren't said like previous words. The words that the man said right now directly contained "threat".

Each of them could feel that the man in front of them was much stronger than they were. It wasn't just them who felt it.

Others who also found the inn knew that even the energy that Martin had emitted - he was stronger than them.

Leila answered at the time.

"Nothing different is happening."

Martin smiled after Leila replied. Then he reached out his hand to the girl lightly and started talking.

"My name is Martin, I'm glad to meet."

Leila thought about it for a few seconds.

After a little hesitation, she gathered her courage and responded after Martin held her hand.

"I'm Leila, why do you want to sit next to us?"

Leila asked why he came to them and sat next to them when Martin shook her hand. Martin answered without stopping smiling.

"I wanted to come when I saw you, someone who looked like me. Is that a problem for you?"

Martin's words were polite.

But the way he said and the tone of his voice showed his true intentions.

Although he had no ill intention sourcing against Leila and the group, he was using a menacing tone to show that he was dominant.

Other members of the group were watching Leila and Martin speak. None of them could say anything.

Each one of them was scared. The smell of blood on Martin was coming to their noses.

Leila started talking after a little more courage.

"I don't think I or my friends have much in common with you."


Martin replied after a slight laugh. Martin wasn't much of a talker under normal circumstances.

But he was having fun talking to the girl in front of him right now. Despite her weak power, she bravely responded to himself.

"You shouldn't think so, we're both connected to "Hearth."

Martin, when he spoke, specifically made a glimpse of the "Hearth" section.

Except for Leila, no one understood what Martin meant. Leila, who understood what Martin meant, raised her eyebrows seriously.

Her pupils grew up and she began to breathe quickly.

Realizing their friends were in a strange situation, other members of the group wanted to say something and ask why.

But Martin's energy was spread around.

They are not going to talk and draw any attention.

Leila, on the other hand, was starting to panic.

"No one understood that I was connected to the Hearth Clan. But how did this man understand that?"

Leila didn't know what to say. Besides, she was in a state of panic. She was thrilled.

Even the powerful Peak Lord Level teachers she trained with did not understand which clan she was in.

When Leila focused, she could only see a heart sign. The first thing that man named Martin came up with in front of her was that he knew about this clan.

Leila took a deep breath and calmed herself down, and after calming herself down, she looked into Martin's eyes and started talking.

"Can we have a private conversation?"

Both Martin and the group members were not expecting those words. The reason the group members didn't wait - because they knew their friend Leila's character.

Martin was impressed by the intelligence and courage of the girl in front of him. But after a while, he realized it was normal.

After all, even if she didn't want to talk to her, the worst he can do knock out her and keep him captive.

The girl in front of him must have understood that because she was smart.

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