Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104

Ruin’s World

“That sounds lame. Why didn’t you add my name?!” Xiaoshuai vociferated.

Rumble! The ground suddenly shook underneath them as Mu Yu reached for something to shut Xiaoshuai up with. The gargantuan broadsword repaired itself and swung down on him. Mu Yu flew out of the titan’s active range and then stopped.

“Guess it’s not possible to camp a spot.”

If participants wanted to leave via the teleportation formation, they had cross swords with the guardian. In Mu Yu’s case, that was the red titan.

Continuing to move, Mu Yu noted, “This place must’ve once flourished judging from the rubble of buildings that once stood. All of their designs are different to what we see at Third Heaven. Unfortunately, there’s no telling what they once were. Xiaoshuai, do you recognise any of them?”

Peering back at the city with an area of hundreds of square kilometres and around it, Xiaoshuai questioned, “Don’t you reckon it resembles Second Heaven?”

“No. All the buildings at Second Heaven don’t exist anymore. Besides, there are no Ascension Realm fiend beasts, while the energy protecting these ruins are Apotheosis Realm energy. You saw how I couldn’t break a rock.”

“You think it could be Fourth Heaven, Fifth Heaven or something?”

Mu Yu took a detour around a guarded temple that was hanging off snapped pillars. “If it is another world, why did Ultimate Immortals Monument teleport us here? What are we being tested on, survival skills in the wilderness?”

“Roar!” The clouds overhead fled as the ground quaked.

“Whoever that was doesn’t sound happy.” Mu Yu rushed to the source of the sound, stopping on the second mountain peak he came to.

Hot on a Body Synthesis Realm cultivator’s trail was a mammoth of a black dragon, white ribs and empty insides on display despite its back scales and two twin horns remaining glossy black. The extremely long golden arrow going through one of its eyes and out the other side of its head was clearly lethal, but not in this world.

The cultivator in orange started screaming once the dragon barricaded him from reaching the teleportation formation with its dragon breath. Alas, the dragon absorbed his blood moments later, when his harrowing cries turned o silence.

“Is it killing people to restore its body?” Mu Yu uttered, watching a scale regrow on the dragon’s exposed bones.

“Most likely. His fault for pissing off the dragon. I bet Big Earthworm would be lashing out at the dragon for being a bootleg if he was here,” responded Xiaoshuai.

“Oi, oi, oi, why is it swinging its tail this way? Don’t tell me it can see through my concealment!”

Mu Yu sped off, thinking he could avoid a confrontation. He realised he was dead wrong when the dragon did not let up after thousands of kilometres, compelling Mu Yu to stop and equip Shadow Splitter Sword. “You asked for it, buddy.”


“This dragon is pretty tough,” Xiaoshuai commented after Mu Yu and the dragon fought to a draw.

Noticing danger encroaching, Mu Yu zipped down, a strand of hair getting caught in a white beam of energy. The black dragon flitted past Mu Yu’s shoulder, grazing off a chunk of clothing. Had Mu Yu not teleported himself to the dragon’s left in time, he would have lost an arm, as well. Xiaoshuai was almost tagged if he did not slip into Mu Yu’s shirt in a timely manner.

“Tsk, tsk, close call, huh?”

“Underhanded-cheating-shameless freak!” Xiaoshuai popped out of Mu Yu’s shirt to cuss.

The soul race member replied, “All is fair in war.”

“Which bug are you?”

“I’m Han Xiangluan” answered rank five. “Ready to die?”

“Why don’t you just call yourself the chatterbox race?” Mu Yu palmed his face derisively.

Neither side initiated for the black dragon would give either of them grief. Whoever had the black dragon’s support would have had an overwhelming advantage over their opponent, after all.

“Haha, hahaha, who do you reckon the black dragon will help Mu Yu.” Han Xiangluan released the strong stench of blood in his hand, whetting the dragon’s appetite with an irresistible aroma. The dragon trained its red eyes intently on Han Xiangluan. “Team up with me to kill him, and this flesh is yours.”

The dragon pledged its allegiance with a howl and then cast its red eyes onto Mu Yu.

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