Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 51: Be together forever

Chapter 51: Be together forever

Hearing her words, Yue Bin and Qin stayed silent. But Qiao Fu didn't stop there. She continued "I don't love Qin. He can leave me now or after removing the restriction. But, I want to change, not for him, but for myself."

"If I can use my body, then why not? Do you think I don't have dreams or goals? It's just that I never got a chance to chase them. My body only wanted pleasure and more pleasure. That's why I almost forgot about my dreams."

At this moment, Qiao Fu looked at Qin and asked "Do you still remember those four maids?"

Qin nodded and Qiao Fu continued "I want to create the strongest information power in the world. Hehe! When I was small, I love listening to gossip. And then, I got an idea to establish an information power in the world."

"Of course, this only remain stagnant since I couldn't control my body. Now, I have a certain chance. I can't just stop sex, no, I can never stop it. But, I want to make sure that my body listens to me so that I can use others for my advantage."

"This is why I said I will never sell out your information. Because there are secrets that I do not wish to share. I might be a slut but I respect people. If they help me, I will help them. My biggest regret in life was putting my whole family at risk. That's why I never came out for five years."

"Because I am the only Origin Law cultivator from Qiao Family. With my current status, even if it is my enemy, I won't hesitate to let his cock enter mine especially after waiting for five years. But, I also know that I can kill them before doing this."

"And, they also know that. That's why Origin Law Cultivators won't attack my family. And, I have some Revolving Core Realm maids protecting my family. You just started this journey so let me enlighten you about something."

"There are two kinds of powerhouses. One is genius and another is normal. If it is a genius, then if you kill his son or any other family members, he will be blinded by the revenge. And, if it is the normal powerhouse, then he will not make enemy with others."

"Former doesn't understand the pain of cultivation. Latter has gone through several tribulations and pain to reach that state. Your enemy, the sect master of Battle Dragon Sect is the former one. So, be careful about this."

"And, this also applies to the younger generation. But, there is another addition. I haven't seen many but they do exist, and the prime example would be you. You are a genius, but you are not arrogant. Because your goal is so high that nothing in this world can blind your vision."

After speaking, Qiao Fu turned her head at Yue Bin and said "So, Miss Yue, don't worry about anything. I will not steal your husband but there are certain things in the world that aren't with your grasp. Let me give you a piece of advice."

"Your husband is amazing. He is going to have a lot of sex with me and I am going to train him a lot. And, he is going to improve. In the future, there were be fewer than a few females who can resist him after one night in bed. Of course, even if you don't count this."

"Your husband is a sacred genius and once he truly displays his strength, many girls will kneel in front of him. Girls aren't stupid. If they can find a good manner and talented person like him, they won't wait for him to make a move."

"Remember, love is something that can happen in a matter of seconds. So, if you don't want your position as his first love to get threatened, train hard. If you don't train hard, you will be left to the dust while he will chase the stars."

Saying so, she turned around and walked while swaying that ass. Hearing her words, Yue Bin remained silent. At this moment, Qin patted her head "I know I have disappointed you and all I can say is sorry. But, you don't need to feel frustrated. Nobody can threaten your position in my heart. You are and always will be my first love."

But, Yue Bin threw away his hands and shook her head "No, you don't understand. She is right. You are too good. In just a few weeks, you are already sprinting into Qi Condensation Realm while I spent two years for this."

"Our difference is huge and I don't want to leave behind."

At this moment, Yue Bin suddenly wrapped her hands around him and stared at his eyes.

"After you reach Qi Condensation Realm, let's dual cultivate!"

When Qin heard her words, his eyes narrowed. He didn't understand why she would suggest dual cultivate. But, at this moment, Yue Bin's eyes flashed with sadness as she murmured "I am not talented. All I have is Dragon Battle Body and it doesn't help me match your speed."

"I know I disappointed you but please dual cultivate with me. Please make me stronger!"

At this moment, she fell on his embrace and tightly held her. Qin smiled and patted her head.

"You didn't disappoint me. If you can accept your weakness and find a way to improve it, then I can never be disappointed. Don't worry, I will dual cultivate with you, every time you want."

"And, in the future, we will try to find something better for you. I also don't want you to lose to anyone. I don't want you to feel that you are holding me back. Because as I much as I hate to admit it, if you can't keep, you will be left in the dust."

"I want to hold your hands in every place we visit. I want you to be with me whenever I fight. But, if you feel you can't continue, you can't work hard, then you can give. I will never leave you. Pills, talisman, sword energy, the stronger I get, better these things will be and I will them for you."

But, suddenly Yue Bin placed her finger at his mouth and shook her head.

"I won't give up. I never will. So, please have faith in me. I will share every moment of my life with you."

At this moment, Qin couldn't help but giggle in his heart. Yes, he didn't want to help her at every stage. But, he didn't want to leave her as well. If she hadn't answered that, he would be disappointed but he will still help her.

For a moment, they stayed in each other's embrace. After that, Yue Bin left his embrace and said "For now, you don't have to worry about anything. You can easily practice until a month and participate in Outer-Court Competition. Once you win, you can enter the Inner-Court."

"But remember, you won't able to escape from missions in Inner Court. Because you would need a lot of contribution points. Of course, if you don't need it, you don't need to do those missions. But, I need to finish some missions and use those cultivation points to enter Enlightenment Room."

Hearing her words, Qin suddenly remembered his comprehension of Wind Element. Didn't his dual cultivation help him comprehend Wind Element to perfection? But, why didn't it trigger when he was doing it with Yue Bin.

This made Qin fall into deep thought. After a few moments, he suddenly remembered a major difference. It was an amount of cum. Qiao Fu was literally cumming every second while Yue Bin only came a few times. Suddenly, he thought of asking Qiao Fu for that technique.

But, he soon gave up. Because he still remembered he can also make Yue Bin cum a lot. It's just that he has to work hard.

"Qin Qin!" Yue Bin started calling him but when he didn't listen, she shouted at his ears.

"Yeah! Sorry, I was thinking for something." Qin apologized as soon as he came to reality.

Yue Bin looked at him with surprise and asked "What were you thinking?"

Hearing her question, Qin smiled and said "You will find it once you come back after the mission. I have a surprise for you."

Qin didn't reveal it rather thought of it revealing it during dual cultivation. Seeing his mysterious smile, she narrowed her eyes and tried to find the clues. Unfortunately, she gave up and walked out of the mysterious space.

After that, she left his room and went to the inner court. While Qin started merging the body tempering past and healing paste in the large bucket of water. After merging them, he went inside the bucket and held the Lightning Essence Stone. It was purple in color.

He held it and broke it inside the water. As soon as he broke, the small sparks of lightning burst out around him. These were small so he didn't get any injuries but when those small sparks merged with this new solution, a powerful bolt of lightning struck his body.


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