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3 months ago
After fulfilling the duty all arch necromancers are tasked with, Sylver Sezari was not expecting to... Read more After fulfilling the duty all arch necromancers are tasked with, Sylver Sezari was not expecting to ever wake up again.But he did.And after crawling his way back into the land of the living, he’s alive once again. In a strange land, a strange time, and with a strange floating screen in front of his new face.Either through plan or chance, he’s alive again, and planning to enjoy himself to his heart’s content.***— The story isn’t grimdark, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. There will be lighthearted and positive moments, as well as some sad ones. That being said, it’s a whole lot more light than dark.— This is a LITRPG story.Chapters are published every 2 days at 21:00 GMT.Author’s note:— It can get very GORY. I’m somewhat desensitized to gore and violence. So while the story isn’t full of gore for the sake of gore, it can get a little too descriptive.— The MC is a necromancer, so corpses and decay, and all the things that come with it, will be mentioned from time to time.— I’m a huge fan of Egyptian, Slavic, and Greek mythology, so expect quite a bit of that. That said, so much is altered, you’ll be hard-pressed to guess how exactly it is being used.— Despite being ‘immortal’ the MC can die. In the event he does, the story doesn’t end, simply time skips forward. Which in some cases is going to be worse than just dying.— I love plot twists, as much as I love red herrings and Chekhov guns. Deus Ex Machina’s not so much. Collapse Adventurers, Artifact Crafting, Calm Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Guilds, Magic, Necromancer, Past Plays a Big Role, Ruthless Protagonist, Selfish Protagonist, Summoning Magic, Sword And Magic, LitRPG, Male Protagonist, Gore, Weak to Strong, Special Abilities I remember reading it, it's not that good. is solid B 3.5/5 Waste of time if you are looking for an op mc. Mc here is a gay pacifist who tries to help ppl all over the story. While reading you'll get lost. Mc start a quest/mission, it will get so complicated that you'll forget why he was there in the first place. Really a sahne and waste of potential... Really great read. Small problem is that at the end of some chapters it goes "it'll be easy/how hard can it be" and you know that it will be the opposite. Annoying but can be ignored because its such a good bookSpoilerHe’ll find a wife, or he won’t, what’s the worst that can happen? Sylver thought exactly what i mean always the last sentence to Not reading this yet but looking at other reviews its clearly gold. This author might also be a descriptive type with a good mc to go along. Immortal but death time skips. Similar to how shadow of war's death mechanic and nemesis system. Should be a good read. as of ch13, the mc is a 'hero' necromancer, ever saw such a thing? yeah no i didn't.he is weirdly lawful and good natured considering how he was an old necromancer in his last life. The first chapter is extremely confusing, but as you go on it clears up a lot.(as of chapter 4) Written very well, but the formatting of the system is distracting Sounds interesting. Is it good? It's gold No, this sh*t is bloody mithril