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System Change

System Change
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12 hours ago
Years ago, Earth was indoctrinated into the «System.» Earth was not the only place with... Read more Years ago, Earth was indoctrinated into the «System.»Earth was not the only place with the System, however. With the System came the other races, Invaders. The Invaders had one goal, to obtain ownership of this new habitable planet. This created a bloodbath, and for years the war raged.This didn’t really have much to do with Derek. Derek was kind of a loner. Yeah, he enjoyed the occasional chat or drink with others, but he never stayed in one place too long or really got to know anybody new.Derek did happen to be rather strong. After the years of fighting monster and Invaders alone, he had become quite adept at surviving. One thing that helped keep him alive was his refusal to get involved with others. He rarely cooperated with teams.One day, Derek broke his rules and decided to lend some help, as the mission didn’t seem too hard. He should have stuck to being alone.***Hey everyone, this is my fiction, «System Change.» It’s the first time I’ve really tried to write a serial. All feedback is really appreciated.I plan to release chapters every Tuesday and Thursday. With occasional extra chapters being released.I will try to maintain a word count between 1500-2500 words per chapter.Thank you! Collapse Game Elements, LitRPG, Magic, Post-apocalyptic, Male Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Loner Protagonist, Monsters, Dungeons, Level System, Evolution, Overpowered Protagonist Perfect, stopped on 228. I've read to the, at the time, latest chapter of 235. It's a good read if you don't have anything going on but not drop what you're doing when there's a new chapter.First off, don't expect the MC to be alone half the time even though the summary leads you to that expectation. All the reviews bashing the author/story about it is a bit much. Without spoiling it, there is a legitimate reason for Derek putting in quite a bit of effort for his companions. Anyone saying they wouldn't seek and treasure companionship after undergoing the same experience as MC is lying or a sociopath. I will reassure you that he does adventure off alone for a bit before he returns once had his introvert batteries filled. He does meet some interesting and decently fleshed out characters but it remains to be seen if they'll be developed beyond that.The author seems to have created a pretty big world for his MC. Even from the beginning, there are hints of a variety of exciting arcs that's building up in just book one. Unfortunately, there haven't been nay climatic battles or struggles for Derek. He's OP for all the conflicts he engages in. There has yet to be any situation where he's being suppressed by his opponent. Thus, no actual excitement to be had when reading his battles. Hopefully the author will change that soon as he'll have to move Derek to a stronger region or introduce comparatively strong antagonists because of his protagonist strength increase throughout book one. At the moment, it wouldn't be wrong to say a good percentage of the story can be perceived as slice of life.For the format of the story, it's overall pretty good. Great prose with little to no grammatical errors. Chapters length is nice and there aren't too much filler beyond the author’s constant display of ALL of Derek's status page. It's a bit annoying and you'll soon be skimming, if not skipping, past them since the author will mention any changes in his MC's thoughts. First i feel interesting but 38 ch enough for this shit mcAmazing double system World travel Want to became "lone wolf" but "Playing hero" instead but dont want to full hero maybe 1/4 enough attitude Poor in the new world but give anything for free Simp mc but to nice lets call him "super simp"Low level but wasting time teaching a stupid stubborn kid Dropped I hate dao of dragging author from a lone wolf, to a hero type carrying kids and a village with him and leveling them up etc... pretty disappointing When he wasting time with thomas in dungeon That's it!Enough for me Can someone tell me from which chapter MC will be overpowered? I don’t wanna waste my time reading him grinding leveling or whatever… Uh chap 5 onwards From what should have been a nice MC to a f#cking annoying and trash MC From cool mc to pushover mc 2/5 The scribblehub reviews say ‘logical mc till about chapter 90 when it randomly turns into slice of life’ and ‘generic litrpg but a good one’