Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 118

118 You Deserve Someone Better

“I’m very sorry for your loss, ma’am, your son was a nice man,”

Clara already had those words burned into her head. This was the fourth home she visited alongside Marcel to console the families of the victims who lost their sons in the incident.

To say that she was bored was an understatement, Clara hated all of this. Most of the houses they visited were located in the rundown section of the city and It was safe to say that this was the most terrible day of her life.

Although her mother Diana was a well-known philanthropist, Clara didn’t share the same passion. While her mother would be out there caring for the needy – that never ceased – she would rather have a tea party with friends that were on the same social ladder with her or work on her designs.

Clara was a fashion designer and though she wasn’t world-famous yet, her brands were doing well. She had the connection and resources, all she needed was the right inspiration and in a matter of time, da-da! She would become a global sensation.

Thanks to that, Clara was used to runways, cameras, and dinners with executives, not a dirty, smelly, cramped house that her living room as a whole was bigger than. How could people even survive here? She would die here if she were to stay more than an hour. Hence, she began to pray for Marcel to finish up much quicker.

“I know nothing can replace your son but I want you to know that he’d be forever cherished in our hearts,” Marcel consoled the family of the victim while trying not to be distracted by Clara’s squirming on the sofa.

“For his boss, you are a very kind person,” The mother of the victim said, holding Marcel’s hands. She was middle-aged and her hands were already showing signs of wrinkles yet he didn’t mind and squeezed it gently in response.

Marcel shook his head in denial, “No, I’m not kind. If your son hadn’t gone to that gathering he would still be with you.“He took the blame for the incident even though all of that had been Victor’s idea.


However, Marcel was a leader and a good leader takes responsibility for problems, crises, and missteps, and did not shirk from decisions. He then makes a plan to fix it, execute that plan, and move on.

He was the one who gave Victor the order to organize the party and as well gave the other members a day out to have fun. Unfortunately, that day out had turned out to be a disaster and marked some of their deaths.

“You shouldn’t blame yourself for what happened. God knows why he took my son this early,” The mother of the deceased said to him.

Unlike the other families they visited, this particular one already lost their father and the son that died was the breadwinner of the family. It was a family of five – three boys and two girls – that had been reduced to four with the death of their brother.

Some of the families out there don’t even know what their sons do for a living except the fact it’s a lucrative job. However, aside from controlling several underground enterprises, the Luciano family ran several successful legitimate businesses. How do you think they keep the public eye from them and cover up their nefarious activities?

Hence, just like this woman who thought her son had been an ordinary bodyguard who died in an accident after a work gathering, most of the other families were in the same situation because each member of the gang swore to secrecy.

Marcel was just about to reply to the woman when the younger sister to the deceased suddenly spoke up and the question was directed to Clara.

“Miss, are you alright?” The young girl asked and that was when Marcel knew that Clara’s fidgeting around had been found out.

God, no.

“Nothing!” Clara shouted louder than usual, she was startled at being discovered. She added instead, “I just need a word with Marcel,”

At that comment, Marcel turned around with a confused look, wondering what Clara was about to talk about.

But Clara beckoned him to come closer and when he did, hesitantly, she drew close and whispered into her ears, “I don’t think I can take it anymore, the stench of this house is killing my olfactory system,” She hinted that the place was smelling.

At once, Marcel’s face changed into a cold fury, was she kidding him? But for the sake of the people with them, he buried his anger and whispered back to Clara,” If you can’t take it, get the hell out of here!” He hissed through gritted teeth.

“Thank God,” Clara was more than relieved when he said that. Not caring about his reputation nor the people she might hurt with that gesture, Clara pinched her nose to limit the smell.

“No, don’t do -” Marcel was still whispering when Clara stood up and hurried out of the place as if the devil was on her heels. And he was sure as hell that everyone had seen that.

He was the stupid one to have brought Clara with him, he should have directly sent her to the funeral while he ran this errand alone. For once, he thought she would be useful to his cause.

Marcel swallowed down a lump of shame and then turned to the family with a nervous smile, “Don’t put much thought into her action, she had a recent surgery on the nose due to an infection and hasn’t fully recovered,” He lied through his teeth just to save his face and that of the family.

Whether the family believed him or not, they didn’t show it and continued with the conversation from where they stopped.

Marcel would have left earlier but because of Clara’s actions, he stayed much longer so it doesn’t look like he thought that their place smelled. Honestly speaking, the place didn’t smell as Clara exaggerated, hygiene was just not the best but Marcel could live through it.

Finally, after Marcel offered them an envelope full of money and promised to support their son’s burial, he took his leave but the woman insisted on seeing him out.

And it was when they reached the entrance that the woman suddenly stopped and said, “You do know you deserve someone better,”

Marcel’s gaze lifted and their eyes connected. She knew.

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