Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 147

147 Revenge Was Best Served Tasty And Bountiful

Robert thought he left unnoticed, however, his wife noticed when he left. And with his absence, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

She must have been crazy to have married that man in the first place, but then, what woman in her right mind would reject a man with money. And honestly, Robert hasn’t been like that in the beginning.

When they had met, he was very sweet, loving, and kind, although she knew he had anger management issues and witnessed it, not once not twice.

Yet she thought that with time he would change, but that remained a Piper’s dream. Robert’s anger only grew with his unhealthy resolve to unseat Daniel and his heir from the boss position. And her once loving husband turned into someone she couldn’t recognize anymore. So here they are stuck in a loveless marriage – and she couldn’t let go of Robert because of the benefits and the risks with it.

Robert’s wife strolled the house to further confirm her husband was truly gone before she was able to relax. Now, she could finally sleep in peace knowing her husband would be back tomorrow. With their kind of family’s business, it wasn’t uncommon for her husband to leave in the middle of the night.

The woman went back to her room and hardly put her head on her pillow when her phone lit up. She looked down to find out she had a message from an unknown number.

Curious yet tensed – with what happened today – she slowly opened the message only to see,

[I know what you did last summer]

At once, her heart skipped a beat as she thought over the possibilities of what the sender was trying to imply. What had she done... Oh no, it couldn’t be...


To confirm her fears, another message popped into her phone instantly. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she opened it cautiously, and upon seeing the picture displayed widely on her screen, the woman jerked up to her feet.

“H-how.... did,” Her body began to shake in fear and she looked around the room as if trying to locate where the sender was hiding.

Her heart rate increased drastically as she stared live at the picture of her and her young lover together? How was this possible? She thought she had been so meticulous with her activities that even the guards with her weren’t aware of her affair.

It was during her vacation two years ago that she got involved with her young lover by chance. However, a mistake committed twice becomes a decision and that decision gave birth to a sizzling affair she had done a good job of hiding until now.

“No, no... please!” She sobbed out knowing it would be the end of her if Robert gets knowledge of this.

So she quickly typed, [What do you want from me? I’ll give you anything, just name your price], She was practically begging. Anything just to keep his or her mouth closed, she didn’t exactly care at the moment.

[What do I want?]

Was the sender’s question.

[Yes, just say a word and I’ll grant it immediately]

This time, as if the sender was playing games with her, he was gone for almost five minutes before the message finally came into her phone.

[I don’t need anything from you, I’m just a concerned member of the society who stumbled upon the information]

And for some reason, that reply hit home and that was what she connected the dots together and she gasped in shock.

“Marcel!” She breathed, her hands and lips trembling in fear. She was a goner, that little bastard would ruin her for what it was worth. It was a stupid move to stand against him earlier today. She regretted her decisions now.

As if Marcel could sense her despair and relished her misery, what seemed like hundreds of photos of her affair rushed into her phone all at once causing it to chime with the notification incessantly for over two minutes while she screamed in a panic.

What was she going to do?


Gabriel was chilling with his friends at the last-minute party he organized at his place. And by friends, he meant some spoiled brats that may or may not be in the same category with him. All that mattered was that they knew how to have a good time.

There was no restriction in the party as many of the men with him could be seen snuffing drugs while the rest of them abused alcohol as the ladies cheered. There was no restriction and anyone could do whatever they wanted without fear – they were covered.

Or so Gabriel thought, because the next minute when the police raided his apartment for drug offenses, he was dumbfounded. It wasn’t enough that he was feeling shitty after his half-sister snatched a position that should have been his in the first place, now this?

What puzzled Gabriel the most was that they had a warrant with them and that alone was impossible! How had they even gotten past his front door in the first place without his men warning him off?

He was a Luciano and his family had the police or drug force, or whatever they called themselves, in their hands! How dare they arrest him?!

Unless this was a setup!

It hit him at once, Marcel!

“No, let me go this instant!” Gabriel commanded the officer who slammed down the pair of cuffs on his wrists.

“You have the right to remain silent or whatever you say -”

“Spare me that bullshit! Do you know who I am?! I am Gabriel Luciano! My family would chew you alive after they hear of this!” He screamed at their faces, trying to threaten them.

“Take him away,” The officer in charge didn’t seem to care as he pushed him away to be handled by the other officer.

“No, no, no!” Gabriel screamed as he was being dragged away by two strong officers. He can’t sleep in jail tonight, that was his worst nightmare come true!

But he couldn’t help himself out not when Marcel orchestrated all of this. Revenge was best served tasty and bountiful.

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