Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 100: Might of purple mist

With an explosive burst of magical energy, Jaegar launched himself into the air, his levitation carrying him above the hill. His eyes met the wyvern's gaze, and in that moment, an unspoken challenge was issued.

His power surged within him, the purple mist enveloping his form as he hovered mid-air.

The wyvern's wings beat with a deafening roar, its massive body hurtling towards Jaegar with breathtaking speed.

Without hesitation, Jaegar's fingers crackled with energy, bolts of lightning arcing between them. He unleashed the lightning in a blinding burst, sending streaks of energy shooting towards the wyvern.

The wyvern's wings flexed with agile precision, evading the lightning with a calculated maneuver. Its scales shimmered like obsidian armor, deflecting the electric assault with a resolute resistance.

In response, the wyvern exhaled a torrent of searing flames, a tempest of fire hurtling towards Jaegar.

Jaegar's instincts kicked in, and he executed a graceful dive, narrowly avoiding the fiery onslaught.

The flames licked at his heels, their scorching heat a constant threat. With a powerful thrust of his levitation, he soared higher into the sky, the purple mist swirling around him as he prepared his next move.

The wyvern's eyes glinted with determination as it circled in the air, its wings beating with a rhythm that resonated with the primal energy of the world.

With an ear-splitting screech, it dove towards Jaegar once again, its claws poised to strike.

Jaegar's eyes blazed with intensity as he summoned the arcane power within him. The purple mist condensed into a focused beam of energy that shot forward, colliding with the wyvern's attack.


The resulting clash sent shockwaves through the air, with the force of the impact reverberating across the landscape.

Yet the wyvern was unrelenting, its talons slashing through the air as it closed in on Jaegar.

In a heartbeat, Jaegar conjured a protective barrier of lightning-infused mist, the ethereal shield absorbing the wyvern's assault.

The clash was fierce and unyielding, with the sheer force of the wyvern's attack threatening to break through Jaegar's defenses.

As the wyvern's attack subsided, Jaegar seized the opportunity to counter. His levitation carried him closer to the wyvern's massive form, his eyes blazing with determination. He extended his hands, and a torrent of purple mist surged forth, coiling around the wyvern like a vice.

The wyvern roared in defiance, its struggles futile against the arcane hold of Jaegar's mist.

But the creature was not so easily subdued; with a powerful twist of its body, it unleashed a shockwave that shattered the mist's grip. Before Jaegar could react, the wyvern lunged, its jaws snapping dangerously close.

With a surge of power, Jaegar evaded the attack, his form contorting in mid-air. His levitation carried him higher, and his fingers crackled with energy once more.

He summoned the purple mist around him, allowing it to merge with the lightning coursing through his veins.

The resulting display was nothing short of breathtaking. Jaegar became a living tempest, a storm of purple mist and crackling lightning.

With an intense focus, he directed the storm towards the wyvern, the combined forces of mist and lightning converging upon the creature.

The wyvern's roar was swallowed by the cacophony of energy as the storm engulfed it. Bolts of lightning danced across its scales, its wings flickering with ethereal light. The arcane onslaught was relentless, the wyvern's strength waning with each passing moment.

As the storm of energy subsided, the wyvern's form began to falter, its movements growing sluggish.

Jaegar descended from the sky, his gaze unyielding as he approached the weakened creature. With a final surge of power, he conjured a torrent of purple mist that enveloped the wyvern, ensnaring it in a cocoon of arcane energy.

The wyvern's struggles grew feeble, its roars echoing as they faded into the night. Its eyes met Jaegar's, a mixture of defiance and resignation. And then, with a final burst of energy, Jaegar unleashed a surge of lightning that coursed through the mist, enveloping the wyvern in a blinding explosion of power.

He sighed, "Now you and I can sleep peacefully."

The night sky was illuminated by the brilliance of the arcane display, with the thunderous echoes of the battle resounding across the land.

As the light faded, Jaegar stood amidst the aftermath, his chest heaving with exertion. The hillside bore the marks of their conflict, scorched earth and lingering traces of energy etching a testament to the intensity of their fight.

Breathing heavily, Jaegar surveyed the scene, his eyes lingering on the wyvern's lifeless form. The creature's once fearsome presence had been vanquished, its power was no match for his mastery of magic.

As the night breeze swept across the landscape, Jaegar's thoughts turned to the challenges that lay ahead, his resolve stronger than ever.

"I should have brought a damn cigarette," he murmured to himself, feeling the need for a moment of calm amidst the aftermath of battle.

With a final glance at the moonlit sky, Jaegar prepared to continue his journey through the arcane isle.

As Jaegar ventured further through the arcane isle, the challenges that awaited him grew increasingly fierce.

Ferocious beasts lurked in the shadows, their primal instincts driving them to attack with relentless aggression. Yet Jaegar's mastery of magic and his unrelenting resolve allowed him to overcome each trial he faced.

It made him remember the days in the sinner's domain. He was ecstatic to be able to use both arts to the best of his ability. The immemorial sapped him more than the remaining two.

Other students were also busy roaming around the island, searching for the entrance, and killing the beasts while they were at it.

Lorcan and Veronica had met up, trying to find their way. Veronica seemed to have reached her limit. They moved stealthily, with Lorcan leading the way. She stayed behind, helping him as much as she could.

Denica was like a mighty force with her magic, she shredded those beasts into pieces. She even used her hands sometimes, landing a punch on them. If anyone saw her fight, they would definitely think that she was a warrior.

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