Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 57

TOAD – Chapter 57

“My lady, my lord has requested your presence.” The Truthsayer spoke from the other side of the door after knocking.

“Oh? Has he?” I responded bitterly.

The door opened, and the familiar youthful face poked his head in. “Is there a problem, my lady?”

“Three days!” I shouted, crossing my arms where I lay in my bed. “The demon king promised me that he would meet my needs, but he has all but abandoned me shortly after proposing! How can I accept such… such… humiliation! If he wants me to bear his children, then he should take care of me properly! Otherwise, who could even consider him a man? He’d be a deadbeat. Dickless. A cuck!”

The Truthsayer’s mouth twitched as I spoke such damning words about the demon king. Had anyone else said such words about him, they would have been killed immediately, but my situation was unique, to say the least. Even I knew that which was why I was a bit angry that the personal time I had been promised with the demon king was denied.

We were supposed to have an epic battle, a joining of two powers, neither willing to bend to the other. He was one of the most powerful men in this world. Sex was about power, and I wanted to know who would win. Would the demon king succumb to my charms and become nothing but my sex slave, or would his high level and talent be enough? Would I finally find a man who could tame me? I didn’t care which outcome it would be, as I would have fun either way. To conquer or be conquered, that was what sex was all about!

Yet, I was forced to endure a third option. I was made to wait without relief. I was all but trapped in this room, and my partner was a no-show. He hid like a coward, unwilling to leave me satisfied. I might have enjoyed such denial play if I suspected that his callousness was intentional, but I instead had the feeling that he just didn’t have time for me, and that wasn’t arousing at all. I felt only frustration, with no payoff.

“My lady…” The Truthsayer spoke calmly, having already grown used to my outbursts. “Have we not met all of my lady’s needs since you’ve been here? You’ve been given any food you request, any item you desire, and any entertainment you fancy. If there is something you want, please ask.”

“Don’t play coy with me.” I twisted my nose.

This little boy was growing cockier every day. If he got any cockier, I’d have to have a taste of it. I had only resisted because I did still have an ounce of fear toward the demon king. If I corrupted his Truthsayer, he might seriously become angry with me. I was getting desperate though, and having him come in a rage was starting to sound a bit tempting. Yet, my rational mind told me if I took things too far, my chances of finally having him would be taken away.

I had time to think about the Demon King and our arrangement the last few days, and I had come to realize that he was truly the last true hurdle in this world. He was the strongest being, the ruler of all demons, a man that made people tremble. Sure, there was still opposition, like Lord Tigon, but in a one-on-one fight, Tigon wouldn’t hold a candle to the Demon King. How did I know that? You could call it a woman’s intuition. A slut like me instinctively knew who the alpha was. Lord Tigon could only gain power through manipulation, treaties, and coercion. He could never truly conquer through sheer power and will.

Thus, in my mind, once I mounted the Demon King, it’d be like mounting the world. I would be on top of everything. Oh, there might be groups of people who would try to bring me down, but I wasn’t afraid of group play. If I could topple the best, then everyone below them would become my playthings just as easily. That wasn’t to say I was interested in conquering the world or anything. I just wanted to be in a place where I couldn’t have things taken away from me or stolen. As I said, whether the Demon King was wrapped around my finger or I was wrapped around his, either would make me happy, as long as I was safe. However, until we sealed the deal, weren’t we just strangers?

“Coy?” the Truthsayer raised an eyebrow.

“I was expecting the demon king to visit me,” I responded flatly to his deliberate ignorance.

“I apologize. My lord has been busy the last…”

“Yes, I heard about that.” I snapped angrily. “However, I have needs in bed, and he has done a poor job meeting those needs.”

“Have the maids he sent not been pretty enough for my lady’s liking?” He asked nonchalantly.

“Pretty?” I sneered. “It isn’t a matter of looks. Their endurance clearly could use some work!”

I threw a hand to the corner, where a naked woman was on the ground. I hadn’t been comfortable with her comatose state lying next to me in bed, so I stashed her over there where she was mostly out of my sight. Her eyes were staring at nothing, and every once in a while, her naked body would shudder. She was incontinent too and had already pissed on the floor. I was fine with a person losing their fluids all over the place, but only when it was forcefully done.

He looked over at the maid on the floor and sighed. “Another one? My lady should be more careful with her toys.”

“Do my dildo’s look like they are breaking?” I sniffed, nodding over at the table.

There was a small table to the side where I took my meals, but the majority of it had become filled with toys. There were various rods of different shapes, sizes, and structures. There were beads, bulbs, and vibrators. It was an assortment of the entire stock of sex toys that had been developed in the year since I had come to this world. Sandor and Pratter’s entire lineup was on display. When he said I could ask for anything, I naturally made sure to make good on that promise, especially as it became clear my good-for-nothing husband was a no-show.

That was mostly how I had passed these three torturous days. In between meals, I had made sure to practice with the toys extensively. Sometimes I practiced on myself, and sometimes I practiced on the maids. Yet, no matter how careful I was, the maid seemed to always give out after a day or so. It was quite frustrating. At first, I was happy that he was sending me such naïve virgins, but the third maid had revealed in the middle of our session that she was a seasoned prostitute who had been with dozens of men at once. Well, she didn’t say it so much as confess it, like she was somehow being tortured by the pleasure I gave her. She only held out slightly longer than the virgins.

I didn’t do anything to them that I didn’t do to myself. They were a bit lower level than me, but wasn’t that the demon king’s fault for not sending me someone that was my level?

“You must be careful with those of a lower class than you.” the Truthsayer spoke patiently, hiding his unease completely now.

“Don’t you have any third-class women to send me?” I asked.

“A third-class woman who would act as a maid?” He raised an eyebrow. “Such a thing doesn’t exist!”

“Then send me a noblewoman. I don’t care… she’ll serve me just as willingly.” I licked my lips, and for the first time, the Truthsayer shuddered slightly.

The men who had come in to scoop up the maid off the ground and take her to wherever the failures went also froze for a minute and looked my way. When I met their gaze, they quickly looked away and escaped the room.

“Such a thing could cause internal strife. My lady will need to be more patient.”

“How about you just send me a man then?” I grinned. “Women rarely reach 3rd class, but more men get to that level. Am I wrong? Aren’t you a 3rd classer?”

He took a step back as if he thought I would jump across the room and mount him right there. How foolish. If I had wanted him, I wouldn’t have had to move a step. He’d have come to me.

“My lady, please don’t tease. You must understand why the demon king wouldn’t send another man in his stead.”

I was getting tired of arguing. Now that they had taken the garbage away, I was going to just wallow with my toys for a while. As for whatever the demon king wanted, I had made no effort to get up, and I had no intention of coming on command.

“If the demon king cared so much, he should just come himself,” I responded bitterly.

“I have.” A deep voice came from behind the Truthsayer, who immediately stepped to the side and lowered his head as a large and muscular demon took a step into my room.

“Hubby!” I jumped out of my bed and ran at him.

“Stop.” He lifted a hand.

I was half of the way to him, and I had no intention of stopping on his order, but I felt a powerful pressure on my body. It felt like the weight of him if he was mounting me, but I wasn’t being touched at all. My knees buckled and I fell to my knees. The pressure was enough to flatten me on the ground, but I resisted it. I panted with my mouth open as I looked up at him, my face red and my body trembling. He looked down at me with harsh, glowing red eyes, and perhaps was that a tinge of disgust on his face?

“Your current appearance is unsightly for a queen.” He spoke scornfully.

“Isn’t it… because Husband works me up so much?” I asked through gritted teeth. “If you loved me, you should properly… take care of me.”

“Come, I have something to show you.” The pressure disappeared as quickly as it came, and I collapsed to the floor, shuddering a bit as I came a bit.

What? Such domination turned me on! I worked my way to my feet to see Oberon already walking away from me, his back to me like he didn’t even care. If he kept teasing me this way, how could I be responsible for what happens next?

I trailed after him, noticing the guards keeping a wide berth around me. As I walked, I immediately used my skills, cleaning my body, fixing my hair, and even fixing my clothing. The other thing I had been doing in my boredom was playing with my extra level points. Immaculate had become Idealized Form. It stated that I could restore any object to its ideal state. That didn’t mean I could fix broken bones or undo the damage. My tests found that it could only take what was already there, and make it the best. Knotted and damaged hair became perfect. Wrinkled clothing became fresh and clean. My ruined pussy became wet and tight. Well, the last one was always true, but at least it was always at its freshest.

The second thing I had thrown a point into was Fragrant Passage. That had evolved into A Woman’s Best Friend. Rather than always emitting a pleasing sent down below, no matter how used up I was, I now had the control. My pussy’s taste and smell were whatever I wanted it to smell and taste like. It wasn’t so flexible to test out the taste, but I did confirm the smell. I could make it smell like flowers, cookies, or even something foul. As for taste, well, the maids didn’t complain… before they lost their minds.

Were there better places to waste my points on, and potentially more powerful unique skills to gain? Perhaps, but these were the kinds of things a girl like me wasted her points on when she was bored. I hoped Oberon was coming up with something to entertain me, as I didn’t know how much longer I’d tolerate maids and do some particularly drastic.


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