Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 105 - One Hundred And Five : You Will Never Find Happiness

Chapter 105 - One Hundred And Five : You Will Never Find Happiness

Nik's POV

Sometimes it frustrates me the way Maya trusts people so easily, how could she sleep comfortably in a room provided by a mobster called Sakuzi. Wasn't she scared that she would be strangled or shot in her sleep or does she think every mobster is as kind as me

But something was still strange, why did Sakuzi spare Maya? Yeah, it was a trap but the Sakuzi I know wouldn't have left Maya untouched, he would have at least tortured her before I arrived as evidence to show his sheer dislike of me.

The same thing happened with one of the models, I showed favoritism to years ago when our bad blood was still fresh. Sakuzi thought I had fallen for her and had his men capture her.

Though my men rescued her afterward, the girl was never the same. She had to be surgically operated and rehabilitated before she could communicate normally with society.

Though Sakuzi left after that, I made sure none of the women I dated, lasted beyond a month until I met Tina. Unlike the other girls, even I knew Sakuzi wouldn't carelessly mess with her.

Tina comes from a family with a long line of government officials, every member of her family was in a position of power thus making it hard for people to mess with her.

I gathered the bugging devices and flushed them down the toilet. Sakuzi knew I would find them, he was just messing around with me purposely -? giving me a hard time was his hobby.

After the shower, I walked back into the room hoping to catch some sleep after such a long day. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted.

But I was surprised to find Maya sleeping across the bed, her body was hardly occupying the whole space but she also intentionally made it impossible to find a space to sleep on.

I stood beside the bed with arms akimbo while staring at her intensely, what do I even do with her?

"What? " Maya asked me as if she didn't know why I was giving her a look.

" Move to the side Maya, " I told her and tried to climb the bed but Maya readjusted her position with lightning speed, this time stretching her body fully on the bed.

My mouth quirked up, what should I make of this situation? I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She snorted, "I'm sorry but I've called dibs on the bed " and directed me to the pool of sheets on the floor.

"I was kind enough to order those for you "

I scoffed inwardly, kind my ass. Maya was obviously still angry at me and she has every right to be, but I seriously needed sleep to be able to tackle tomorrow's problems.

I had a lot on my plate now, after dealing with Sakuzi tomorrow, I still had my father to face because of the ledger.

"Really Maya? "

"Yeah, really. "

I wiped my face with my palm "Maya, I've had a long day today, I need to catch a wink right now "

I tried to reason with her and was very relieved when she finally gave in.

"Alright, you can knock yourself out "

"She was indeed kind after all " was what I thought until she added,

"On the floor "

"Maya, be good… "? I warned

"Or what? " she shot back

Fine, since she doesn't want me to get a rest, she wouldn't either. Two can play at that game. My eyes twinkled with excitement and I began to crawl towards her.

Maya must have sensed the sudden change in my demeanor cause her eyes grew wild and she began to crawl back until she came to a dead-end.

"I swear to God if you come any closer, I'll call the police and have you charged for assault "

I stopped, thought over her word, and burst into laughter. As experienced as my men were, they wouldn't have found this place had they not been tracking the kidnappers.

Moreover, Sakuzi had his own people in the police force and this mansion was highly secured: such calls would be intercepted before reaching its target.

"Sure, call the police. Have you forgotten where you are ?"? I reminded her.

Her expression also told me she remembered I had the police in the palms of my hand.

She swallowed down her saliva " In case you don't remember, I am a black belt so don't you dare come close else… "

Her fear seemed to excite me, the more she kept talking, the more I kept approaching her until I had her where I wanted her to be.

I said to her "I'm sorry sweetheart but I need to sleep, "

Without warning, I carried her off the bed and tossed her on the pile of blankets that muffled her fall.

"Peace at last " I breathed and assumed a position on the bed.

Unfortunately, Maya was like a toddler who hardly tires out once excited. She sprang up like a cat and jumped onto the bed, before pushing me to the edge of the bed with a heavy grunt.

I let her do what she wanted since I was too tired to fight back and was curious to see what she was up-to.

When Maya pushed me to the edge of the bed, I thought she wanted to occupy eighty percent of the bed's space but what I never expected, was she to kick me to the ground.

"Stay down and never come up! " Maya who was kneeling at the edge of the bed commanded me but I guess she never expected to slip.

In the process of turning back to the bed, she somehow slipped and fell, headbutting me in the process.

I grunted, rubbing my forehead, it was really painful and the headache just intensified by times two.

I was really angry, I wanted to yell at her but Maya's pitiful eyes connected with mine, and my anger dissipated at once.

"I'm sorry," she said with teary eyes and almost quivering lips - my heart melted at once.

God, this girl would be the death of me!

"Fine, just go " I waved her away and she climbed back to the bed.

"What? " I asked when she suddenly patted the side of the bed.

"Let's share, " she said without looking me in the eyes.

Oh, she now feels guilty for almost breaking my head. Well, who in the world refuses free services.

So I gallantly climbed into the bed but my gaze couldn't help but focus on her.

"Are you okay though "

"What? "

"Your head. I might have taken much of the impact but you injured yourself as well "

"Oh this " her hand went to her forehead "I'm totally good, it's nothing compared to yours " She replied to me.

I truly hoped it was as she said cause I wasn't ready to nurse anyone with a concussion.

Tucked warmly under the covers, Maya used the surplus sheet to create a demarcation between the both of us.

I stared at her back and reached out my hands, the urge to thread it through her silky hair overwhelming me.

Midway, I froze, both of us weren't together anymore. The reality finally dawned on me.

I no longer could hug, kiss nor touch her because she no longer belongs to me - I didn't like the sound of that.

But there was nothing I could do, it was for her own safety. Besides she doesn't deserve a jerk like me, Maya deserves so much more. Perhaps it was better this way.

My heart hurts, it felt like a knife just went through my chest. Why was I feeling this way?

There was no way this was heartbreak. I wasn't in love with Maya, just care for her. Also, my heart is kevlar protected from such feelings.

Maya's tossing and turning roused me from my thoughts, was she as disturbed as I was?

I didn't know when I grabbed the sheets and flung it aside, covering the distance between us as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

I felt Maya freeze, then she tried to wriggle out of my embrace but I said to her

"Please, just this last time. "

Maya didn't reply for a while, but I got her answer when she turned to my side and snuggled against me.

"Just for tonight " She reminded me, hinting I shouldn't expect it another time - if there would be another time.

"Yes, just for tonight " I assured her. But I couldn't assure myself.

I drew her closer, content with the warmth of her body against mine, and her scent.

Come tomorrow, comes its problems, so I internally prayed this moment never ends. Sadly, all good things must come to an end

Maya was still fast asleep by the time I got prepared and went to complete the deal with the Sakuzi.

I was in the living room with Judy while a long table was between me and Sakuzi.

His men all dressed in black suits and glasses with stoic expressions were witnesses.

"The ledger? " Sakuzi's brow shot up.

I gestured to Judy and he handed over the ledger to one of Sakuzi's men who in turn handed the ledger to Sakuzi.

"So the deal has been made, you would not hurt the girl " I reminded him.

"I give you my word, the girl would not be harmed as long as you keep your own word. Cause trust me Niklaus, as far as I, Sakuzi lives, you would never find happiness "

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