Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 150 - One Hundred And Fifty : Failure Written All Over Her Face

Chapter 150 - One Hundred And Fifty : Failure Written All Over Her Face

Maya's point of view

Isabella knew I was lying, well, who wouldn't? Especially with the way Lisa was hovering over me with an authoritative stance while I sat innocently with my script in hand.

But she trusted I had handled it and didn't press harder on the issue. Sometimes, I couldn't help but be in awe of this girl's knowledge.

I faced Lisa immediately, "Did you bully me?"

She was quick to shake her head,

"N-no, not at all, no bullying. Maya and I are friends" came her denial.

Lisa then looped her hand around my arm in a friendly manner," We were just practicing our lines, nothing else" she flashed the little girl a sheepish smile, probably thinking she was fooled by her acts.

Isabella turned to the gossiping crowd and clapped her hands thrice in a row to get their attention.

"As you all know" The little devil began, "My name is Isabella spencer - the rest of you save Maya should call me Izzy - and I'm the daughter of Niklaus spencer, the CEO of spencer Group. I stand here to declare that whoever gives Maya a hard time, spreads malicious rumors about her, or in general bullies, her; has a bone to contend with me.

"And to those recording a video of me with malevolent intent should work harder since they can't do anything to me anyway - my family is powerful enough to make you disappear out of the surface of the earth in a blink of an eye - just pray I don't track you down but know this, I would track you down - that's a promise, and thankfully, I'm less busy at the moment; a little fun shouldn't be bad, you should kiss your career goodbye "

I blinked twice just to ensure I saw and heard right, what is this little imp doing? Wasn't this called threatening in broad daylight? How could this little girl be so bold and fearless?

Woah, must be good to be rich and powerful; one doesn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing in public since their family would be there to clean the whole mess up.

Everyone who had been recording her lowered their phones reluctantly. That was the sad reality of life, once you had power, you could pretty much do anything you want and get away with it.

Immediately, an announcement came through the speakers; the audition was beginning and the crowd dispersed. Everyone was given a number tag and had to leave for the audition room when summoned.

"Sister Maya, I have to go and prepare. I would see you soon, alright?" That sly actress said to me.

I scoffed inwardly, sister my foot! When did we become that close to be regarded as sisters? Anyway, I responded politely.

"Sure, later" while reminding her of our deal.

Now, I faced those two little bugs.

"What are you two doing here, aren't you supposed to be in school?"

Isabella shrugged," I have chickenpox, remember?"

Well….My attention moved to Anabelle, she was less stubborn than Izzy and would obey her dad without questioning.

"Ouch, my stomach! " She clasped her tummy and cried out in pain which almost got me worried if I wasn't smart enough to see through her act.

"You can stop now, I know you're pretending"

She pouted, "Is not an act, I really had an upset stomach which is why daddy did not let me go to school today" explained Anabelle.

"And your upset stomach stopped the moment you stepped into this place?"

Anabelle looked away with guilt before holding my hand, swinging it playfully as she asked, "Aren't you happy to see me? I missed you terribly"

I massaged my temple, kudos to whoever was going to be their stepmom in the future, these children were a handful.

"Fine, I'm happy to see you two" I acknowledged both of them, "I'm so happy my heart could burst from joy but you" I pointed at Isabella with a stern look.

"No more threatening the masses" I scolded her, "You're so proud? because of the backup from your family but what if you cause trouble that lands them in a tricky situation one day and they have no choice but to abandon you to save themselves?"

"Whatever" Isabella waved my words away but I was sure it touched her; she just didn't want to show it.

My number was called.

I stood to my feet, blowing air noisily through my mouth to release tension," It's my turn now "

"Don't return here without that role" Isabella ordered expressionless.

This kid, why couldn't she be sweet for once, she was a girl for crying out loud!

"Aunt Maya" came Annabelle's cheerful voice, "Go and conquer, fighting! "She gestured with vigor.

"Aye captain " I saluted her with the same enthusiasm.

I was led to the audition room, taking a deep breath before grabbing the doorknob and took a step in.

The room was spacious and had good lighting with a large desk in the middle of the room which was occupied by three judges - two males and a female. I could spot Issac in the middle who was busy going through some papers-ouch!

I fell face-first to the ground, wincing and groaning as I lifted myself from the ground with effort.

"Are you okay?" His attention was finally drawn to me, his green eyes boring into mine.

I lowered my gaze, refusing to meet his eyes, and stuttered, "I-I ...I'm fine" before dragging myself to their front; a few meters away from their desk was a standing camera that was capturing my audition session.

"I heard you were specifically recommended by the CEO, and I have to say I'm not even mildly impressed" The female judge who had an intimidating gaze pointed out.

My hands felt sweaty and I rubbed against my denim, gulped nervously, "I'm ss..s-sorry to have failed you ...but? I promise...to dd-do better"

"Do better?" The last judge said disapprovingly, "When you can't even speak properly? Sorry to fail your expectations but this is not a role for stutters."

My eyes watered, "P-please h-help me ..this means a-a lot ...to m-me "

"I'm sorry young lady, but this is not a playground. There are hundreds of girls out there with potential waiting to be called; Niklaus must have been playing a crude joke by referring you" The female judge said once again.

All this time Isaac remained silent until he asked me, "Are you done "

I wiped the tears from my eyes with a single finger and resumed my normal demeanor, "Yes, I'm done auditioning"

The other judges were stunned by my clear speech, "You're not a stutterer?"

"Of course not, I was just portraying the character. According to the script, the female lead is a shy and clumsy girl who stutters under pressure"

"Wait, you began your audition already?" The other male judge asked shocked.


"But we didn't ask you to begin," She said.

I pointed to the sign on the wall that reads, "Audition begins immediately"

They were dumbfounded.

"That was just formality's sake," He told me.

"Your bad, you should have differentiated from the very start"

"Are you saying it's our fault -"

"Your dressing doesn't fit with the character as described in the script," Chris noticed, interrupting the fuming judge.

"Ah this, I did a few personal alterations. Adrianna might have loved dressing in simple and monochromatic colors in order not to draw attention but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be stylish. Just because one's shy shouldn't limit the person to baggy dresses in order not to draw attention to oneself"

"Why this role? You do know the competition is very high; give me one reason why I should pick you?"

"I'm not the one to decide for you in fact, don't pick me at all if I didn't match your taste," I told him straightforwardly as he rubbed his jaw, a strange gleam in his eyes.

I continued, "Why did I pick this role? It's because I can't help but relate to the character. Adrianna was initially a shy teen often targeted by bullies but had to toughen up when fate bestowed a huge responsibility on her.

"Amid the dangerous and dark journey, she didn't cower away but instead hardened her heart and rescued humanity from the brink of destruction. I see myself a lot in her; a brave, beautiful, and determined fictional character "

For a moment, everyone was entranced by my narration ability and kept staring until I cleared my throat to announce I was through.

"Thanks for your time, you can leave now " Isaac dismissed me while jotting down something into his note.

"But I haven't even introduced myself -"

"I know your name Maya, that should be enough. We'll keep in touch with you, have a nice day " He said all these without glancing up at me.

Well, I've done my best, the rest is up to them. I bowed and found my way out - at least, I lasted in there.

"How did it go? " Anabelle was the first to ask.

"Don't you see it written all over her face," Isabella said, "It's obvious, she? must have failed woefully "

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