Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 685 - Six Hundred And Eighty-Five :What Would They Think Of Her

Chapter 685 - Six Hundred And Eighty-Five :What Would They Think Of Her

The third point of view:

"Kristen, how is my son, Neon?" Reina asked as soon as her assistant came into her office. She had been busy with a meeting and had no time to come down and check on their progress.

"He's fine," Kristen replied curtly.

"And I believe everything went well?" she inquired, wanting more details.

"Neon is nice and everyone took a liking to him including your eccentric photographer, Micheal. Although...." She trailed off.

"Although what?" Reina arched her brows, sensing there was more to the story.

"Your daughter, Ailee tagged along and right now, she is going under a secret identity," Kristen explained to her.

"Secret identity?" Reina was stunned. Her kids keep surprising her day after day, this shouldn't be huge.

"She calls it gaining experience and asks you not to blow her cover," Kristen added, "Please?"

"Well, she can do whatever she wants as long as it is not against the law," Reina permitted without even blinking an eye. As someone from a common background at first, she wouldn't stop her children from living humbly.

"Sure, I'll relay that to her if they haven't left yet," Kristen said, ready to leave when she turned back as if she had something on her mind.

"What is it?" Reina asked her assistant, observing the way she bit on her lips nervously.

"It's nothing," She said quickly

"Kristen?" Reina pressed, knowing the woman can't keep a secret from her.

Kristen shook her head, lips pressed tightly. There was no way on earth she was going to say that.

"Well?" Reina breathed, "It seems I might have to reconsider that trip to -"

"Fine!" Kristen gave in as Reina smiled, gesturing to her to go on that she was all ears.

"Well, the thing is that... I don't know how to say it..."

"Then say something," Reina demanded, tired of her beating around the bush.

"Don't you think that Neon and Ailee's relationship is a bit odd?"

"OOf course it's strange," Reina laughed it off only to truly comprehend what she suddenly said, "Huh?"

Reina narrowed her gaze at her, "What do you mean by that?" As a woman with sixth instinct, she sensed there was more than the eyes could tell.

"I understand that Neon is not your biological son?"


"You treated him like a real son?"

"And?" Reina was trying to connect the dots here.

"Okay," Kristen intertwined her fingers, "Here's the deal, when I was with the both of them, I noticed something strange in their interaction,"

This time Reina readjusted in her seat knowing that this was the interesting part. She leaned closer to her desk asking, "What did you notice Kristen?"

"Intimacy," Kristen announced. She took a deep breath and then rubbed her sweaty hand down her pencil skirt, "I'm not trying to insinuate anything here but I sense something between the both of them, ma'am. Their closeness was a bit too much,"

For a moment Reina didn't say anything as she looked deep in thought, her face expressionless and that made Kristen uncomfortable. What if she said something wrong and the boss fired her for it?

However, to her greatest surprise, Reina burst into laughter. That was not what she expected, either way, that was good, right?

"Kristen," Reina said to her with a hint of amusement, "I can assure you that Neon and Ailee have been inseparable since they were young. They were so close that if it hadn't been for the differences in their appearance, they would have thought Neon was her twin instead of Allen. So you have nothing to worry about," she explained to her.

However, Kristen still had a look of doubt on her face, "But I know what I saw, the look in Neon's eyes was -"

"Kristen, get me a cup of coffee," Reina interrupted her and Kristen knew at that moment that it was the cue to end this conversation.

"Sure, ma'am," Kristen said and took her leave immediately.

As soon as the door to her office closed, the smile that had been on Reina's face vanished at once. She had observed what Kristen talked about - the intimate relationship between Neon and Ailee - but had turned a blind eye to it because they had been that way from birth.

However, it suddenly crossed Reina's mind that there were differences between being a kid and a grown-up. There was a strange glint in Reina's eyes while her brows narrowed, contemplatively. As far as Neon had refused to bear the Spencer name, he was still that woman's son - Jennifer - and Reina wasn't exactly sure she would support any romance between Jennifer's son and her daughter.

Reina sighed, rubbing her temple because her head was throbbing. Maybe she was thinking too much and Kristen must have misunderstood whatever she saw. Yeah, she just had to calm down - her work was already stressful enough.

She picked up her phone intending to call her kid's teachers - the triplets caused trouble every day - since she hasn't received any report. However, her phone lit up with a call and she saw that it was no other than Jean, Isabella's shadow guard.

Reina's brows furrowed at once, knowing the time Jean called was when something happened. Her heart skipped a beat immediately, what could have happened?

"Hello," she picked the call, heart pounding.

The instant Jean said a word, Reina jumped up from her seat and began to search her desk for her car key. She had to go to Isabella.

"Oh my God!"

Reina almost collided with her assistant at the door who had the cup of coffee she requested earlier.

"Sorry!" She sidestepped Kristen at the last minute, heading for the door as her assistant shouted after her,

"What about your coffee?!"

No response.

Reina entered the elevator with great speed, bumping into people with a chorus of, "Sorry! Sorry!"

She just received a report that her daughter Isabella was in the hospital and had to go check up on her.

"Ma'm Reina!" To her surprise, her assistant still stubbornly followed after her.

"What?!" She shrieked annoyed.

"Your coffee!"

At once, Reina took the cup from her and tossed the key to her, "Drive!" entering the car before Kristen could even catch the key.

Seeing that her boss was in a hurry, Kristen had no choice but to double her efforts as well. She got into the car and drive off with Reina sending her the GPS coordinates.

The coffee tasted like alum, Reina didn't even enjoy a taste of it because she was full of worry. She wished at that moment that she had teleportation powers, that way, she would spend the whole time on the way filled with anxiety.

Thankfully, they reached the hospital and she left without Kristen, hurrying into the ward where Isabella was staying. Of course, it was in a private ward and she rushed into the room without even knocking, shouting like a madwoman, "Isabella?! Where are you?!"

"Reina?" a voice called out and she turned to see Isabella coming out from a room that she surmised to be the bathroom, an IV stand in her grip with the drip inserted in the same hand.

"Isabella!" Reina breathed, walking over to her and engulfed her daughter in a tight grip. "Oh my God, thank God!" She rubbed her back soothingly.

Reina pulled away and then cupped her cheeks, "I thought something happened to you, I was so worried,"

Isabella stared at Reina overwhelmed, she was honestly touched by the love shown to her. It was obvious that Reina had run all the way here just to see her because she was still panting.

Perhaps, it was the pregnancy hormone but the next Isabella knew, tears filled her eyes and she began to cry, hugging Reina tighter.

What is going on? Reina was honestly surprised. This was the first time she had ever seen Isabella cry and it was as if a bomb hit her head. She found it hard to believe that this was happening right in front of her.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Reina's tone became softer as she ran her hand through her head. She wondered what happened to have made Isabella this weak? Besides, why was she even in the hospital? She looked fine to her.

"I miss you so much," Isabella said through tears. Yes, she missed Reina but the truth she learned today came weighing down on her once again and it was suffocating her.

She wanted to tell Reina everything but it would seem like a failure on her part. Isabella was sure of her future and what it would look like, but right now, she didn't know anymore. It pained her.

And shamed her.

Look at Reina, upon the fact that Niklaus was a casanova, she was able to change him and make him the man he was today. But her? She hasn't even started her journey!

She and Pedro hadn't even started their marriage already and he cheated on her. What would everyone think of her? The great Isabella?

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