Tangled By Fate



Mr. Maximilien knew how to tell a story. Felix and Arthur held their breaths as they listened.

Mr. Maximilien continued, "Ravato and Romano fought. It was a fierce fight. Legend said that due to their fight, the lands were divided and turned into continents. Half of the forest was destroyed. In the end, Romano won."

"Ravato bled so much that it turned into a river. The legend says that whoever drank her blood turned into something that was not a human."

There, he paused. Maybe due to his old age this ninety five year old man was taking a break.

"Not a human?" Arthur was curious. "Then what?"

Mr. Maximilien was pleased by his curiosity. "They turned into elves."

"Elves?" Arthur's heart shook in exhilaration.

"Is that really possible?" Felix was shocked.

He did hear the story before but didn't pay that much attention since he was drunk at that time. That's why he was as surprised as Arthur.

Mr. Maximilien chuckled as he noticed Felix's disbelief. "They are not just elves for nothing. By drinking Ravato's blood, they became a part of mother nature."

Arthur stated, "We are also a part of mother nature."

"We are but the only thing humans do is destroy mother nature even after knowing that they won't last without nature. We are the most intelligent and yet the most foolish creatures on earth," Mr. Maximilien expressed his abhorrence. "Anyway, these elves can use mother nature for their survival."

Felix exchanged glances with Arthur before probing further, "How do they use mother nature for survival? Like us?"

Mr. Maximilien shook his head. "No! They have powers, powers to control earth, water, fire, woods, and air. It's different from magic. For wizards, they need mana to control their magic. For elves, they don't need mana. They just have to be connected to the natural elements."

Arthur was deep in thought. 'That man named Dastan could fly without being a ninja. He can hide his presence around me. He can move without making a sound like an assassin. He was using air to his advantage. Now, it makes sense.'

He inquired, "Can you tell us details about these elves? Where do they live? Do they have some kind of clan?"

Mr. Maximilien became quiet as he was thinking. "Hmm… I cannot say for sure. If you want to know the details, you have to search ancient libraries. They might have some old scrolls that might give you some information. Nowadays, libraries don't have ancient scrolls."

Arthur knew what he said was true. However, he was skeptical about the source of information. "How did you know about the stories of elves?"

Mr. Maximilien told them his story, "My father was a pirate. He used to tell me great stories about his adventure. My mother was tired of living as a pirate's wife. So, she left and took me with her. After growing up, I went to look for my father countless times, but the ocean didn't want me to find him. I never saw my father again."

Arthur sympathized, "That must be hard. I'm an orphan. I don't know how it feels to have parents' love. I'm sure what your mother did was for the best."

"I also thought the same thing. I was too attached to my father. My mother was worried that I would become a pirate. Back then, I was young and blamed my mother. I regretted later when I lost her." After a pause, Mr. Maximilien said, "Enough about me. Why are you curious about elves?"

Arthur explained, "It's not that we are curious. We had no idea about elves. We encountered two men who had silver rings and a basilisk was carved on each ring. We never knew anyone who was like that. That's why I thought we should come to you and ask you."

Mr. Maximilien furrowed his eyebrows. "Hmm… for elves to get close to humans… they must have some reason. From what I know, elves stopped associating with humans after the Great War."

Arthur now found new information and was glad that he came here. "That thing happened. I see… Well, thank you for your story, Mr. Maximilien. You are the greatest storyteller I've ever met. Let us offer you lunch."

After they had lunch, Arthur and Felix bade their farewell and left the restaurant.

"I never thought elves existed in our world," Felix commented.

Arthur said, "Me neither. Mentioning ancient scrolls, should we go to the desert? Maybe we will find some old scrolls that will lead us to the elves with earthly powers."

Felix scratched his cheek, not sure about this plan. "We mostly have prophecy scrolls. I don't think the old man will let us check them."

Arthur came up with an evil plan, "If he doesn't, we will secretly check them. This is the only option."

Felix looked away, "As long as we don't get caught. If we do, then he will kick us out."


The desert –

"Elves?" the leader of the desert tribe frowned as soon as he heard about 'elves'. "What do you know about elves?"

"So, you do know about elves," Felix remarked.

He and Arthur came back to the desert tribe and started interrogating the leader of the desert tribe. However, things weren't going well. In front of him, they weren't the best detectives.

"Whether I know about elves or not, it's none of your business. Hmph!" The leader of the desert tribe crossed his arms and looked away stubbornly.

Arthur's nerves twitched but he controlled himself.

He tried to explain as calmly as possible, "I don't know what you are thinking but my wife's life is on the line. Once they tried to kidnap her and then when we made the whole world believe that she died, another elf got to know that she was alive. That's why we are doing our best to track them down."

"That's none of my business." The leader of the desert tribe didn't budge.

Arthur told him, "…They even killed innocent people in my kingdom, under my nose."

"That makes you an incompetent master of the so-called Magic Tower."

How can Arthur make him spill the beans?

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