The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 92 Vague Warnings

Virgil looked up at Flint, who was fighting the Realm Guardian, and now tearing apart its wings, and digging deep into its flesh... despite its constant cries of despair.

He felt his heart waver, and his muscles tense. All his emotions were erased, and so was his suppressed killing intent.

'...How ruthless. Devils. If it's them, then it makes sense. Devils are the most abstract race so far, as they have countless ways of operating and obtaining secrets.' He thought, and calmed down.

"I desire nothing much. Just your identity." He said, and Damien immediately replied. "Depends on the use of the treasure. If it's truly useful, and worth it, I don't mind telling you who I am."

"And how am I to trust your evaluation of this treasure?" Virgil inquired.

"The fact that you, yourself don't need it, young prince, has already downgraded its value." Damien said. "I know your circumstances. I know of them even better than yourself." And added.


Virgil was speechless. Indeed. He acts more like a Devil. Especially ones of the royal race, a Daemon. He thought, and had to agree to such thought process.

'If they know my circumstances, then they know that I'd value anything that could help me. Hence if I don't value it, its value is low to me. I'm not losing out on the deal.' He further thought.

"But... it might not be of value to me, yet of great value to you." He retorted. But Damien was unphased. "My identity is of great value to me, than it is to you. A spy values his identity more, than those that are trying to root him out."

"...Oh? I see your point." Virgil nodded, and then threw the multicolored ball of light towards Damien. He did not have anymore qualms.

Damien caught it, and carefully appraised it. Virgil kept quiet and waited for him to do so. At this point, he was not looking for their identity, but any useful information.

Devils might be scourges and personification of lies, but they knew how to trade. Especially if it would value them. And any of their secrets would benefit anyone, regardless.

[ Seed of Yggdrasil (Realistic) :- A Realistic grade treasure that can sprout into the Great Tree of Countless Creations, Yggdrasil. Requires a Trillion units of Mana to sprout ]


Damien was impressed. The fact that it was Realistic grade treasure, already made it stand out. It was more than a lot for the current him.

Unfortunately, he did not understand why Virgil did not take it. Even if it wasn't suited for his plans, it was still a powerful high grade treasure at the peak of even the current Realm.

"Is it worth your identity?" He asked, but Damien still shook his head. The identity in question was not that of a human, but that of coming from the future.

Jumping through time was possible for gods, so it was not that special. Even for some mortals. But jumping into time, those powerful become aware of your actions.

They could respond, because time is a stable factor for Reality. Disrupting it, one would cause the downfall of the whole of Reality.

But his case... was Unique. Not even the most powerful current Primordial Source, or the Seven Supremes are aware of his descent. It was strange.

Very much strange. Which is why he wouldn't carelessly speak about it to anyone. Even if it would not cause much problems for him at the moment.

Of course, family aside. "Then may I ask, what could be worth a Realistic grade treasure? What secrets do you hold?" Virgil did not mind that, and continued his pursuit.

Daemons cared most about their identities anyway, because they were not much of them to begin with. So each and every one of them were powerful, and respected.

Damien looked up at him, and sighed. "Anytime from now, the very foundation of the world would be broken." He said, his tone stern, yet still apathetic.


Virgil kept quiet in slight interest. Damien continued, "What you all consider the peak of power, would be nothing but the average powerhouses."

Virgil finally intervened, "That's a given. This entity... The Primordial Source, has been giving people chances to quickly climb through the realms of power."

But Damien shook his head. "It's indeed the cause, but not because of that." He paused, and looked straight at Virgil, who also returned the glare.

"A new Realm of power would be introduced soon. Something the likes of your ancestors and founders would not match up to... A Realm of power, suitable to rule a Realm." He said.

"...You mean...?" Virgil's expression changed. He looked up in realization. 'Would one of those old monsters finally breakthrough or...?' His thoughts ran wild.

"Yes... so you should go back and prepare. As a member of the top powerhouses of this world, you and your race would suffer the most damage. Alongside all the other seven major forces." Damien added.

But his warning, was not what Virgil was thinking. Yet both could not read minds, and would not fix the misunderstanding.


Virgil was shocked beyond belief, and caught between belief and distrust. But Damien then added, "Believe it or not. That won't change anything... either than the fact that you will lose more than necessary if ignored."

He said, and turned around. He put the Seed of Yggdrasil within his Void Keeper. That would be a gift to Juliette. He already had one himself... a Realistic grade treasure.

But he was still curious of its effects, and had powered it up with the required Mana to cause it to sprout.


Virgil watched as Damien removed his Invisibility and flew towards Flint, who had torn apart the Realm Dragon, and painted the battlefield in a blood and flesh.

He watched as the young man flew fearlessly towards the rabbid Flint. And contrary to his expectations, the terrifying devil that Flint was a moment ago, immediately flinched at Damien's appearance.

The fear instilled during their first encounter was still present. He immediately retreated ever so subtly, afraid of Damien's extreme apathy exuding out of his faceless mask.

"Leave." He said, and without question, the red flames around Flint disappeared, replaced by normal flames... which also disappeared to reveal his true figure.


He then fell down, but was luckily caught by Damien. Virgil all the while, became even more sure that Damien was a Daemon. 'Only a Daemon can give a Devil so much fear, despite the difference in Realms of power.'

He thought. As for Damien's words, he half believed them. Daemons rarely lie, unlike Devils. But only when they obtain sufficient payment. And yeah, rarely.

Plus, even if he takes the information to heart, he would not lose much. Damien then gently lay down Flint, and turned back to Virgil.

"I'll give you more information, under the implication that you leave now." He said, and Virgil floated towards them.


He looked down a Damien, then at Flint, then back at Damien. Damien himself did not say anything, and stared back through his faceless mask.

He knew Virgil's thoughts, but did not say anything. Nothing was stopping him from leveling up all the way to becoming a half-mythical warrior.

And once he reached that stage, with his current Abilities and League factor, he was not afraid of a god who was not even battle oriented.

"...What may that be?" Virgil finally asked. He was a false god of fate, but still knew fate. And what it was telling him now... was nothing but nonsense.

No matter what he did, he found no information out of it. It was as if the moment he attacked, his fate would be undetermined. He could die, he could live. It was all unstable flanctuating chances.

"A good response." Damien said, then added. "You should better start preparing genius talents on your side. Weapons, armors, anything that could help you build a foundation."

"Have them ready at all moments." He said. "Change could happen anytime, and soon. And you never know when 'soon' might arrive. Just a friendly reminder." And concluded.


Virgil was skeptical. The information did not make much sense, but it also did not negatively affect him once more. So he was better off listening, to avoid regret.

"Thank you... but I am still not satisfied. This Realm... seems more than that." He added, but Damien was still Damien.

"If you want, we can fight it off. I don't mind." He said, ignoring Virgil's presence, and tending to Flint's overall condition.


Virgil kept quiet for a short while, and helplessly shook his head a moment later. 'Daemons and Devils.' He thought. Then he floated off.

But then Damien added, "As for the little chess piece you're looking for... she's safe. And will continously be kept safe. Forget about her for the moment."

"You couldn't protect her anyway." He concluded, and went back to his own business.


Virgil paused briefly, and a moment later, flew off once more. This time, he flew out as fast as he could, and returned the same way he took.

His business was done here. Now, all he wanted to do was go back and do as he was warned. And hopefully talk to the Vampire Rulers.

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