The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 112: Fire Capital

Chapter 112: Fire Capital

Daichi unpacked his bag and freshened up. He took a look around the small house and saw that there were only the most necessary items present.

'The old man sure lives a spartan life.'

After taking a look around Daichi decided it was time to take a trip through the capital. A few minutes later Kensei came to him.

"Daichi, I'm heading to meet a colleague of mine. Would you be alright here or would you like to explore the capital?"

"I'm gonna go sightseeing. Take in the view." Daichi replied with a smile.

Kensei nodded. "If you're going to be late, make sure to eat something. I'm sure you can find a restaurant."

The boy nodded and they both went their separate ways.

Daichi and Kensei left the leaf village that morning and now it was already evening. The sun was slowly coming down.

Daichi walked through the streets of the fire capital. The road itself was made with clean clear cut stones. The whole street was bustling with people. Merchants from all over the world have some businesses here. All the stores were well maintained and they had colorful designs.


[Hoseki Street]

[One of the biggest and busiest streets in the Fire Capital. A part of the Hoseki Street is dedicated to classic teahouses, many of which houses mesmerizing geisha performances. Several small restaurants, clothing stores, other shops and the shrine at the end make up Hoseki Street.]

[You have found Hoseki Street. Quest progression] (2/7)

'The business here is booming. Whoever could set up shop here would be able to make a lot of money.'

As Daichi walked he saw a few ninjas wearing the leaf village uniform roaming the capital as well.

'Hmm Not that surprising. There are many missions that require the leaf ninjas to come here.'

As Daichi walked through the streets he used his 'observe' skill on several people. He didn't find anyone that stood out or were interesting.

'I need to see if I can find some dungeons here. I'm sure this place has got to have at least a few.'

Daichi kept walking and didn't bother to buy anything. Currently he wanted to explore the place and was more interested in completing the exploration quest first.

As he kept walking he soon exited the crowded noisy street and came near a calm serene garden. The garden had a large pond with crystal clear water. Daichi could see several beautiful fishes swimming in the large pond. Daichi could also see a couple small houses that naturally blended with the large garden.

[You have found Kanazawa Garden. Quest progression] (3/7)


[Kanazawa Garden]

[This garden was created on the orders of the wife of the first Fire Daimyo. This garden is also known as the garden of six aspects. These six aspects which were considered vital to create this garden are subtlety of design, coolness, scenic view, respect and wisdom, spaciousness and finally serenity. This garden features ponds, natural landscape features such as hills and streams, and structures such as pavilions and tea houses.]

[You have witnessed a work created by several master craftsmen.]


Daichi was surprised at the new notification and stat increase.

'Wow. That's unexpected. Wait So that means if I see works that were made by masters of other fields, does that mean I can increase my other stats as well?... Will I be able to increase my strength or agility stat by witnessing great battles?... No way to find out right now I guess. This is definitely an unexpected surprise. But not unwelcome.'

With a smile, Daichi slowly roamed the garden. The craftsmen were able to create a garden that truly fulfilled its purpose. The place made Daichi feel relaxed and comfortable. It was so peaceful that Daichi wanted to enjoy the feeling more. He found a tree and sat down under its shade. He closed his eyes and meditated.

When Daichi opened his eyes again he realized the sun was about to disappear over the horizon.

'I didn't even feel the time flying. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.'

As Daichi got up his stomach grumbled letting him know that it was time to eat. He walked through the streets and soon found a large restaurant.

The restaurant had a red fiery bird resembling a phoenix, decorated on its front. The large sign board read 'Red Phoenix Restaurant.'

Daichi looked at the whole thing. The design and aesthetic quality of the place was impressive. But. 'The name It's kind of on the nose Eh! Whatever. Observe.'

[Red Phoenix Restaurant]

[A traditional sake-house restaurant created 61 years ago located at the heart of the fire capital. The owner of the restaurant is Fujimoto Kizo. This restaurant boasts excellent flavorful dishes made with the finest ingredients. The dishes made by the chefs of this restaurant are even able to impress the Daimyo. This restaurant has over one hundred unique cuisines. The restaurant is divided into 4 floors. Commoners are only allowed on the ground floor. Ninjas affiliated with the leaf village are allowed on the first floor. Officials, diplomats and important dignitaries are seated on the second floor. The third floor is reserved for only the Daimyos, kages and other equally ranked or important personnel. The higher the floor, the more expensive and tastier the dishes.]

'Wow. That's impressive.'

After reading the description, Daichi was looking forward to their dishes.

[You have found Red Phoenix Restaurant. Quest progression] (4/7)

Daichi stepped inside and found the place packed. He patiently waited and after a while he was escorted to a table. Daichi ordered the dish 'Roasted Duck' and some accompanying dishes to go along with it.

As he waited for the food he took a look around the place. Even though only commoners and ordinary people ate on this floor it was quite clean and well kept. There were people standing by in a corner who efficiently cleaned the tables after each diner.

Daichi thought about the structure of the restaurant and he figured out the goal of the owner.

'The owner is smart. There's another meaning in creating different floors and separating the customers. Each floor represents someone's rank, financial standing or political power. This is the Fire capital and the people here are mostly politicians. They would want to keep their image and prestige so they would definitely opt to go to the higher floor which would no doubt bring more revenue to the restaurant. Eating on the higher floors would also make them feel more important than the rest, giving them a certain satisfaction. And if someone from a good background or high standing who usually eats on the higher floor ever goes to the lower floors then it would present an image of a decrease in wealth or political status. So people who eat on the higher floors would definitely not try to go down. The owner is certainly cunning to come up with this idea.'

Daichi patiently waited for his food and after a short while it arrived.

The dish was a small roasted duck that had an excellent fragrance and it looked quite delicious. There were several other complimentary dishes accompanying it as well. Daichi, not wanting to waste time, took his chopsticks and took a bite out of the dish.

"Mmmm Oh wow. This is delicious" Daichi was pleasantly surprised at the flavors of the food.

With Daichi's extremely sharp senses he could clearly pick out the different flavors blended in the dish.

'This dish is almost as good as those expensive ones in Shi's restaurant. If this is the quality of dishes on the first floor then I wonder how good the ones on the higher floors would be.'

He enjoyed the dishes and after some time left the restaurant with a smile.

It was getting late and Daichi soon reached Kensei's residence. Due to having Absolute Recall skill Daichi was able to memorize the paths without any difficulty.

As he entered he saw Kensei on the nearby desk writing something on a scroll. Kensei finished writing and closed the scroll.

"How's your first trip through the capital?"

Daichi smiled as he sat down on the nearby chair. "It's incredible. I especially like the Kanazawa garden and the Red Phoenix Restaurant."

"The garden has a mystical and calming effect on a person's psyche. Or at least that's what most people say. What do you think?"

"It certainly was an incredible sight. And yeah. I think there is some truth to it"

Kensei smiled and nodded. That garden was one of the favorite places of his late wife Fumiyo.

"So, not that I mind a short break from my training but when do we meet this medic trainer?" Daichi asked and Kensei could sense the hidden curiosity and impatience.

"Soon. In a day or two maybe." Kensei replied.

"You're not gonna tell me who it is are you?"

The old man had a smug smirk. "Why ask questions you already know the answer to, Daichi?"

Daichi sighed at Kensei's antics.

Kensei couldn't help but laugh seeing Daichi's face.

Daichi slightly pouted and spoke. "Good night Gramps. I'm gonna head to my room. Since I'll be free tomorrow as well, I'm gonna check out the capital some more."

"Sure." Replied the old man and both of them retired to their rooms.


[You have found Fujima Castle. Quest progression] (5/7)

[Fujima Castle]

[Also known as the Emerald castle due to the green colored stones used in constructing the castle. It was created 103 years ago. The Daimyo of that era built this castle as a gift for an unknown great warrior who came and saved them from a calamity. It is regarded as one of the three most elegant and visually spectacular castles in the fire capital. The great warrior has imprinted his presence on the castle long ago. Visiting the castle will grant you a one time stat increase. +2 STR, +2 AGI, +2 STM, +2 INT.]

Daichi woke up early in the morning and walked around the capital. The first place he went to was the majestic Green colored castle at the northern part of the city.

Daichi was shocked as he read the information. 'A permanent increase in stats just by visiting the place? Wow! Never seen anything like that before. Even the Hokage tower didn't show anything like that. Who the hell was this great warrior?'

[You have witnessed a work created by several master craftsmen.]


[You have found a Key Dungeon. Retrieving the key to the dungeon The key to this dungeon has been placed in the inventory.]

[Fujima Castle Dungeon Key.] Restricted.

[With this key the player can enter the dungeon in the Fujima castle. This key can transport the player to its corresponding dungeon from anywhere. This key is restricted and the player cannot use the key until he is above level 60.]

'A level restriction? I never saw that on any of the other keys The other keys indicated that they were higher than my level but I could access them whenever I wanted. But this'

Daichi looked at the giant majestic castle. 'That castle is no ordinary one. I'm sure It holds some great secrets Should I check it out now?... No! It might have traps. I need to be ready. It's not going anywhere. Once I level up and become a ninja I'll be back here. That time, I'll pay you a visit.'

Daichi also paid a visit to the imperial palace. The home of the current Daimyo. He could not enter due to the guards and could only look from the streets.

[You have found the Imperial Palace. Quest progression] (6/7)

[You have found a key dungeon.]


Daichi looked at the black key he got from the Imperial Palace. 'This doesn't show any restrictions. If I use this key the opponents I face will be 30 levels higher than my current level. At least. But it doesn't show that it can't be used. So why the difference in key with the Emerald castle?'

Daichi decided that he would find the answer one day. He walked around the city for a while. He had a lot on his mind.

'When I visited the Kikyo castle it didn't show any increase in wisdom stat but here I've already encountered three What's the difference between these places? Or is the Kikyo castle nothing compared to these in terms of craftsmanship? Well compared to the castles here the Kikyo castle is indeed lacking. Anyone can see that But is that all there is to it?'

Daichi decided not to ponder on these questions and moved on. As he walked he saw a large building in one of the corners of the street. He went near the place.

[Huroi's Smithy]

[A renounced smithy belonging to the master blacksmith Huroi. He inherited the smithy from his father seven years ago. There are over two dozen blacksmiths working in the smithy at all times. Armors for the Daimyo's guards are made from this smithy. Several strong weapons were made from this smithy that is currently all over the world.]

'Wow. A blacksmith shop. Just what I needed.'

Daichi thought about the blueprints he had for the Night Gaze Armor. Daichi became somewhat excited at the thought of going to the smithy and showing him the blueprints.

'No. If I go there and show him the Armor blueprints he might get suspicious. I'm just a child after all. I should go when I have a good reputation or a strong backing to make sure the guy doesn't swindle me in any way. I'll show it after I meet the guy and have a better understanding about him.'

[You have found Huroi's Smithy. Quest progression] (7/7)

[Quest 'Explore the Fire Capital' Completed.]


1000 Exp.

150 Exp.

[Bonus Reward.]

2000 Exp.

300 Exp.

'A bonus of only 2000+ exp. Guess I should have expected that. This was a simple quest after all.'

Daichi opened his status page and looked at the experience points needed to reach the next level.

'Around 10000 points to reach level 44 huh That'll be easy with the next dungeon.'

Daichi spent the entire day exploring the capital. By 3 in the afternoon Daichi came to the Kanazawa garden to relax. He could see some people on their own enjoying the calming atmosphere of the garden. Daichi sat down under a tree away from everyone and meditated. He always felt peace and tranquility when meditating.

Hours passed by and Daichi only opened his eyes when the sun went down. He stood up and stretched himself.

'Red Phoenix Restaurant, here I come. I wonder what I should order today.'

Daichi was captivated by the dishes and couldn't wait to taste more.

He reached the restaurant and like yesterday a young beautiful waitress greeted him at the door. After waiting a while Daichi was escorted to a table near the back.

Daichi didn't pay attention to the other customers as his mind was occupied with what he was going to have tonight.

As he sat down thinking about what dish to order he heard the sound of a woman and a waitress arguing in the booth behind him.

"Miss We won't serve you anymore alcohol today. Please leave." The sound of the waiter was low so only the people in that booth and Daichi heard it.

Then he heard the voice of another woman arguing with the waitress.

"I'm not properly drunk yet. So another bottle now." The sound of a sake cup being emptied and roughly slammed on the table was heard.

"No. You already drank so much, Miss. And you have a debt here." The waitress argued.

Daichi was planning to ignore the commotion behind him but at that moment he heard a name that shocked him.

"Lady Tsunade. Please. Enough! You've already had too much to drink. And we're out of money again."

That was going to be Daichi's first meeting with one of the Legendary Three Ninjas.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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