The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 124: 5th Year End

Chapter 124: 5th Year End

Once he was back in his room Daichi opened his status page.

[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]

[Class : Student]

[Age : 10]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin.]

[Level : 46 (27551/56900)]


[HP : 14131]

[CP : 24107.05]

[SP : 14473]

[MP: 6120]


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 194

Vitality - 196

Dexterity - 155

Agility - 191

Intelligence - 148

Chakra - 288

Wisdom - 160


[Special Stats]

Sense - 110

Stamina - 179

Indomitable - 22

Charisma - 49

Persistence - 24

Dignity (LOCKED)



[Stat Points - 733]

[Ryo - 722606]


'Hmm Aside from wisdom, intelligence and dexterity none of the other primary stats have increased. And in the special stats the only one that got a boost was the Sense stat I suppose I should have seen that This dungeon was an easy one. So those other stats wouldn't see any growth Still two level ups and a title. That's worth it.'

Even though only a few seconds passed in the real world, for Daichi, it had been a long time. He had been in the dungeon for over a month. He took a look around the room and got up. He got out of the house and went for a walk.

It was night time and the end of December. It was the time of the 'Fire Festival' in the capital. An annual end of the year holiday the people enjoyed.

Daichi walked through the streets of the capital admiring the views of the various decorations that hung outside the shops. He went to a small BBQ stall and bought a few kebabs.

'My lightning nature training will come to an end by next month. Progress on it has been so slow due to my time in the hospital. And I haven't been able to learn any other craft related skills. But the good news is that I've learned most everything that Tsunade has to teach me... She said she would take me out of the capital next year for special training Wonder what that's about?'

Daichi stopped and sat on a bench as he enjoyed the delicacy in his hand. He watched the fireworks in the sky and a smile was present in his face.

'If I was in my old world, right now I would be home with my family for Christmas'

Daichi had made peace with what had happened to him but the thought still made him a little sad. He slightly shook his head and just enjoyed the moment. Once the festivities came to an end he headed back home.

'Whatever special training Tsunade has planned I'll be ready. And along with that I need to work on the last chakra nature. Wind I'll also need to begin on the Creation Rebirth technique I already know that's going to be a pain So much to do.'

Daichi let out a small breath of exasperation. He had a lot on his plate but he also knew that with each day he was getting closer and closer to his goals.


Daichi was at the hospital in an operating room surrounded by Karuizawa, a few medic nurses and Shizune who was by his side. His hands had green chakra and were atop the chest of a middle aged man.

Daichi was at the end stage of completing a complicated transplant surgery and was in the process of healing the patient and closing the incisions.

Under his green healing chakra the flesh and skin slowly but perfectly melded together and after a two hour long surgery he was finally done. Daichi let go of his healing chakra and checked the vitals of his patient.

[You have successfully healed your patient.] [10000/10000]

[You have leveled up.]

The notifications indicated to Daichi that everything was a success. At that moment Shizune spoke up after looking over the man on the table.

"All vitals look stable The wound's perfectly closed. Well done Daichi!"

[Reputation increased with the medics of the hospital]

[Reputation increased with Shizune]

"Thank you Shizune senpai."

The head doctor of the hospital Karuizawa stepped forward. "You are truly talented in the medical arts, Daichi. What do you say about joining us? I'll make sure you'll have all the comforts you want, here."

Daichi smiled at the offer but politely declined. "Thank you for the offer Dr. Karuizawa but becoming a ninja has been my goal for a long time. Can't let it go now."

The old man sighed sadly but then smiled. "I know... I know you want to become a ninja but I just can't help but be selfish We might never see another talented kid like you in our lifetime again."

All the medics at the hospital hold Daichi in high regard. Each day at the hospital Daichi kept proving his talent. Techniques that would require months to learn would be mastered in less than a week. He would work just as hard if not harder than most medic ninjas at the hospital. And due to his young age and prodigious medical skills even a few important people in the Fire Capital's Daimyo court became aware of him. His reputation had grown quite a bit during the last year.

Daichi and a smiling Shizune left the operating room and got themselves cleaned up. After a short while they met with Tsunade who was waiting for them outside.

Tsunade was about to ask how things went but based on the smiling faces of her former and current apprentices she knew the results.

[Reputation increased with Tsunade Senju]

"I have to admit it brat, I am impressed!" Tsunade had a big smile as she looked at her student. "I never imagined you would come so far in such a short amount of time You're truly something else."

"It's all because of you and Shizune. Thank you." Daichi bowed his head and replied. His deep gratitude was clear in his voice.

"BHA! Don't get so formal with me you brat." Tsunade laughed as she ruffled Daichi's hair. Over the year she had grown to like the brat. She admired his tenacity and willingness to work for his goals.

Shizune smiled as she looked at her mentor and mother figure. She was grateful to Daichi for bringing such joy to her Master's face.

"Come on you two. Tonight we're celebrating." Tsunade led the way and all of them left the hospital for the famous Red Phoenix Restaurant.

It was evening by the time Daichi and the other two left the hospital and they spent the remainder of the day at the private booth on the upper floor of the restaurant. Hours had passed by and it was almost midnight. Tsunade and Shizune were drunk but Daichi was calmly eating a few BBQ chicken pieces. He was hungry and had a very large appetite.

He sighed as he looked at the two drunk ladies who were passed out in front of him. 'Tsunade had been so busy training me that she hadn't had time for her vice. I suppose this was the perfect opportunity for her to get drunk Tomorrow is the day an instructor from the academy arrives and tests me Based on what the old man told me, my test will be a bit different from the ones my classmates will take. It'll be much more difficult But it won't matter. I'll be ready.'

At that moment Daichi decided to check the rewards he got for completing the healing quest.

[Quest 'Become a prodigal Medic Ninja' Completed.]


[40000 Exp.]

[+20 Stat points.]

[Level of all medical skills that have not reached maximum would increase by 3.]

[Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune, Kensei Yasaji, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya and people of the Fire country.]

[New Title: Mighty Healer.]

[Mighty Healer: This title increases the Exp. gain by 10% for medical skills. Increases the effects of all healing skills by 15% when healing a patient. The effects further increase by another 5% when the player uses healing skills on himself.]

'Awesome. Stat points in this alone are the equivalent of 4 levels. And that title. Mighty healer huh! I like the sound of that.' Daichi then opened his status page and checked the level progress.

[Level : 47 (13017/59075)]

'Almost 47000 to go huh Not bad.'

Once Daichi was done eating he woke the two from their drunken slumber and bid farewell for the night.

Tsunade looked at the vanishing figure of the boy. She had been studying him the whole time he was with her.

'His growth is extraordinary. He has a very steep learning curve and his perfect chakra control helps mastering any technique far too easy And it's not just that. I've seen him train his body most days to its utmost limits. His chakra reserves had grown much faster than I anticipated. Only almost 11 years old and he already has high Jonin level reserves Is it because of the stress he put himself under? I know he was training the second step of the lightning nature and using shadow clones to do it. Then again he never made that a secret from me Now that I think about it, that's actually kind of brilliant. Then again only someone like him with his unique abilities would be able to train like that.'

Tsunade took one swig from her sake bottle and leaned back in her chair. She thought about the observations made on Daichi and came to some conclusions.

'His chakra must have been exhausted and he should have been tired, unable to move properly for at least a few days but after a night's rest his body completely healed and his reserves were back to full capacity. He has extraordinary Recovery and Regenerative abilities. And for his chakra to increase at the rate it did His body must have a strong adaptable ability. And coupled with his sheer will and an almost unbreakable concentration He will one day be a force to be reckoned with.'

Tsunade's hands slowly went to the green jeweled necklace. 'Should I give it to him' It was only for a moment but Tsunade immediately banished the thought from her mind.

'No! Absolutely not! I won't end another life with this curse. And besides He doesn't even have any interest in becoming Hokage.'

Tsunade once asked Daichi what his dream was. When he told her that he wanted to be the strongest, Tsunade thought his dream was to become Hokage. But she was surprised to hear that becoming a leader was not his ambition. She was even more surprised at the conversation that followed.

"Na! I'm not interested in being Hokage. That position belongs to a friend of mine. One day he's gonna reach that goal."

The slug sannin was surprised at the confidence Daichi had in this mysterious friend.

"You really think there's someone who's more talented and stronger than you in your generation?"

Daichi laughed at that and shook his head. "Oh no! He's nowhere near as talented as me. In fact if I'm right he's currently in the middle of the class rankings. And that's being generous. He can be a moron and a goof most of the time and he's not that smart. But sometimes he can be quite cunning."

Tsunade was bewildered as she heard Daichi describe his friend. "You do realize that someone like that would never make Hokage right?"

"Ohh you'd be surprised. Sure he sounds like a mess now but He's got a will that very few can match. He has a lot of potential just waiting to be unleashed. And once he sets his mind to something he's not gonna stop. Ever! Guys like him are a pain to fight. To be honest I'm looking forward to challenging him to a battle once he gets strong enough I can't help but be excited just thinking about that."

Tsunade saw the smile Daichi had on his face. She understood that Daichi held this person in great regard.

"Do you really believe he can be Hokage one day?"

"Yes! I believe he can do it. And strength isn't the only thing needed to become Hokage. The leader of the village needs charisma He has a charm that brings people together That makes me wanna believe in him."

Tsunade's eyes widened as she heard those words. The emotions Daichi felt were almost the same as the ones she felt a long time ago.

"Who is this kid?" Tsunade couldn't contain her curiosity and asked.

At that question Daichi had the mysterious smirk which sometimes infuriated her.

"You'll find out one day."

"Why you little brat."

Tsunade shook her head and brought herself to the present. She then looked to her side and the face of the drunk passed-out Shizune brought a smile to her face.

'Since he's almost done with the medic training, I might as well teach him my fighting style'

At that moment the image of another person came to mind. A Taijutsu master she met and helped a long time ago.

'He owes me his life. A life debt in his words. I think it's time I cash that in. If Daichi can train with him and improve his Taijutsu skills by fighting that man, then maybe He might be capable of learning and using 'that' style It's a slim possibility but It's worth a try. If there is anyone who can master 'that' style then I believe it's Daichi.'

Tsunade sat there making plans for Daichi's training for the next few months.


The next day at Kensei's Home, Daichi completed the academy final exams under the supervision of a qualified chunin. Daichi would mail his academy assignments every two months. So he had nothing to worry about on that front. And with the written test completed and after a brief spar which showed the examiner Daichi's Taijutsu level he was marked as the top of the 5th year. Even though he was absent from the academy he still retained the position of first in his class.

The month of March was half way done. Daichi meditated in his room and after midnight the rewards for the year appeared.

[Ongoing Quest - 'Path to the strongest.']

[5th Year tasks successfully completed. ]

[Distributing the reward for clearing a dungeon. Distributing New Skill for successfully completing all tasks.]

[+3000 Exp.]

[+450 Exp.]

[Health Manipulation - Active(LV.1): This skill allows the user to manipulate the health(the state of physical/mental/social well being) of the target. The user can manipulate the healing process by speeding up any or all aspects of regeneration or slowing or blocking the healing of the target. Can sense the health of anyone within a certain range and identify the causes of wounds. Although this has certain limitations.]

[Note: This skill is divided into 5 grades. Currently can only manipulate the Physical Health of the target. More effects will be added as the skill level increases. The restrictions will be removed as the user increases his level and the level of the skill. Current grade: Average]


[Can sense the health of anyone within 5 meters. (There are certain limitations.)]

[Can increase or decrease the healing of your target by 2%.]

[5% chance of manipulating the biological chemicals or bio-electrical signals of the target. (There are certain restrictions.)]

[CP Cost: 5000]

[Cooldown time: 6 Hrs.]

'Wow! Holy shit. This is Incredible It's not much at the moment but after I level it up this is gonna be one hell of a skill Damn it I wish I got this last year. That way I could have leveled it up a lot by now'

Daichi let out a sigh and consoled himself. 'Better late than never I suppose. This is the first time I've seen a skill with such high chakra points cost and a cooldown time.'

'I have a feeling this is gonna be an OP skill one day.'

With a big happy smile Daichi closed the blue notification boxes and went to sleep.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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