The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 131: 25 Million Chakra Points

Chapter 131: 25 Million Chakra Points

Daichi was studying the green scroll Tsunade had given him.

'Strength of a Hundred Seal. Once created, it appears in the form of a Rhombus shape on the forehead... If I remember right then Mito Uzumaki who was Tsunade's grandmother also had a similar marking. Does that mean this jutsu was something originally developed by the Uzumaki clan or something the Senju already had?'

Daichi decided to ignore its history and focus his attention on its creation and applications.

'The reason the forehead is chosen as the concentration point for the chakra storage is because it's the easiest and most efficient way to gather chakra and maintain it. Well, for someone with excellent chakra control anyway It's the same principle as the leaf concentration exercise but on a whole other level'

The scroll described how to maintain chakra and create the seal. Daichi studied every inch of the scroll and was preparing himself.

'This is the parent Jutsu. Once the 'Strength of the Hundred Seal' is created, I can release it with the 'Yin seal release' method. I can use the massive chakra that's available for battling or healing. The 'Ninja art Creation Rebirth' is a subdivision of this technique. I'll definitely need this skill in the future. And since my chakra will be far stronger and larger than Sakura's, this will be more effective for me. But I wonder how long it will take for me to gather the needed chakra It shouldn't be long right?'

Daichi opened his status page and looked at his chakra points.


At that moment a skill notification appeared.

[You have learned a new skill.]

[Strength of the Hundred Seal: (Active/Passive) (Tier: 00): This powerful unique skill helps the user store chakra into a specific spot on their body. Once the necessary chakra volume is reached, a seal is created which the user can activate at any given time and use the stored chakra to boost the user's abilities. This skill redirects the desired CP to the specific location on the body every day. This limitation can be removed at higher tiers.]

[Note: This is a unique skill among the skill list and is represented by a Tier number. There are 7 tiers in total. Currently inactive.]

Current Tier: 0

To reach the next Tier, the current goal must be completed.

[Chakra Points Needed to reach Tier 01 - 0/25000000.]

Daichi read the description and was astonished. This was the first time he saw a skill like this. And his eyes almost popped out of his skull as he read the last number.

'25 million? Holy crap! How long will it take me to reach that goal? And it says I'll only reach the first Tier after gathering that much chakra? That's insane.'

At that moment a system message appeared.

[This skill is currently inactive. Once this skill is activated, the system will automatically direct the allocated amount of chakra to the specific location of your body.]

[How much percentage of your chakra do you want to redirect to the skill?]

With that question a small red box popped up below the blue question box.

'Hmm So the gamer system will automatically store the chakra huh. That's nice Now how much should I give?'

After a couple seconds Daichi answered in his mind. '10%.'

After a second a new message box popped up.

[44946 * 10%/100 = 4494.6 - Estimated at most 5562 days needed until completion and creation of Tier 01 seal. (Not an accurate time frame due to various factors.)]

[The time required for completion will vary due to the additional chakra directed to the spot when you meditate, growth in your chakra reserves, and absorption of non-lethal foreign chakras or chakra generated during sleep.]

[Would you like to proceed?]

Daichi read the box and was disappointed. 'Over 5000 days. That's like almost 15 years. No thanks. No.'

The last message disappeared reading Daichi's intent and the question came once again.

[How much percentage of your chakra do you want to redirect to the skill?]

Daichi pondered as he thought about the information he just learned. 'This is just a rough estimate. So it looks like with sleep, meditation and other methods, I can reduce the time required to create the seal huh.. It's logical now that I think about it. The system can't predict when I will sleep or meditate and the additional chakra would be like a waste if it isn't used for something.'

Daichi looked at the system message and gave his second choice.


[44946 * 30%/100 = 13483 - Estimated at most 1854 days needed until completion and creation of Tier 01 seal. (Not an accurate time frame due to various factors.)]

[The time required for completion will vary due to the additional chakra directed to the spot when you meditate, growth in your chakra reserves, and absorption of non-lethal foreign chakras or chakra generated during sleep.]

[Would you like to proceed?]

'No!... It's almost 5 years. That's still too long But I can't direct too much chakra to this because I'll need a decent amount when I'm Genin'

After thinking about it for a few more minutes Daichi gave his third and final answer.


[44946 * 50%/100 = 22473 - 1112 days needed.]

'Yes. I suppose this will have to do. Today is the last day of April. So I still have a year before Lee's year graduates and even if I decide to graduate at that time, it won't be a major problem. I have more than 2 years before the Chunin exams business So there is time 1112 days huh. And I can reduce this time even further with meditation and other methods. I'll need to learn a skill that can absorb chakras from others. Like that guy Sasuke fought at the Chunin exam. But something much more efficient I'll need to look into it.'

[Would you like to proceed?]


[Concentrate chakra to the spot on your body where you want to store your energy.]

Without even needing to close his eyes Daichi concentrated his chakra to the middle of his forehead.

[Location confirmed.]

[Strength of the Hundred Seal skill activated.]

[50% of your CP will now be directed every day to the center of your forehead due to the skill.]

[Excess chakra your body produces can now be reallocated to the skill if you wish.]

Daichi saw a decrease in his CP points.

[CP : 44930.4 / 44946]

'Almost 15.6 CP points reduction per minute. In 24 hours that accumulates to 22743. 50% of my current total CP I see. So that's how it is. This is the bare minimum that will be allocated a day and if I use other skills and increase the chakra redirected it can be a lot more What a fascinating skill'


May 1st

The next morning Daichi headed to Tsunade's apartment. He had said his temporary farewells to his grandfather the previous night. The two of them had gone out to celebrate Daichi's last night at the capital for a while.

When Tsunade saw Daichi the next day she noticed his massive increase in chakra reserves. 'Has he been suppressing his chakra this whole time? No! That can't be. I would have noticed. His reserves are in the same range as high level Jonin. It's almost as if his reserves had increased overnight. How strange!... A strong chakra, great vitality and powerful physique. He is truly blessed with a Heavenly body.'

She also noticed something else.

"I see you've started on that jutsu."

Daichi knew exactly the one she was talking about. "Yeah. I'll be storing a small portion of my chakra every minute to that point."

The Sannin nodded. "Who knows with your progress you'll be able to manifest the seal in about 4 or 5 years."

"Actually by my estimates and with the amount I have in mind, by the time I'm done it'll be completed in less than 2." Daichi had a smirk on his face.

Tsunade chuckled seeing Daichi's confidence. "You really think so?"


"Guess we'll find out in two years."

At that moment Shizune appeared with her pig Tonton in her hands. "It's done, Lady Tsunade. I've packed up everything we need. We're ready." She said with enthusiasm. It's been a few years since she spent a whole year in one place. But now she's excited to travel again.

"Since we're not in a hurry it'll take a few weeks to reach the Land of Medicine but I doubt that's a problem for you kid." Tsunade asked Daichi.

"Nope. In fact I'm looking forward to traveling on the road. I've always wanted to explore new places and I'm excited for this trip."

"Alright then! Let's hit the road."

And like the trio left the capital for their next destination.

They began their journey and the first place they reached was Shukuba Town. "Why don't you explore the place Daichi! I'm gonna go have some fun." With those words the slug sannin left Daichi to his own devices.

"Wait Lady Tsunade! Here Daichi. When you're done, come to this address. I better go after her." Shizune shoved a paper in Daichi's hand and quickly followed after their teacher.

Daichi looked around the place and he remembered something. 'If I recall right, then isn't this the town where Itachi and Kisame attacked Naruto when he was out searching for Tsunade?... Yes. I'm sure of it.'

He looked around and saw plenty of people going about their business. Daichi spent his time enjoying the sights and delicacies from around the different places. He saw a large window in a shop and Daichi could see his reflection.

'Man! Long hair is indeed cool.'

Daichi looked at his reflection and admired himself for a moment. He had long spiky brown hair that reached several inches below the shoulder. He had a lean muscular frame for someone his age. He had black eyes and tan skin and was wearing a light green shirt, black cargo pants and open toed shoes.

'Damn I look good.' Daichi suddenly had the urge to pose in front of the mirror but he suppressed them.

'Now that I think about it, I kinda look like that grown up kid from One Piece What was his name?... Oh yeah! Momonosuke. I kinda look like his adult self Well my face does anyway'

After a few more seconds he left. Daichi walked and he then came upon a street sign that read 'Fun Fun Avenue'.

Daichi chuckled looking at the sign. 'One day.'

He left and enjoyed the sights. He would also train the second step of his wind nature chakra when he could but its progress was much slower compared to the others. Daichi believed he had plenty of time to master the Wind nature now that he didn't have much else to do.

Tsunade would visit a few gambling dens and small casinos whenever she found one. The ones that knew her reputation would welcome her with open arms and would treat her like a VIP.

As usual Tsunade would lose her money and she would spend the evening in a restaurant/bar getting drunk.

Daichi didn't mind as he knew she knew her limits. He would spend the night in an Inn and would only be asleep for only 4 hours and would complete the daily part of his quest.

They quickly reached Tanzaku town next and spent a couple days there.

Just because Daichi slowed down didn't mean he became complacent. He trained everyday and meditated for a couple hours to speed up the creation of his Strength of the Hundred seal.

A few days went by like this with nothing out of the ordinary happening. But that all changed on the 6th day of their trip.


A Few Days Ago.

Danzo looked at the agent he assigned at the capital.

"So the boy left the Capital?"

"Yes. And he is traveling with Lady Tsunade and Shizune."

"Did you find out where Tsunade is taking him?" Danzo asked the man.

"No sir. Unfortunately Tsunade kept that information to herself. But based on what I found out they are heading north east. Based on their current route they would reach the Land of hot water in a few days."

Danzo's mind went through the different lands to the north east side of the fire country. As he thought about the different places one stood out.

'The Land of Medicine That is most likely their end goal. Since the boy is training under her and has completed the training at the hospital, it is logical that she would take him there. That place holds dozens of different medicines and herbs. If I remember right then she spent a few months there during her childhood to learn about the various plants growing there and their herbal effects Yes. It's most likely it.'

Danzo had a frown as he came to this conclusion.

'Should I wait for her to finish teaching him?' After he thought about it for a few more seconds he dismissed it.

'No. There is no better opportunity. Kensei isn't with him right now. And there are a couple of blood thirsty factions in the Land of Hot Water. I'll make use of their name. I might not get another chance. And based on the reports he is plenty good already. The land of hot water is the ideal spot. And if a commotion happens in the land of Iron then Mifune will become a headache.'

Danzo made a decision. "Bu! Gather your team. Intercept them in the Land of Hot Water."

"Yes sir." The root ninja Bu replied.

"Make sure to take the boy alive and relatively unharmed. Avoid a fight with Tsunade and Shizune if you can. But if you have to engage, make sure not to kill Shizune. And I'm sure you remember what I said about Tsunade."

"Yes sir. I'll only resort to it in the most dire circumstances."

Danzo nodded. "If you're forced to use it, then make sure you erase her memory of it."

'Even if she is away from the village drinking and gambling her life away, her name itself is enough to strengthen the image of the village and deter some enemies. If anything happens to her then the other nations will become bold and take advantage. Not to mention what Hiruzen and Jiraiya will do. That's not what I need right now.'


With that order the Root Anbu disappeared from Danzo's sight.


Author's Note.

Hey guys I'm back.

For those who might be a bit confused with the calculations, I'll break it down.

[44946 * 10%/100 = 4494.6 - Estimated at most 5562 days needed until completion and creation of Tier 01 seal.]

Now if Daichi chose this option, then the minimum chakra allocated to the seal would be 4494.6 CP per day. And if he only spends this much chakra on the seal then it would take him 5562 days maximum to complete the seal.

25000000/4494.6 = 5562.

Now there are various other factors that come into play. Absorbing Non harmful foreign chakra, chakra build up when meditating and sleeping With these factors the daily chakra redirected to the seal increases and the time decreases.

I'm already envisioning the moment the mark appears on his forehead. I have the scenario in mind. But I don't know how that scene will come out well that's a long way into the future anyway. I'll try to give it my best shot.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

I'll see you guys Saturday.

Next: Chapter 132 - My Luck and a 'Surprise' Attack.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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