The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 137: Interlude 09 - Cold War

Chapter 137: Interlude 09 - Cold War

Shortly after Tsunade and her students left the battle area the spy of the Akatsuki organization appeared out of the ground. It was a mere coincidence that he was there. One of the white Zetsu clones was near the area and alerted black Zetsu of the battle. He arrived at the battlefield just after Daichi successfully forced the root ninjas away from his teachers. He watched Daichi battle the two ninjas and witnessed how he healed Shizune.

"Well that was interesting." The white half said in a jolly tone.

"Yes. I didn't think there would be someone who would try to make a move on that Senju at this moment." The black half replied.

"What do you think about that boy?" White Zetsu asked his counterpart.

"He's strong. Well for a brat anyway. But we've seen plenty like him throughout the years." Black Zetsu already made an analysis of Daichi as he witnessed the fight.

"Based on his interactions with Tsunade, I'd say he was her student."

"Hmm You're right. I didn't think she would take another apprentice."

"Do you think he's a Senju?" The white half questioned.

"No. His chakra indicates that he's not from the Senju or any other clan" The black half replied after giving it a few seconds of thought.

"A clanless kid? He's quite strong for his age. He was able to kill that one ninja and fight the other all the while healing that other apprentice."

"Yes. But there are several things that were in his favor. Based on what we saw I'm certain those ninjas were holding back. There were several moments where they could have gone for the kill. I think they were trying to subdue him. Probably to use against Tsunade or the Leaf." The black spoke in a gruff voice.

"What do you think they were after? That child or the Sannin? Or something else?"

At the white Zetsu's question the black half fell silent for a short while. He then replied after thinking it over. "It's possible they were after the child but it's a small one. Based on what I sensed the only things he had going for him was his large chakra reserves and control. The jutsus he used had the precise amount of chakra needed and the number of ninjutsu, genjutsu used and the shadow clones used tells me he has great reserves. On par with high level Jonins. He also knows medical ninjutsu. He must be talented to be learning medical techniques under her If he was the target then that should be it."

"Someone with perfect control and large reserves. That's rare." White Zetsu complimented.

"Yes. But we've seen plenty who were like that. Granted they were part of a clan but still, he's nothing special."

"Do you think he would become strong enough to interfere with the plan? Are you going to tell Madara?"

"No. It would be a waste of time. Our goals will be completed within the next 7 or 8 years. The boy would become strong in that time but not enough to become a threat that would endanger our plans. He's not a Senju, Uchiha or an Uzumaki. He's not Jinchuriki either. The boy is inconsequential. The only thing he has going for him is the large chakra reserves and being Tsunade's apprentice. And that's not all that special and won't matter when the time comes." Black Zetsu replied dismissing Daichi as a non threat.

"Hmm. You're right. Still I wonder who sent those ninjas? Only someone bold enough and has enough strength and backing would launch a direct attack on one of the Sannin."

"You're right about that. I have a few suspects in mind with Orochimaru and Danzo being at the top of the list... But it's not our concern. Let's head back."

Black Zetsu gave the verdict and the strange black and white creature disappeared into the ground.


[Somewhere in the Land of Hot Water.]

Jiraiya was perched atop a roof and was peering through a telescope. His eyes were taking in the sights of the lovely ladies who were relaxing at the hot springs.

"Ohh yeah. So gorgeous. Take your time ladies. I'm not in a hurry."

He was writing something in his small notebook as he 'conducted his research' as he usually put it.

"Mmm yes. So round. So firm My next book is going to be so epic." The man said to himself as he perved on the women.

At that moment a small puff of smoke appeared near him. The mountain sage glanced at the puff of smoke and was curious as to who came.

"Are you still acting so shamelessly Jiraiya?" Katsuyu asked the man.

Jiraiya was surprised when he found that it was Lady Katsuyu.

He smiled and nonchalantly replied. "A man needs his hobbies."

"Make sure it doesn't get you killed. I'm sure you remember what happened the last time you attempted something like this with Lady Tsunade."

Jiraiya grimaced as he recalled those memories. He slightly shivered in fright but also giggled as he recalled Tsunade's furious face. Even when angry, she still had her charm. At least that's what he thought.

The slug summon sighed looking at Jiraiya's reaction. "You certainly are an odd one."

The toad sage brought his attention back to Katsuyu. "What brings you here? I assume it's something important."

"Yes. Tsunade tasked me with delivering this message to you as quickly as I could."

The toad sage was curious now. He took the scroll and read through the contents. The smile vanished from his face and the aura of a clumsy pervert was replaced with a cold hearted veteran shinobi.

"I'll meet with Tsunade at the Land of Medicine in a few days."

The slug nodded at the reply and vanished.

Jiraiya looked at the private bath and sighed. 'Next time ladies.'


[Hokage office.]

It was night time. Hiruzen was smoking and enjoying the calm atmosphere when suddenly a small slug appeared on his desk in a puff of smoke.

The kage only took a second to recognize the creature. He made a slight motion to his guards to stand down and indicated that the visitor was an ally.

"Lady Katsuyu. This is a surprise." Hiruzen greeted the Summon.

"Apologies, Lord Hokage for the sudden arrival. But Lady Tsunade asked that I deliver this scroll to you as quickly as possible." With those words the small slug spat out a scroll. It had Tsunade's signature chakra on it.

Hiruzen's eyes immediately sharpened. He knew Tsunade wouldn't resort to using her summon unless something extreme happened.

"How is Tsunade and everyone else?" He asked Katsuyu as he took the scroll and unwrapped it.

"Lady Tsunade and her students are fine. Considering everything that has happened. You will understand once you've read the scroll."

Hiruzen had a bad feeling in his heart as he heard those words. He opened the scroll and went through every line written on it. His face went rigid as he read through the scroll and by the end anyone could tell that he was furious.

"Please tell Tsunade that I'll handle it." He replied to the slug who was waiting for his response.

"Yes." With that the small summon vanished.

'It was the right choice. I made the right choice moving against Danzo'. Hiruzen pressed a button under the desk which sent a special alert to selected Anbu members residing in the headquarters. He then looked at the ninjas hidden in the room and gave an order.

"Summon Danzo Shimura here. If he refuses for any reason, consider him a traitor and bring him here by force."

The Anbu and guards were stunned. They obeyed quickly and moved out of the office. Within a short time they reached the former councilors home. They found the man's chakra signature inside the house and without waiting for an invitation they entered.

Danzo narrowed his eyes at the sudden arrival of several Anbu ninjas. Since publicly he was no longer the head of the root he didn't have any Root ninjas as guards posted at his home. But they were hidden near the area in case of an attack.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" Danzo questioned.

"Danzo Shimura." The lead Anbu stepped forward. "You have been summoned by Lord Hokage."

Danzo did not like the tone in which the Anbu ninja spoke to him. He didn't like the way things were going. "Why?"

"We're not here to answer your questions."

Danzo tensed and clenched his fists. The Anbu who saw the subtle movements and tensions of their target began to prepare for a possible combat. But the next second, the man stood up and calmly spoke.

"Take me to him."

The Anbu surrounded the man and they all disappeared. They arrived at the Hokage's office within a short time

Danzo had an impassive face as he walked in. 'Hiruzen summoning me like this at this time! This must be related to the mission I assigned Bu. Something must have happened. But I need to stay calm and find out what.'

Hiruzen was looking out the window at the Hokage monument and was smoking from his pipe when Anbu brought his old colleague. For a while none of them spoke.

After a minute of silence the old Kage spoke. "When Tobirama sensei tasked me with the protection of the village, I knew I could do it. It wasn't because I had absolute confidence in myself No. It was because I believed I would have you to watch my back. I knew you wanted to be Hokage and when Tobirama sensei made the choice I knew it must have made you angry. But despite our rivalry, different personalities and ideals, I had faith that you would help me in times of need. I believed we would both protect the village hand in hand and I could sleep easily knowing that you were here if anything happened to me."

The kage fell silent.

Danzo was silent as he listened to the Hokage. "Hiruzen. I- "

"Those days are long gone." The Hokage cut off whatever the man was going to say. His tone set Danzo on edge.

Hiruzen then turned around and looked at the man. He had a calm gaze but Danzo knew the man was furious.

"Tsunade and her students were attacked earlier today. It was near the Valley of the end. The attackers all died. Under normal circumstances I would have focused on the enemies outside the village walls but there was one detail in the report she sent that made me focus my gaze here. They knew about her phobia."

Hiruzen kept his eyes fixed on Danzo as he spoke. He wanted to see the man's reaction. He wasn't surprised that the only reaction his old friend made was the small narrowing of his one eye.

"Hiruzen. Let's be clear. You believe I had a hand in this. That's why you brought me here, isn't it?"


"I don't have the ability to do something like that. You saw to that a couple years ago."

Hiruzen didn't speak and just looked at his old colleague.

Danzo continued. "And there are several people who knew about her condition, like Orochimaru. He could be the one behind the attack."

"And what reason would he have to go after her after all these years?" Hiruzen asked the man.

Danzo became silent for a few seconds. If he said Daichi's name then that would indicate he knew private information that was not easily available.

"Maybe he's after the Senju bloodline. He's had a fascination with the first Hokage's power."

The Hokage just simply looked at the man with a steely gaze.

Danzo was unnerved. "Hiruzen. You're making a mistake. I'm not the enemy And what proof do you have that I'm the one responsible for this attack?"

Hiruzen smiled at that. "Nothing. The ninja who attacked them all used a suicide jutsu to make sure no identification was possible. It's why you're here in my office instead of the interrogation department with Ibiki and Inoichi tearing through your mind."

The old kage then took a puff from his pipe and let out a smoky breath. "But the thing is I don't need proof. I'm the kage of this village. I can have you shipped off to interrogation at this very moment and find out the answers I'm looking for."

"Hiruzen!" The angry shout from Danzo drew blades from the surrounding ninjas.

The old kage looked at his former rival for several seconds and made a choice. "You are hereby placed on house arrest. I will have someone go through your finances and assets. If you interfere, resist or try to escape, I will declare you a traitor to the village."

Danzo's eyes widened as he heard those words. He knew if he was declared a traitor he would never be able to become the kage of the village. Even if he somehow takes it by force he knew there would be a large resistance.

"How could you? After everything I did for the village!"

Just as those words were spoken by Danzo, killing intent burst forth from Hiruzen. "Did you send your team to capture Daichi, injure Shizune and traumatize Tsunade for the village?!"

The Root leader was quiet as he heard the accusation.

"The only reason I'm being lenient like this is because I don't have any solid proof that it was your agents who ambushed them. And if you utter one more word, I'll do what I should have done that day."

Danzo remained silent as Hiruzen took a breath and reigned in his intent. Danzo was channeling chakra through his body and was prepared to use Kotoamatsukami in the worst case scenario. But he knew there were risks of being found out if he used it here.

Hiruzen spoke after several seconds of silence. "I know you're aware of the boy and his talents He would be quite the shield and sword if you were to get your hands on him. So I'm only going to say this once. If anyone goes after Daichi Hekima, I'll consider them doing so, on your orders and we will have another conversation in a very different environment. Do I make myself clear?"

Danzo gritted his teeth and then gave a short reply. "Yes."

"Take him. And keep him under surveillance." Hiruzen motioned to his Anbu.

After the Anbu left Hiruzen made a signal and all his guards vanished. A few seconds later an Anbu appeared in his office.

"Have you found that man Bear?" Hiruzen questioned.

"No sir. It seems 'that individual's' identity is a closely guarded secret that only Danzo knows." Anbu bear replied.

Hiruzen sighed and took his seat. "I expected as much. That person is the second in command of the Root. He knows every root ninja's identity, their operational details, the roots locations and finances. His identity would be of the utmost secrecy Danzo is one of the most cunning, merciless and shrewd men I have ever met. To become his second in command No ordinary person could do it. I know how intelligent, ruthless and cunning one has to be to fill in that position."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking. Why did you let him leave like that? You could have taken him to interrogation and we would have had the answers we needed."

"Yes. But if that was the case then his root would have attacked and they would have tried to rescue him. They are loyal to him first and the village second. A serious mistake and oversight on my part The collateral damage and life lost is not something the village can handle at the moment I know he was the one who sent the people to ambush Tsunade. But this way, by letting him go, he would think that I have no proof and unsure of his role and thus would drop this matter after finding no evidence. So for the moment he's going to lay low and his root ninjas won't make any moves as well. That's what I want too. Until we find the identity of that man and every asset under Danzo, this war must remain a cold one and in the shadows."

At that moment a Jonin appeared in the office. He had pure white eyes without pupils indicating that he was a member of the Hyuga clan. A Jonin who was considered for the position of Anbu. Tsubaki.

Hiruzen and the Anbu bear turned their attention to the new arrival. "What did you find Tsubaki?" The kage asked. Hiruzen tasked Tsubaki with examining Danzo's body with his Byakugan.

"His chakra is much stronger and more potent than most ninja I've seen in the village. It was especially potent in his right arm but I couldn't see more than that. There were special seals blocking the Byakugan." The Jonin replied in a serious tone.

"It's to be expected. I believe he used the first Hokage's blood and performed some sort of experiment with the help of Orochimaru."

Bear's eyes widened when he heard that. "Wait. So that's what he was doing that day at that hideout?"

"Yes. I believe so." Hiruzen replied.

"Sir there's something more" Tsubaki spoke, gaining their attention once again.

"His right eye had chakra running through it. The eye wasn't used but was active. I believe he has a Sharingan hidden under that bandage. And the chakra signature of that eye. I've only seen one person with that unique chakra signature Shisui Uchiha."

Hiruzen's eyes widened as he heard that name.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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