The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 151: A Rare Decision

Chapter 151: A Rare Decision

Hokage Tower.

An important meeting was taking place at the Hokage tower between the Jonins assigned new Genin teams and the Hokage. The ninjas reported the results of the Genin exam to their leader.

"Team 01 failed.

Team 02 failed

. Team 09 Pass."

Everyone looked at Guy as he gave the results.

"Congratulations Guy."

The Hokage looked at the results. "It seems only one team has passed this year. How troubling."

"Um sir. Kakashi isn't here yet. He was assigned a team too." A Jonin spoke up.

"Yeah but do you really think he'd pass a team? It's highly unlikely." Another ninja spoke, showing his skepticism over the chances of Kakashi passing his team.

"I'll speak with Kakashi when he gets here. The rest of you are dismissed." The Hokage gave the order and all of them left the place.

Some time later his secretary came and informed him that Kakashi Hatake had arrived.

"Send him in."

Kakashi walked into the room and Hiruzen could tell that something was bothering him.

"So what's the excuse this time?" The old kage asked the man.

Kakashi sighed and replied. "No excuse. I was at the memorial stone. I just needed some time to clear my head."

'The bell test was the wrong exam for this scenario.' Kakashi couldn't get Daichi's words out of his head no matter how hard he tried.

Hiruzen nodded and leaned back in his chair. "So how did the test go?"

Kakashi sighed and looked at his leader. "They failed. One of them knew the specifics of the test and the other two couldn't bring themselves to trust their teammate."

"But they got the bells Or more specifically Daichi got the bells right?"

Kakashi's eyes slightly widened. "You were watching?"

"Yes. I was interested in how far Daichi had come and I'm impressed with what I saw."

"But sir, if you saw what happened then you would know that he only agreed to work with the other two because he knew it was the only way of passing the exam."

"Yes. I'm aware. But the fact of the matter is he did work with them. He made a plan that incorporated their talents and used it to complete the mission"

"But sir,..."

"You have to understand Kakashi, Daichi has been training under a private tutor for the last two years. He is used to working alone. And from the other student's perspective, he is a year younger than them. Do you really expect kids who never met each other to suddenly trust one another implicitly?"

Kakashi was silent when he heard that. 'The same argument Daichi made.'

"Did you know they were going to fail?" Kakashi asked the kage in a low voice.

Hiruzen sighed and leaned back in his chair. After a few moments he answered. "Seto may not be from a clan but he is skilled. His Taijutsu comes only second to Neji in their class. And Mari is skilled in trap detection, ambush and long range support. I picked those two as Daichi's teammates because after Neji and Tenten they are the best in that graduation class."

He stopped for a moment and Daichi's image appeared in his mind. "I knew failure was a possibility. But I also hoped for Daichi to rally his teammates behind him to help. He did. And I was hoping for those two to overcome their fears and trust each other but It seems they couldn't bring themselves to do so "

"Teamwork is something that should come naturally to a Genin."

"Yes. I agree. It's why we put them in squads. But there are times when exceptions must be made." Hiruzen said as he took his pipe and lit it on fire. He took a puff and looked at the surprised Jonin.

"Kakashi. Look at Daichi Individually. His skills, his talent and his capabilities. If you met him on the battlefield without knowing who he is, what rank would you give him?" The Hokage asked the man as he smoked from his pipe.

Kakashi was silent for several seconds. After reviewing the battle in his mind he answered. "A mid to high level Chunin at the very least."

Hiruzen smiled hearing that and looked at the Jonin. "Is that all? I'm sure someone with keen eyes like yourself would have noticed it."

Kakashi was silent for a few seconds before he answered. "He was holding back. Quite a bit if I'm right."

"Exactly. He's a lot more cunning than you give him credit for. Usually kids with great talent and strength would love nothing more than to show off. But there are a few exceptions every now and then. Daichi is one such exception. He only showed you what he wanted you to see. And I'm sure that if he wanted to take the bells on his own he could have"

Kakashi was surprised at that assessment. "Lord Hokage, what makes you so certain that he's already so strong?"

"I have my reasons. The point is, Daichi is far stronger than his peers and if we send him back to the academy for another year that gap will only widen. And it will ultimately cause an imbalance in his next team."

"Wait, are you saying that I should pass this team? Sir, that would be a mistake. I can tell that Daichi is angry at Seto and Mari after what they did. He said it himself. He hates people who stab their friends in the back. I'm not sure he would even want to work with them." Kakashi saw the look on Daichi's face. Despite him trying to hide it, Kakashi saw great anger hidden behind the calm facade.

Hiruzen nodded his head with that assessment. "Yes. I agree. After what happened I doubt Daichi would be pleased to work with them as his teammates. And in my opinion those two could use another year at the academy. I'm sure it will do them well."

Hiruzen let out a puff of smoke and looked at the silent Kakashi. "Passing the whole team was not what I had in mind."

The Jonin's one visible eye widened at that implication. "Wait. Are you saying"

The kage nodded his head. "Yes. Sending Daichi back into the academy will be a waste of time and a valuable resource. This year only Guy's team passed. The failure rate is almost 90%. Despite how our village looks from an outside perspective we are in desperate need of manpower. I believe sending Daichi back to the academy with his skills is a huge mistake. He certainly has the skills and qualifications to become a Genin. I know that this is a bit unorthodox but I believe this is the right decision. I'm thinking about passing Daichi and just Daichi alone from your team."

"And put him where? There's no spots open on any other Genin teams currently active."

Hiruzen shook his head and smiled at the man. "I wasn't thinking about putting him in a team with any other genin."

Kakashi was surprised and he had a vague feeling as to where this was going.

Hiruzen continued. "I had a plan in mind to create a few specialized teams next year. If Daichi had waited, I would have put him, Sasuke and Naruto under your care. They would have been a special unit designed for heavy assault and backup. But now that's changed. And seeing Daichi's skills first hand I'm inclined to let him pass."

He let out another puff of smoke and looked at Kakashi with a serious gaze. "I'm thinking about creating a special two man team. Daichi will be under your care for the next year. On the outside your team will be a special Genin team but you will also act as backup for other Genin teams or low ranked Chunin missions if need be. A rapid response team."

"This is certainly unexpected."

"Yes. But sometimes we have to make certain exceptions. And if you want you can consider this as a way to gain valuable experience. You know, for when you have to teach your next team." The kage chuckled as he said that.

Kakashi was astonished at the decision. "But there has to be another reason for this decision. You wouldn't make such a choice without some serious forethought." The Jonin wanted to know why the Hokage was adamant on Daichi passing.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and the image of his former teammate came to mind. 'No matter what, I can't let Danzo get to Daichi. The investigation last year didn't lead anywhere and I had to pull back some of the restrictions on him. And if he finds out that Daichi is alone he might strike again. I can't take that chance. Kakashi will be able to keep him safe. But he will want to know the real reason for why I'm doing all this.'

Having made up his mind, Hiruzen waved a hand and the hidden Anbu and guards vanished. Kakashi immediately knew he was about to hear something highly sensitive. Hiruzen walked to a secret compartment and took a few documents. He then handed them to Kakashi and gestured to the man to read them. "You asked me why I'm certain that Daichi is hiding his real strength! The answer is in there."

Kakashi went through the papers quickly and his one visible eye widened at what he saw. "Wait. Is this accurate?"

The kage just nodded his head. "Yes. Based on Tsunade's report Daichi took down 4 of the 5 assailants on his own. And based on the report they were Chunin at the very least with 2 of them even Jonin And even though I have no proof, I'm sure it was Danzo who sent them."

Kakashi finally understood his leader's reason. "You want me to train and protect him. And keep him away from the village from time to time with missions."

"Yes. There is a shadow war going on between me and Danzo and Daichi is one the key elements. Someone with his potential cannot fall into Danzo's hands. There are also other pieces in play but Daichi is a crucial piece. And you are the only Jonin I trust who is loyal and has the strength to protect the boy."

The silver haired man was deep in thought. After a few moments he spoke. "Lord Hokage, if you don't mind me asking Why do you think he's hiding his strength? What he's really capable of?"

At that question the image of Kensei came to Hiruzen's mind. "I doubt the boy has any nefarious schemes or such If I'm right then I believe Daichi is hiding his strength to survive To not draw any unwanted attention to himself."

Kakashi paid rapt attention to his leader. Hiruzen continued. "His grandfather was former Anbu. I'm sure he noticed Daichi's growth long before us. And I'm certain he's warned the boy about the enemies and danger that lurk in the shadows of our world. I believe the boy is hiding his real skills, not to cause any damage to anyone but to protect himself. Although being the student of a Sannin, he's bound to draw more attention sooner or later."

Kakashi Hatake took a deep breath and let it out. "I understand sir. When do I begin my assignment?"

"Today. I will make the arrangements and announce that you and Daichi will be a special two man team with you taking him as an apprentice due to his talents. I want you to train the boy. Sharpen and expand his skills." The kage said to the man.

"Yes sir."

"I'll leave you to inform the boy of the new arrangements."

Kakashi left the Hokage tower and looked at the people moving through the streets. He slowly made his way back to training ground three where one of the most important monuments of the Leaf village stood.

Kakashi stood in front of the memorial stone for over an hour and thought about what just happened. He finally let out a breath and spoke as if he was talking to his old team.

"Looks like I finally got someone as my student. It's not a team but I suppose I'll have to start somewhere. He reminds me a bit of myself. A great talent minus all the trauma I hope I can pass on to him the lessons you taught me, Minato Sensei." Kakashi looked at the names important to him and then left the place.

A short while later the silver haired man found himself standing in front of the Jonin station. He quietly went inside and took a seat near the window. He looked out at the academy building and the children playing around without a worry in the world.

"Ahh. My rival Kakashi! You've arrived." The boisterous sound of his friend came from the other side of the room. Kakashi turned and looked at the man.

"Guy. I hear you passed your team."

"Indeed. They have shown their youthful spirit and dedication. So I have taken them under my wing." Guy said with a large smile.

"What about you? Did you pass your team?" Guy asked with a wide smile but there was a hint of concern for his friend buried in his tone.

Kakashi sighed and replied. "My team failed."

"Ha! I knew it. Pay up." The voice of Anko came along with disgruntled groans from a couple of Jonins near her. She collected the money from the few Jonin who made the wrong bet with a wicked smile on her face.

"Man Kakashi. Isn't that like the fourth team you failed? If I didn't know any better I'd say you're failing them because you just don't want to deal with the hassle." Asuma joined in the conversation.

"Asuma? When did you get back?" Kakashi had heard that the man was working at the capital for some time and didn't realize that he was back in the village.

"A few days ago." The bearded man replied.

"So your team couldn't get the bells huh. I guess that's to be expected." The special Jonin Aoba Yamashiro joined the conversation.

At that Kakashi gave a small chuckle. "Well, technically they got the bells."

"What?" Every Jonin who heard that was surprised.

Kakashi sighed and vaguely explained what had happened. "They worked together and forced me into a corner and they got the bells."

"Wait! They got the bells? And you still failed them?" Guy was surprised to hear that.

"They turned on the teammate who had the bells at the last moment. So I had to fail them."

"So no team this time too huh. Well Better luck next year I suppose." Asuma said, patting Kakashi's shoulder.

"Not exactly."

Everyone was confused at that reply.

"The Hokage decided to pass one student from the team and based on the skills he's shown, I agree with Lord Hokage's judgment. It's decided that I would take him as an apprentice and we'll both be a two man team." The silver haired Jonin said with a shrug.

"What? Are you serious? A two man team? With a Genin?" Anko and everyone else was stunned.

"Who is this boy?" Asuma asked Kakashi.

"Daichi Hekima."

Asuma's eyes widened hearing that name. "I see. It's that kid."

Everyone's attention turned to the former Guardian twelve ninja. Asuma thought about what he had heard about the kid.

"You know the boy?"

Asuma nodded. "I've heard some rumors about him during my time in the capital these last couple years. A very talented medic ninja personally trained by the Sannin Tsunade Senju. Rumors at the hospital are that his medical skills are already nearing or on par with Lady Tsunade herself."

That information shocked everyone who heard it. They knew how formidable and capable the Sannin were. Tsunade holds the title of best medic in the world. And for a child to be compared to her was astounding.

"Wait. Daichi Hekima? I knew I recognized that name." Aoba suddenly spoke. Everyone turned to him.

"Yeah. He's the number one student in his class and teachers at the academy call him a prodigy. His skills are far ahead of his classmates."

"Is that true Kakashi? You fought the kid. Is there any truth to the rumors?" Asuma and everyone else looked at the man.

Kakashi nodded. "His skills are certainly a cut above the rest. His strength and abilities already put him in the ranks of Chunin. And he's quite proficient with medical ninjutsu. I've seen that up close."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"No wonder dad made such a choice." Asuma said. "Someone like that being sent back to the academy is the wrong move no matter how you think about it."

Kakashi nodded his head. He stood up from his spot and put his hands in his pocket. "I guess I better go meet my new student."

"Good luck"

"Yosh Kakashi! Next time we should have a competition to see who the stronger team is"

Kakashi walked out of the Jonin station with his next destination in mind. - Daichi's home.


Author's Note:

Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I'll see you guys tomorrow with a new update.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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