The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 76: The Shinobi of Darkness

Chapter 76: The Shinobi of Darkness

Sunday - 2nd day After the Massacre.

Daichi was dodging the water blasts coming from the river beneath him. He was surrounded by three shadow clones, all using water, fire and wind style jutsu on him. The turbulent waves across the river due to the training didn't affect Daichi.

'Almost there.'

Daichi woke up early in the morning and went to the nearby river. The river was located not far from his house and Daichi often used it for training his water walking technique and water style jutsus. His goal was to improve and master his water walking chakra control training and improving his reflexes and reaction speed.

Just as he dodged another water blast and zipped past a shadow clone a notification appeared.

Skill Water walking technique's level has risen by one.

Water walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV.100)

Effects: 200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 3/sec.

30% Decrease CP cost to chakra techniques.

Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.

+500 Exp.

+75 Exp.

"Finally.!" Daichi let out a breath as he looked at the notification. Daichi had mainly been focused on his chakra control for the past few months. All in preparation to begin the next stage in his training. He released the shadow clones and jumped to the ground.

He began walking back to his home. His mind went back to the conversation he and Kensei had last night.


Kensei arrived home late at night from his visit to the orphanage. As he entered he saw Daichi waiting for him.

"So how did everything go?"

Daichi asked anxiously. He was concerned because the Mana puppetry skill he used on the matron was not a permanent or a strong one. It was only capable of swaying her decision at the moment. If she decided to change her mind and inform the Hokage, then there would be nothing Daichi could do.

"Don't worry. I spoke with Aiko about what happened. She'll keep the Uchiha girl's existence a secret." Kensei told him as he sat down.

"So she agreed that this is for the best?"

Kensei nodded. "She wasn't happy that we're keeping something like this from the Hokage but she sees the wisdom in keeping everything that happened that night under wraps."

Daichi and relaxed. "How is"

"The baby?... Fine. She was sleeping Cute kid Too bad about what happened to her family." Kensei answered. "I'm sorry about your friend."

Daichi nodded. After a few seconds he asked. "You didn't tell Miss Aiko about the coup, right?" Daichi knew Kensei wouldn't tell her something so dangerous but he still asked.

"Of course not!... If even a word of that got out there would be such an outcry. Can you imagine what would happen if the other clans found out that the Hokage or the higher ups ordered the execution of an entire clan?"


"Yes. That's why no one else must know." Kensei sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

The old ninja let out a long breath and sat back in his chair.

"At first when you said Itachi might have killed the clan on orders of the higher ups I couldn't believe it But after thinking things through and the situation with the Uchiha these last few years I'm convinced."

"If the Uchiha launched a coup it would tear this village apart and something had to be done. If the Hokage or his advisors knew about it then, I have no doubt that they would have taken drastic measures Your friend Ren was right. Itachi did kill the clan with the help of someone high up in the village. It was to stop the coup. And I'm sure the Hokage knows about this."

He looked at his grandson and the old man had an unusually serious expression on his face.

"Daichi! I'm going to tell you some things that even some Jonin aren't privy to!... What I'm about to say is top secret but considering the circumstances I think you will need this information to make informed decisions in the future."

Daichi was alert as he heard those words. His gaze sharpened. He nodded to his grandfather indicating he understood the seriousness of the situation.

Kensei began explaining the internal structure of the village. Who was in-charge of what and the allies he had amongst the current ninja in and outside the village. He took his time and made sure Daichi knew who to go to in case something happened to him.

"...Then there are the village elders. The Hokage's advisors as most of them refer to. Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitokado and lastly Danzo Shimura."

Daichi noticed the tension and anger buried in Kensei's voice when he mentioned the last name. 'Seems the old man really hates that one-eyed geezer.'

Kensei looked at Daichi and continued. "Of the three advisors the one you need to keep an eye out for and be cautious of is Danzo Shimura."

Daichi was internally excited. He might be getting some information on the root that wasn't in the story.

"What can you tell me about him?" Daichi asked his grandpa.

Kensei sighed and after a few seconds answered.

"Manipulative, ruthless, arrogant, cold hearted and has enough resources and operatives to become more than a headache even for the Hokage To the public he is a close advisor to the Hokage and nothing more. That's what civilians and even most Jonin know of him. But to the rest of us He is the second in command and right hand man of Hokage. He controls a separate secret force of agents that operates just like the Anbu. The Root! They take missions that are so dark that if known to the outside world it would bring disaster to us."

Kensei thought back to some of the operations he knew were the root's work. "That man is known as the Shinobi of Darkness. The Root Anbu under his command are merciless and would eliminate anyone Danzo perceives as a threat."

Daichi narrowed his eyes as he listened to Kensei. "Do they operate like that within the village too?" He asked Kensei.

The old man nodded. "Somewhat! They deal with internal threats and leaks. They also play a role similar to the Uchiha's police force."

"What do you mean?"

"While the Uchiha military police force keeps peace in public, Danzo's root They do it from the shadows. Danzo has over a dozen agents keeping an eye on the entire force of the village from the shadows. They collect data on every person who could be a threat. From notable civilians to academy students to Jonins. His information network within the village is vast."

Daichi's eyes widened as he heard this. 'I need to be a lot more careful.' He asked Kensei. "You said the people under Danzo collect data What kind of data and how much?"

Kensei sighed hearing the question. "Almost everything. From one's academy scores to their strengths and weaknesses Information on their family, friends and finances. Even their ideologies, philosophies and psychological profiles would be compiled. Whether they are loyal or disloyal, a traitor or not From the basic information to the deepest secrets. He knows everything about everyone. Well Almost everything."

"Wait! If he knows so much then does he know about your dislike of the Hokage and his ideologies? Does he know aboutme?" Daichi knew about the root and the reach Danzo had inside the village but he didn't know it was to such a degree.

Kensei answered. "I've lived long enough to learn to keep my real feelings and thoughts a secret from even people like Danzo. He knows I hate him and he knows I might not agree with some policies of the Hokage but that's it If you want to accomplish your goals and live long then you have to learn to keep your real feelings a secret. Even from people looking to pry them out of you."

Kensei then sighed looking at his grandson. "Now does he know about you? Yes. He most probably does. In your class are children of several clan heads. The future of the village. So Danzo would definitely pay attention. And I have no doubt that from the moment you took first place, he had his eye on you"

Daichi's eyes widened as he heard that. Kensei, noticing the panicked look on Daichi's face, smiled slightly.

"You haven't talked to anyone other than me about your true goals have you?" Kensei asked Daichi.

The boy shook his head indicating he didn't.

"Good. Then you can calm down Daichi. Just because he knows about your scores in the academy doesn't mean he knows your true character and motives. He is good at acquiring information but he isn't omniscient. I doubt he knows about your desire to leave the village."

Daichi calmed down and let out a breath after hearing those words.

"But you need to be careful. Until you get strong enough to defend against people like him, you shouldn't say anything to anyone that would get his attention anymore than it has."

"I understand." Daichi was serious and he made sure he understood the threats Danzo posed.

Kensei then smiled as he leaned back in his chair. "You don't need to be so tense. If he has information on you then he knows you're under my protection. He won't make any direct moves."

Both Daichi and Kensei sat in silence for a while. After some time Kensei spoke.

"I'll be going out early in the morning. I feel that this might be a good time to catch up with a few colleagues." The old man said.

Daichi nodded. "Yeah. I have some training I need to complete too I'll be heading to the nearby river for some chakra control training."

Kensei nodded in understanding. "You want to start on the change in chakra form training don't you?"

Daichi nodded. "I need to make sure my chakra control is as perfect as it can get. Then I can start the next stuff."

Kensei nodded and both of them discussed the situation and Daichi's training and then after sometime they went to sleep.

Flashback End.

Daichi used the Mana scout to check his surroundings often. It's range was less than chakra sense but no one would be able to detect this skill.

'I have to be more careful But if there is one good thing that came out of all this is that Danzo is now probably removed from power. The Hokage would be keeping an eye on him so that guy wouldn't cause a scene. Still He operates from the shadows. I'll have to be on guard.'

Daichi reached his house after a short while. He went to his room and took out a new packet filled with balloons. He looked at his watch and saw that it was only a few minutes after 10 am.

'I still have the whole day to train.'

Daichi reached the back yard and stretched. At that moment he sensed Kensei entering the house.

Kensei came to the back and saw Daichi preparing to begin his advanced chakra control training.

"I have some news." He said sitting on the back porch.

Daichi turned to the old man.

"Danzo has been removed from the village council and the Root Anbu are being dissolved Do you know what that tells me?" Kensei asked.

"Danzo was the one who helped Itachi massacre the clan" Daichi spoke as if he was unsure. 'About time the Hokage put him in check. Although this won't keep him down for long'

Kensei nodded with his grandson's deduction. "And he must have done it behind the Hokage's back. Looks like you won't have to worry about him. At least for a few years."

"But then why is the Hokage keeping him alive? If he forced or aided Itachi to kill the clan then isn't that treason?" Daichi asked Kensei.

The old ninja sighed hearing Daichi's question. "You're not the only one who's had those questions" He mumbled. Kensei then answered. "Danzo was a former teammate of the Hokage and trained under Tobirama Senju. Perhaps it's sentimentality or maybe he thinks Danzo may have more use in the future."

'Not bloody likely!' Daichi knew the future event so he knew Danzo's usefulness to the village had ended.

"Regardless, for the moment beyond removing him from power, Hiruzen has decided to do nothing else Now enough about him. Let's begin your training." Kensei spoke.

Daichi nodded and then looked at the water balloon in his hand. "Once I master this jutsu I'll be one step closer to my goal."

Kensei nodded.

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