The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 91: Fire Affinity

Chapter 91: Fire Affinity

Daichi stood with his eyes closed and felt the cool breeze on his face. He got the quest rewards and was currently thinking about the battles he went through in this dungeon.

'I didn't suffer any serious injuries in this dungeon like I did in the other two. It's proof I've gotten a lot stronger.'

His mind went through the different types of creatures he fought these last two weeks.

'There were about a dozen beasts that used ninjutsu on me. Or at least techniques that mimicked ninjutsu. I was able to counter most but some still overpowered my techniques... I have several strong defensive jutsu and some that can be used to trap multiple enemies or to use as long range attacks. But I don't have a strong attack type jutsu. Or the ones I have aren't strong enough It seems I made the right choice to train fire as my next chakra affinity. If I master the first two steps of change in the chakra nature of fire then my fire ninjutsu will definitely get a boost.'

Daichi opened his eyes and called upon his status page.

[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]

Class : Student

Age : 8

Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner.

Level : 41 (2700/44425)


[HP : 7858]

[CP : 11368.5]

[SP : 8435]

[MP: 4625]


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 108

Vitality - 113

Dexterity - 104

Agility - 107

Intelligence - 117

Chakra - 175

Wisdom - 112


[Special Stats]

Sense - 85

Stamina - 121

Indomitable - 14

Charisma - 41

Persistence - 15

Dignity (LOCKED)



[Stat Points - 452]

[Ryo - 796582]

"My stats have increased a lot. And now I have over 450 stat points. Should I use them now?... No I'll use a few during the next few years but I'll think about adding the remaining points to my stats after I become a Genin. I wonder who my teacher and teammates would be?"

Daichi returned to the entrance and placed the return key inside the entrance door keyhole.

[You have used the return key. Would you like to leave this dungeon?]



In seconds Daichi was back in his room. He freshened up and went downstairs to make something to eat. It was his way to decompress and relax. He hummed a simple tune and made his dish.

A couple hours later his grandfather returned. They both ate and a while later both of them were sitting on the porch talking about several topics. Among them was Daichi's visit to the orphanage a couple weeks ago.

"How was the baby?" Kensei enquired.

"She's alright. Miss Aiko is taking good care of her. I've already given her some funds from Ren's scrolls to cover her needs. But I told Miss Aiko it was from you." Daichi replied with a small smile.

Kensei nodded. After several seconds of silence he spoke. "You need to be careful with your visits."

Daichi looked at his old man with a questioning gaze. Seeing Daichi's face, Kensei elaborated on his thoughts.

"For the moment she is safe. To the world she is just another orphan without any ties. But if you make your visits regular and the wrong people find out then they will know you have a connection to that orphanage. Once you become strong enough and make a name for yourself, that connection will put either Aiko or that baby in danger. People like Danzo would no doubt use them as leverage against you. If he decides to come for you anyway. So you need to be careful."

Daichi nodded and agreed with that statement. "Not to mention she is an Uchiha. When she awakens the Sharingan it'll be a headache for me But I'll handle it."

"Well you have a few years before that happens. So I wouldn't worry about that for now On a different topic, have you decided the next nature you're going to train in?" Kensei asked the boy. He knew Daichi wanted to learn and master every chakra nature.

Daichi nodded to the question. "Fire. That will be my second change in chakra nature training."

"Hmm you have mastered earth chakra nature. It would increase your defense and close quarter combat power. So now you're looking for something with serious attack power huh." Kensei concluded.

"Yeah! I have about 2 weeks of free time. I was thinking about starting the training now.!"

Kensei smiled hearing that. "Daichi, it's good that you want to improve and get stronger but it's not a bad thing to slow down and relax once in a while. But I know that advice will go through one ear and out the other."

Daichi looked at Kensei with a neutral expression. "You say something gramps?"

"Arghh." Kensei let out a groan and shook his head.

Daichi laughed seeing the reaction. 'I've always wanted to do that Now I know why Kakashi finds this so funny.'

Daichi then got up and went to pick up a leaf. He then looked at Kensei.

"Got any words of wisdom for me, old man?"

Kensei rubbed his chin and then answered a few moments later. "Fire is a fundamental element which makes up this world. It nurtures life and gives warmth to all living things. But just as it is a blessing it can also be a curse. It has the ability to annihilate all things in its path. If it can't burn through then it burns around. Sometimes just a single spark is enough to set a forest ablaze. A dangerous and powerful element."

Daichi paid attention to every word Kensei said. 'Its indeed a strong element, if harnessed could increase my strength by a wide margin.'

Kensei continued. "Now in earth chakra nature training you had to combine and harden the chakra. But when it comes to fire you have to split the chakra and then rub them against each other. Your intent should be to produce heat. So split your chakra and rub it against each other and rejoin them to produce heat and then burn the leaf."

Daichi nodded and began his second chakra nature training. He placed the leaf between his palms and concentrated. He visualized his chakra being split into two halves. He proceeded and his chakra responded accordingly.

Due to Daichi's perfect chakra control, his ability to manipulate and move his chakra was far easier when compared to others. He split his chakra and started rubbing it against each other. The friction created energy and after a minute Daichi combined his chakra and the result was that heat was produced.

Several tiny portions all over the leaf burned. This showed that while Daichi understood how to do the technique, he didn't have the necessary control of Fire nature chakra.

Several notifications alerted Daichi and he opened his eyes and then his palms. He smiled looking at the result. He showed the burned leaf to his grandfather.

[Reputation increases with Kensei Yasaji.]

Kensei nodded but didn't say a word. But Daichi knew he was impressed based on the reputation increase notification.

Kensei was calm on the outside but he was deeply impressed and surprised. 'He got it on the first try. Even Hiruzen wasn't this good when he first attempted this training. And his primary nature was fire I thought the reason Daichi grasped the earth nature training so quickly was because he had an unusually powerful earth affinity. But it seems I'm wrong. Could this kid really master two chakra natures in a single year? That would be something unheard of What monstrous talent!'

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[Fire - Leaf burning technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. 1): A fire chakra affinity training skill obtained through continuously focusing chakra to a leaf to burn it. A basic technique to help the user increase the strength of their fire nature chakra.]

[Note: increasing the level of this skill will increase the level of the skill 'Fire Affinity.']


[1% increase in Fire Chakra control.]

[CP cost : 52/sec.]

Daichi looked at the new skill he received. 'The chakra cost is much larger when compared to the earth skill. It must be because earth is my natural affinity. During the leaf crumbling and the waterfall training I used 4 clones to train and another to meditate. But even this wasn't enough. Due to the intensity of the chakra cost my clones had to meditate often. It's a good thing my clones can use chakra regen as well. Otherwise I would have been in trouble But now With this much chakra cost, I won't be able to create 5 clones and train properly. Now I get why Kakashi said that only Naruto would be able to do this kind of training effectively. Without a massive amount of chakra this type of training won't work.'

Daichi thought about adding some points to his chakra stat but after thinking about it for a few seconds he decided against it. Daichi created two clones.

'The speed will be slower but I have time. The old man is right about that. I don't need to rush.'

Daichi had 11368 chakra points. Split that evenly amongst Daichi and his two clones, then each would have roughly 3790 points. So Daichi and his two clones would only be able to use the chakra and burn the leaf for roughly a minute before they had to meditate and restore their chakra. But this simple calculation didn't take Daichi's normal chakra regen speed into consideration. He sat down and began his chakra training.

Daichi dispelled the clones every couple hours to increase his level and understanding of the technique. He would then meditate and rest and create new clones and continue training. It was rinse and repeat. While it was a monotonous process Daichi still made progress. It took about 5 weeks for Daichi to completely master the first step of the fire nature skill.

[Fire - Leaf burning technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)]


[100% increase in Fire Chakra control.]

[CP cost : 5/sec.]

The last week of November began and Daichi was in the academy library. He was reading information about different villages and their landscape and terrains. Daichi wanted to increase the wealth of his knowledge and learn about the formation of other villages that interested him. In his hand was a book on the hidden Grass village. At that moment the image of a red haired girl with glasses came to his mind.

'Karin! I can't believe I didn't even think about her. She's in that village and her mother is probably being forced to heal the grass ninjas. She's either dead or it won't be long before she dies and Karin is forced to take her mother's place at the hospital.'

Daichi closed the book on the grass village and crossed his arms. 'There is no point in thinking about people I can't help Come to think of it, would I even help her if it came to it? If I helped her would that lead to a different future? She will be a crucial element in the future. If I do anything regarding her situation what will happen? Will I create a timeline that could be even worse than the one shown? Answers to that are unknown. Because of these reasons, I barely helped Naruto and he's at arms length from me'

Daichi shook his head and stood up. 'I need some air.'

Daichi left the academy and entered the nearby forest. He walked aimlessly for several minutes before he reached a clearing. He saw a giant wooden stump in the middle of the clearing.

'Huh! I haven't been here before.'

Daichi walked closer and inspected the wooden stump. There were indicators that someone was training here. Daichi didn't think much about it. He walked under the shade of a nearby tree and started meditating.

What he didn't realize was that this is where he would meet another prominent ninja of the future.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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