The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 93: Interlude 04. And the Ripple Effect Continues...

Chapter 93: Interlude 04. And the Ripple Effect Continues...

Daichi couldn't believe what he was reading. He went over the skill a couple more times just to be sure he didn't miss anything. "Who the hell would design a skill like this?"

['I'm Ready to Die' stance - Active(LV. MAX): This skill is a unique one time 'conditional trigger' skill that can only be activated in a certain scenario. This skill activates when the user has mentally prepared himself to sacrifice his life. Once this skill activates, the CP, HP, SP and MP of the user are restored to 50% of maximum for 20 seconds. The user must die in these 20 seconds. If not, the body of the user will violently explode.]

[Conditions for activation.]

1. Health points of the user must be below 10%.

2. Chakra points of the user must be below 10%.

3. User must be resolute in his decision to die. Only then will this skill activate.


[HP, CP, SP, MP of the user are restored to 50% for 20 seconds.]

[300% Increase in effects of all techniques used during the 20 seconds activation period.]

[All stats will gain a 20% boost for 20 seconds.]

'Da faq?... Well at least if anyone comes close to killing me, then I can be sure that I'll be able to take him with me to the afterlife.'

Daichi then thought of the skill he acquired after saving Reo. His eyes slightly widened as he recalled the details of that skill. 'It seems this skill is designed to be paired up with that one. Interesting'

Daichi closed the system messages and laid down in his bed. He crossed his arms behind his head and just laid there thinking about the next year. 'I need to complete the second step of the Fire Nature chakra. I was able to separate the waterfall but it wasn't perfect. I was only able to increase it up to level 64 And I'll need to start on medical ninjutsu this year. Have to ask the old man if he knows anyone But I also need to keep myself off Kabuto's radar. I definitely can't have him knowing about my abilities. One step at a time Daichi. Take one step at a time.'

The boy let out a long breath and closed his eyes and soon went to sleep.


Hokage Office.

An anbu wearing a mask with a bear pattern was standing silently in front of Hiruzen.

"You took your time Bear! Over a year to investigate a single spy? Report!"

At Hokage's command, the Anbu ninja began his report on a certain spy.

"I was able to identify the spy within the first two weeks of my assignment, Lord Hokage. But the reason it took so long to compile the report is because of his background."

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes. "Go on."

"Based on the description we received, I identified the suspect as Kabuto Yakushi. His rank is genin and he works at the hospital as a medic ninja. Nothing out of the ordinary about him. That's the first impression anyone would get when investigating him. "

"Yakushi?... Where have I heard that name before?" Hiruzen asked himself.

"Nono Yakushi. She was a Jonin and a medic ninja and was the former captain of the medic corps." The Anbu explained.

"Ahh yes. Now I remember. She was also part of the foundation and for a while worked undercover for Danzo." Hiruzen said as he recalled the face of the woman.

"Yes sir. And it seems this Kabuto Yakushi has followed in her footsteps."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow at that. He didn't realize that Orochimaru's spy also had ties to Danzo. "Tell me everything."

"When I first investigated Kabuto Yakushi, I found out that he was a child adopted by Nono Yakushi. She was assigned to heal the wounded from the battle of the Kikyo Pass and it's said that it was there that she found a young child. She adopted him, gave him the name Kabuto and taught him medical ninjutsu But I later found out that some of this story is false."


"Yes sir. The part about Miss Yakushi finding the child and teaching him medical Ninjutsu was true. But the rest of it is false. During my investigation I learned that Lord Danzo had made contact with Nono when she was running the Leaf Orphanage. I'm not sure how, but Kabuto ended up in Root and they trained him."

"What?" Hiruzen couldn't believe Orochimaru's spy was a former root agent.

Bear nodded. "Yes. I surveilled him for weeks and I learned that he is much more than he seems. He knows advanced surveillance and counter surveillance tactics. Most of the methods he employs I've only seen one group use those tactics. The Root forces At that point I established that he had connections to the foundation and dug deeper into his history. I had to infiltrate the root archives room. I found out the information needed there. The foundation trained Kabuto in espionage and he's quite talented. I retraced his steps and paid a visit to the other great nations. I learnt that he infiltrated the Sand, Stone, Cloud, and Mist villages and posed as one of their shinobi gathering intelligence. An excellent infiltrator. On paper he is a Genin but I estimate that he's at least a high Chunin or Low Jonin level."

Hiruzen clasped his hands as he listened. 'This Kabuto sounds like he could become a major problem. I'll need to handle this carefully.'

The Anbu continued. "During one of his infiltration missions in the stone village, he was found out and they pursued him. The person who pursued him was none other than Nono Yakushi."


"It's the truth sir. Turns out Lord Danzo employed Miss Yakushi and fed her false information about Kabuto. Convinced her that he was safe and doing something else. Even created false photographs to make the story believable. The root used both of them as spies and when Lord Danzo deemed them to be too dangerous he assigned them on a task that would force them to kill each other."

The gears in Hiruzen's mind spun. He quickly deduced what had happened. "The mission in the stone village. Danzo told me that the stone village found out that Nono was a spy and killed her. But you're telling me"

"He lied sir. According to the stone village records it was an enemy spy that killed Nono. Danzo also sent Orochimaru to kill whoever remained. Tying up loose ends no doubt. I believe that Kabuto killed Miss Yakushi without realizing her identity and Orochimaru instead of killing Kabuto told him the truth and turned him against us." Bear concluded his report. He gave the Hokage a thick folder containing various documents he copied from the root missions records room and from the other great nations.

Hiruzen clenched his fists as his mind went through all the information he just learned. "I've known Nono since she was a child. She would never have betrayed this village. But now we have one of our own ninja allied with a known traitor and working against us All this mess because of Danzo's paranoia And not only that, but he also had the gall to lie to me."

"Sir, there's more"

"What is it?"

"I heard that you ordered Lord Danzo to disband the root, after the whole Uchiha debacle"

Hiruzen slightly narrowed his eyes. "I did."

"It was during this time I was able to infiltrate the root base and get the information I needed. But I learned something else. Lord Danzo has been moving funds and making a new base of operations. I believe he still has a sizable portion of his operatives working for him. Not only that, I learned that he made contact with Orochimaru."

"What?! Bear, are you sure about this information? You need to be 100% accurate before you make accusations like that."

"I didn't want to believe it myself but it's the truth sir. It was shortly after the Uchiha massacre."

The aging kage clenched his fists as he heard his ninja. Bear was one of his most trusted and loyal Anbu. So Hiruzen didn't doubt his words. 'Danzo! It seems I've been far too lenient with you Not only did you go behind my back and force Itachi to kill his clan but now you're disobeying my direct orders If he's lied to me about Nono's death then what else has he lied about?'

Hiruzen gritted his teeth and killing intent slowly started to roll off him The kage had dismissed his 3 personal Jonin guards but there were still another 2 Anbu hidden in the room. They along with Bear felt the murderous intent rising from heir leader.

Bear looked at the Hokage and slightly trembled. 'He's pissed I do not want to be Danzo right now.'

After a short while Hiruzen took several deep breaths and calmed down. 'So you plan on colluding with a traitor behind my back huh. I can no longer tolerate you Danzo It was my inaction that led to Orochimaru's escape. And now he's one of the biggest threats to the village. If I let my emotions rule me again and do nothing then Danzo might become just as much of a problem if not more I knew he always wanted to be Hokage but To think he would do something like this He's tried to kill me before and I have a feeling he'll try again I won't give you a second chance for that.'

Hiruzen made a resolute decision. "Deer, Snow." He called out.

2 Anbu appeared out of the shadows. "Yes sir."

"You two along with Bear are my most loyal, capable and some of the best ninjas at infiltration, surveillance and interrogation. Only you three can complete the missions I'm about to give now."

The three stood in attention and in silence. "Bear. I need you to infiltrate the root forces. But make sure not to get branded by Danzo's curse seal. I need the identities of his operatives, his resources and the origin of his funds. Every organization needs money to function and the root is no different I don't need to say this to you but make sure to have a backup plan in case you are compromised. The village can't afford to lose someone with your talents. Not in the state it currently is."

"I understand Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen nodded and turned to the Anbu referred to as Deer.

"I need you to keep an eye on Kabuto Yakushi. You've heard what he's capable of. Make sure he doesn't notice you. I need to know everything about him. From his friends to contacts to his favorite foods and right down to his breathing habits. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir.!"

Hiruzen then turned to the last one. "Snow. If Danzo has disobeyed my orders and Root is still active then he most likely would have operatives hidden amongst the Anbu, Jonin and Chunin forces. I need you to investigate all of them and find out the identities of Danzo's men. Such a task will take time. Take as much as you need, but be careful and be thorough."

"Understood sir."

Hiruzen then addressed the three of them. "Now all of you listen carefully. If one of you gets caught by the enemy then the chances of the other two getting caught increases dramatically. Orochimaru, Kabuto and Danzo are like the three ends of a triangle. All connected. If one of you gets compromised then they will know I'm the one behind it. And while Orochimaru and Kabuto won't make any direct or rash moves against me, I'm not sure that would be the case for Danzo. If he attacks me or in the event I somehow die, make sure that the next Hokage would have all the relevant information needed. Assuming the next one isn't Danzo."

The eyes of the three ninjas widened as they listened to the scenario described by their leader.

Anbu agent Snow spoke up. "Sir, if you're that worried about him then why don't we take him into custody right now. I'm sure Ibiki and Inoichi can find out everything in his head."

Hiruzen shook his head. "It's not that simple. Danzo has acquaintances in several high places in and out of the village. Including the Daimyo court. If we rashly move against him, then"

"Sir, are you saying there would be a civil war within the village if we arrest him?" Bear exclaimed in shock.

Hiruzen sighed and didn't say anything but that silence was enough of an answer for the three Anbu ninjas.

"Now you three know the gravity of the situation. Make sure you're all careful. Go!"

The three masked ninjas bowed and disappeared from Hiruzen's view. He stood from his chair and walked to take in the view of the village as he always does when he has troubling thoughts.

'With those three I can take control of my internal forces and when the time comes strip Danzo's resources completely. But it's not enough. I need to deal with the allies he has outside And I know just the person to do it It seems you might have your revenge on Danzo after all Kensei.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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