The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 96: Hiruzen's Plan

Chapter 96: Hiruzen's Plan

Kensei's Home.

Kensei let out a long sigh and after thinking about what Hiruzen said, made a decision. "So what's the plan?"

"I've already tasked some of my best agents to investigate Root and Danzo's allies within the village. I need you to investigate his ties to the Royal court. During these last few decades Danzo has cultivated a few assets near the Daimyo. I need you to find their identities, their strengths and weaknesses. See if they are truly loyal to Danzo or if they can be turned."

"What about Jiraiya? He has an extensive spy network. Why don't you ask him for help with this?"

"He has a lot on his plate at the moment. The nine tails attack and now the Uchiha massacre has significantly reduced our strength. Jiraiya is currently working on minimizing information leaks and spreading false intelligence. With everything that's happened, we need to show strength I can't ask him to take on anymore at the moment. That's why I need your help."

Kensei pondered on what the Hokage just said. There were a lot of things that could go wrong with an operation like this. "Hiruzen, we're about to conduct an investigation on the members associated with the Fire Daimyo. If he gets wind of it before we complete the investigation, if anything goes wrong, then it will impact the village as a whole. You realize that don't you?"

Hiruzen nodded. "I'm well aware of the risks, Kensei. Don't forget, I led this village for decades. I know just how much our relationship with the Fire Daimyo means to the village. But I've decided to go forward with this investigation nonetheless. I'm here asking for your help to minimize the risks You have some businesses in the capital. So there wouldn't be much suspicion if you moved to the capital under the guise of running your business in a more hands on capacity."

Kensei crossed his arms as he thought about the proposal. "I don't want to leave Daichi alone here."

"I'll make sure Daichi is safe."

Kensei looked at Hiruzen and he had a downcast expression. "I trusted you once. And I paid the price. I can't take that chance again."

Hiruzen looked down as he heard those words. "I'm truly sorry about your son I can't change the past Kensei No matter how much I want to."

Both of them sat in silence and contemplated what to say next. "I'm going to get us something to drink." Kensei stood up and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of sake and two cups. He returned shortly after and poured two cups. Both of them took a cup and drank the alcohol in it in silence.

After a minute it was the Hokage that broke the ice.

"How is young Daichi?"

"Energetic and training as usual. He's been going at it for months without stopping. But unlike most he actually enjoys pushing himself beyond his limits like this."

"He's the best in his class and the teachers in the academy even know that he's stronger than most of the senior students. They just don't know how much."

Kensei smiled and nodded with that assessment.

"How far has he progressed with the change in chakra nature training?" Hiruzen drank another cup and asked.

"He completed the first two steps of both Earth and Fire chakra". Kensei smirked as he answered that question.


The Hokage was shocked. The first step alone would usually take 3 to 7 months to learn. For talented geniuses, that time would be reduced to 1 to 3 months. And it was merely the first step. To learn the second step would take much more time. And the fact that Daichi managed to learn the two steps of 2 chakra natures in a single year astounded him.

"Are you sure Kensei?"

"Of course I'm sure. He showed me after he completed his training. He was able to master the first step of his Earth nature in just 3 weeks."

Hiruzen's eyes widened as heard that. Kensei looked at the dumbfounded face of the Hokage and chuckled.

"Such speed"

"Yes. It's incredible. He makes you look like an ordinary chump Hiruzen." Kensei chucked at that.

Hiruzen turned serious and looked at Kensei. "Danzo must not learn the true extent of Daichi's talents. And we absolutely can't let Daichi be dragged into the Foundation. If Daichi becomes part of the Root then it won't be long before Danzo makes a move on the position of Hokage. If someone as talented as Daichi comes under his command then he will become bold enough to challenge me or whoever comes after me."

Kensei nodded. "Yes. On that we can agree."

"For the moment we can rest easy. Danzo won't make any moves on the surface and recruiting someone like Daichi will draw attention to him. So for the moment he'll only be observing. And he's also in the middle of creating a new base and moving his assets. So he'll be focused on that for now." The Hokage said after thinking about the current situation of root.

"Danzo is not one to be sloppy with his movements or information. Who exactly did you send to infiltrate Root? He or she must be good if you're getting such precise details."

"One of my Anbu. Code named Bear. You know him. You even trained him for a brief period of time."

Kensei's eyes slightly widened as realized who Hiruzen was talking about. "Ahh So it's him If it's that brat then you won't have much to worry."

"If I'm going to help you with this, then I need two things in return." Kensei knew Hiruzen would only come to him for help if he didn't have many options left.

The kage sighed hearing that. "I had a feeling you didn't agree just because of the goodness of your heart What is it?"

"I want Isen out of Hzuki Castle."

The Hokage was shocked at what Kensei was asking. "That's impossible."

"No it's not. The prisoners in that containment facility can be released if the village sends an official request." Kensei then took another mouthful from his sake cup.

"You forget. Danzo has spies in that facility as well. He was the one who put Isen there and if I get Isen out, Danzo will know and he will send a kill squad to finish him off And besides, what good will it do to have Isen out? He doesn't have his memories. He won't be of any help."

Kensei sighed as he remembered what happened to his friend and once fellow Anbu member. "One of the few times Danzo showed mercy. Isen was loyal to the village just as much as you. He knew that. But he also knew Isen uncovered several of his corrupt deeds. Isen had knowledge on Danzo's illegal assets."


"Yes. But he was too angry at that time to bring that information to you because of what happened during his mission. And then he fell into Danzo's trap For his lifelong loyalty to the village, instead of killing him, Danzo sealed his memories and with the charges against Isen he was able to imprison him in that castle. While you just sat there unable to help him."

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes at that accusation. "Do you think it was easy for me to just let that happen and do nothing about it? Isen attacked Danzo and the Daimyo's minister in public. It was a trap for Isen but like a blind fool he walked right into it. The Daimyo got involved. If Isen wasn't punished it could have caused friction between the village and the capital."

Kensei sighed as he heard the justification. The Hokage continued.

"Besides, who do you think it was that convinced Danzo to spare his life instead of outright killing him. Who do you think convinced him that Isen would be far less of a threat if he didn't have his memories and was imprisoned in a prison away from the village."

Kensei was shocked as he looked at his kage. "You?"

"Yes. Don't think I didn't help. I made sure Isen would live to see another day."

"Fat load of good that did. He's alive but everything that made him him, is gone." Kensei looked down and poured another cup for him.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that."

Kensei looked up at Hiruzen and saw the kage with a small smirk.

"I'm the one who gave Danzo the memory seal formula. I told him it was permanent. Once used on the target, it would erase all the memories forever. And he checked it to make sure before using it on Isen. The thing is I lied when I said it would permanently erase the memories."

Kensei leaned forward and looked at Hiruzen. "You mean"

"The memories are still there inside his head. Just locked away from everyone. A subtle but complex sealing jutsu courtesy of Lady Mito. The seal is essentially a lock. Anyone with the key would be able to undo that seal at any time. I figured it would be best to keep that information to myself."

Kensei shot up from his seat as he heard those words. "You bastard. You mean I could have saved him and got his memories back all this time Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would react like this and if you had tried to save him, Danzo would have interfered and killed Isen. And with the eyes of the Daimyo on the whole situation I couldn't do anything to jeopardize the stability of the village at the time."

Kensei let out a breath and sat down. After several seconds spoke. "We have to save him."

"I agree. But we need to do it without raising any suspicions. If we want to save Isen and get him out of there, then first he has to die."

Kensei narrowed his eyes. He figured out the meaning of those words in seconds. "Fake his death."

Hiruzen nodded. "I have an idea but I need some time to create a concrete plan."

"Ok Ok Whatever you need. I'll help you with this. For Isen." Kensei spoke with a smile. He was excited at the prospect of rescuing his old friend.

"For Isen." Hiruzen raised his sake cup and Kensei joined in toasting for their friend's freedom.

"You mentioned two things. What's the second?" Hiruzen asked as he took another swig of the alcohol.

"I'm thinking about having someone at the hospital teach Daichi some medical ninjutsu." Kensei replied. "I managed to peak the kid's interest in the field. I told him I would start him on that this year."

Hiruzen had a frown on his face when he heard this. 'Kabuto is working at the hospital. If he learns about Daichi then Orochimaru will also learn about the child. And that's just as bad.'

Noticing Hiruzen's frown Kensei had an uneasy feeling. "What's wrong?"

"You can't take Daichi to the hospital for training."

"Why not?"

The Hokage sighed. "The spy I mentioned that has ties to Orochimaru He works at the hospital. If Orochimaru gets information on Daichi, that would bring trouble for the boy."

Kensei grunted at that. "Daichi has a lot of potential. Learning medical ninjutsu would benefit him greatly. And he would only need a fraction of the time to learn the techniques needed."

"Yes. I'm sure he's capable. But do you really want to take that risk?"

Kensei's silence was his reply to the question.

Hiruzen spoke after a short while. "I'll come up with something. Give me a couple weeks."

Kensei nodded.

"I was hoping to meet young Daichi but it seems he's busy with his training. Maybe another time" Hiruzen had his eyes glancing at the door.

"He might not be back for a while."

Hiruzen nodded. "Then it's time for me to leave. I'll come back once everything is planned out."

Kensei nodded and both of them stood from their chair. Hiruzen reapplied his transformation jutsu and walked out of the house. Before long, he left the place.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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