The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 98: Sense Evolution and Skill Progress

Chapter 98: Sense Evolution and Skill Progress

Days went by as Daichi trained and honed his skills. His main focus was leveling up his sense skills. They would evolve once they reached level 50. Daichi concluded that evolving those skills would help with completing part of this year's quest. He was training in the forest near his home. He was in the middle of a battle with his clones and after sometime he got a few system notifications.

[Skill Superior Hearing's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Superior Hearing has reached level 50. Evolving skill.]

[Skill evolved into Acute Hearing.]

[Acute Hearing - Active/Passive(LV. MAX): A skill obtained through evolving the skill Superior Hearing. This skill is a LV. MAX skill with various effects. The hearing of the user is sharpened and becomes more acute. The user can increase the range of his hearing as he needs. But this has limitations.]

[Note: Negative side effects associated with having a more sensitive hearing does not apply to the user. Gamer's Mind will neutralize negative side effects of sensory overload. With training more and more effects can be added onto this skill.]


Gives the user the ability to focus hearing to a certain area or filter out everything but the wanted sounds.

The user is able to determine the location of the target with more accuracy.

Range of hearing depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

[500 Exp.]

[75 Exp.]

"Wow!" Daichi couldn't help but exclaim out loud. He read the details of the evolved skill and was impressed.

'It says I can add more effects to this skill with training. And unless I'm mistaken there doesn't seem to be a limitation to the number of effects that can be added. I'm guessing the only limitation is it must have something to do with hearing Interesting.'

Reading the gamer's mind's negation of any negative side effects also brought a smile to Daichi's face.

'If the Gamer's Mind negates sensory overload for this skill then it's possible it will do the same for other evolved skills.' Daichi concluded.

He then thought about the memories of Naruto winning against Kiba during the chunin exams.

'I don't care what anyone says. That was a pathetic way to win. Thank God I don't have to worry about anything like that.'

Daichi then used the new skill. He only slightly focused and he could hear far better than before. Daichi tried out his new skill and he quickly learned how to discard unwanted sounds and focus on what he wanted to hear. His range was much better than before and when he focused his chakra it, the range of his hearing expanded.

Daichi felt that the chakra used to increase his hearing was negligible.

"Wow. This is truly incredible. Is this what those with super hearing feels like I can hear almost everything in this forest." Daichi spent a while getting used to the skill.

A short while later he stopped and decided to evolve the rest of his senses. After learning what an evolved skill can do, he was even more eager.

The next sense he was going to evolve was superior smell. Daichi took several small stones that he coated with unique scents. He jumped high up in the air and threw them deep into the forest. He landed a second later and then closed his eyes and concentrated chakra to his nose. There were many scents in the forest, of plants and other small animals. The stones were only coated with a very weak scent so Daichi would need absolute focus and concentration.

His goal was to track and find the stones through the weak scents they emitted. He was blind folded but his other senses were heightened.

After some time he was able to successfully find all the stones and was able to level up the skill.

[Skill Superior Smell's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Superior Smell has reached level 50. Evolving skill.]

[Skill evolved into Absolute Smell.]

[Absolute Smell - Active/Passive(LV. MAX): A skill obtained through evolving the skill Superior Smell. This skill is a LV. MAX skill with various effects. The sense of smell of the user has increased beyond normal. The user can increase the range of this sense as he needs. But this has limitations.]

[Note: Negative side effects associated with having a more sensitive nose does not apply to the user. Gamer's Mind will neutralize negative side effects of sensory overload. With training more and more effects can be added onto this skill.]


The user will never forget the scents of the targets it has detected once.

The user is able to determine the location of the target with more accuracy.

The range of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

500 Exp.

75 Exp.

'Yes! Just as I thought. Even though this is a Max level skill, I can train and add different effects to this. Just like the other one. Since all these are passive skills, even if my chakra somehow gets cut off, I'll be able to effectively track an enemy or defend myself if the need arises.'

Daichi used the new Absolute smell skill and he was impressed. He was able to block out unwanted or repulsive smells in an instant and focus on what was needed. Daichi picked up new scents that were previously hidden from him.

"Incredible. Truly incredible." 'Now I understand why the Inuzuka clan were called one of the best trackers Hmm Now that I think about it, Kakashi must also have such an excellent nose. To be able to improve his sense of smell to such a degree That's impressive.'

Daichi thought about the different new effects that can be trained and added to the skill. He was a fan of all comics. He had seen plenty of heroes and villains use their different powers.

Daichi had several ideas he wanted to work on. He was extremely excited at the prospects of improving his abilities just like them.

The next on Daichi's list was the sense of sight. Daichi created several shadow clones. He then stopped chakra flow to his ears and nose and concentrated on his eyes. He sharpened his vision and began fighting his clones.

They were using skills that drastically increased their speed and Daichi's goal was to track their movements without the help of his other senses. He dodged shurikens, blocked lightning fast attacks and was able to keep track of his opponents at all times.

It wasn't just his vision but Daichi also needed to be aware of his surroundings. An hour passed by and as he defeated the last clone he got several blue system message boxes.

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Shadow clone jutsu's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Strong Hit's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Sprint's level has risen by one.]

Along with an increase in his sight skill, Daichi's combat related skills also increased.

[Skill Superior Sight's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Superior Sight has reached level 50. Evolving skill.]

[Skill evolved into Dynamic Vision.]

[Dynamic Vision - Active/Passive(LV. MAX): A skill obtained through evolving the skill Superior Sight. This skill is a LV. MAX skill with various effects. The user possesses a sense of sight far beyond normal, allowing them to see far with great clarity and details. The user can increase the range of this sense as he needs. But this has limitations.]

[Note: Negative side effects associated with having more sensitive eyes do not apply to the user. Gamer's Mind will neutralize negative side effects of sensory overload. With training more and more effects can be added onto this skill.]


The user will be able to see even underwater and even during night with little lights.

The user is able to see the faintest distinctions and easily track things too fast for the normal eyes.

The range of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

500 Exp.

75 Exp.

Daichi felt the changes in his body in real-time. He felt that his body has physically improved his eyes. He looked around as if he was seeing everything for the first time.

The feeling of seeing all the details and the clarity with which he could see everything around him couldn't be expressed in words.

'Not a bad skill. Would definitely come in handy if I ever have to go for a deep sea dive Night vision huh. Neat!'

Daichi then sat down and began to focus on the last sense he was going to evolve today.

He took out several small dishes he bought from Shi's restaurant from his inventory. These were dishes he asked Shi Fang to prepare with specific ingredients. All the dishes were made with some special ingredients and as such had hidden flavors that Daichi needed to identify if he wanted to improve the skill to the next level.

Daichi slowly tasted the dishes and took his time identifying each flavor.

'These taste delicious. My health, chakra and stamina are quickly recovering Focus Daichi!'

Daichi focused his chakra and extracted the flavors. He spent a while just sitting there tasting all the dishes and he was successfully able to identify all the ingredients used.

[Skill Superior Tasting's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Superior Tasting has reached level 50. Evolving skill.]

[Skill evolved into Hyper Taste.]

[Hyper Taste - Active/Passive(LV. MAX): A skill obtained through evolving the skill Superior Tasting. This skill is a LV. MAX skill with various effects. The user possesses an extremely keen sense of taste, allowing them to sense both harmful and beneficial things. Sweetness helps to identify energy rich food while bitterness serves as warning signs of poisons. The user can increase or decrease the effects of this sense.]

[Note: Negative side effects associated with having a more sensitive tongue do not apply to the user. Gamer's Mind will neutralize negative side effects of sensory overload. With training more and more effects can be added onto this skill.]


The user is able to discern all tastes.

The power of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

500 Exp.

75 Exp.

"Yes! I'm immune to poisons. And this skill won't be of much use in combat but it's still nice to evolve it."

'All that's left is the sense of touch. But it's nowhere near level 50. And I wonder if my chakra sense skill will evolve? It is one of my senses. And what about Mana scout?... Questions for later. I suppose I'll find out sooner or later.'

Daichi then opened his skill page and started going through them one by one.

1. Gamer's Mind - Passive (LV. MAX)

2. Gamer's Body - Passive (LV. MAX)

3. Gaia's Blessing - Passive (LV. MAX)

4. Observe - Active (LV. 49)


5. Dishwashing - Passive (LV. MAX)

Effects: 150% increase in speed when dishwashing.


6. Meditate - Active (LV. 77)

Effects :

154% Increase to base HP regeneration per minute.

154% Increase to base CP regeneration per minute.

154% Increase to base SP regeneration per minute.


7. Basic Body Conditioning - Passive (LV. 80)


76% Increase in Damage inflicted.

74% Increase in Movement speed.

26.5% Increase in Physical stat growth.

50% Decrease in Damage taken.


8. Mini-map

9. Inventory

10. Chakra Manipulation - Active/Passive (LV. 70)


11. Chakra Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.80)


28% growth rate of Chakra stat.

71% Strength increases to all chakra-based skills.

68% Defense increase against chakra-based attacks.

50% Increase to maximum CP.

-30% CP cost to all chakra based skills.


12. Chakra regeneration - Passive (LV. 80)


Regeneration Increased by 95% of base CP.

22% Increase in Regeneration speed.

28% Growth rate of Chakra stat.

Note: Meditation increases CP regeneration to 100%.


13. Minor Jutsu Creation - Active (LV.12)


24% Success rate to create new Ninjutsu.

24% Success rate to create new Genjutsu.

-15.5% CP requirements for new Jutsu created.


14. Leaf concentration technique - Active/Passive (LV. MAX)


200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 1/sec.

-50% CP cost to chakra techniques.


15. Hyper Taste - Active/Passive(LV. MAX)


The user is able to discern all tastes.

The power of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


16. Acute Hearing - Active/Passive(LV. MAX)


Gives the user the ability to focus hearing to a certain area or filter out everything but the wanted sounds.

Range of hearing depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


17. Absolute Smell. - Active/Passive(LV. MAX)


The user will never forget the scents of the targets it has detected once.

The user is able to determine the location of the target with more accuracy.

The range of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


18. Dynamic Vision - Active/Passive(LV. MAX)


The user will be able to see even underwater and even during night with little lights.

The user is able to see the faintest distinctions and easily track things too fast for the normal eyes.

The range of this sense depends on the user.

CP Cost depends on the user.


19. Leaf Academy Taijutsu - Active (LV.79)


138.7% Increase in attack power.

138.7% Increase in defense.

138.7% Increase in speed.

80% Decrease in damage taken.


20. Shurikenjutsu - Active(LV. MAX)


100% Increase in accuracy.

100% Increase in damage dealt.


21. Physical Endurance - Passive (LV.75)


56.3% Decrease in damage taken.

Note: Damage decrease depends on enemy level and strength.


22. Strong Hit - Active (LV. 65)


65% Increase in critical rate.

92% Increase in damage inflicted to the enemy.

70% Increase in attack speed.

SP Cost: 5 per hit.


23. Cooking - Active(LV.32)


64% Increase in taste and aroma of dish.

64% Increase in plating technique.


24. Painting - Passive (LV.20)

Effects: 44% Increase in visual appeal.

48% Increase of accuracy in painting.


25. Chakra Threads - Active(LV. MAX)


200% Increase in thread control.

200% Increase in thread speed

CP cost: 1/sec for single thread.


26. Sprint - Active (LV.61)


92% Increase in running speed.

SP cost: 22 SP per minute.


27. Rope Escape Jutsu - Active (LV. MAX)

Effects: 99.9% Increase in success when escaping bindings.


28. Clone Jutsu - Active (LV. MAX)


100% Accuracy Increase when creating identical clones.

CP cost: 7 CP per clone.


29. Transformation Jutsu - Active (LV. MAX)


100% Increase in accuracy and details when transforming.

CP cost: 5 CP per transformation.


30. Mana Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.06)

31. Sword Mastery - Passive (LV.29)

Note: This skill requires a sword to activate.


58% Additional damage when striking the target.

Marks target with damage and negative debuffs.

47.6% Increase in attack speed.


32. Vital Strike - Active (LV.52)


68% Additional damage when hitting target.

Marks target with damage and negative debuffs.

26% Increase in attack speed.


33. Tree walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV. MAX)


200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 1/sec.

-65% CP cost to chakra techniques.


34. Danger Sense - Passive (LV.40)

Effects: Current range - 83 meters.


35. Death blow - Active (LV.29)


187% Additional attack Damage to the enemy.

33% Increase in attack speed.

33% Increase in critical rate.


36. Water walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV.100)


200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 3/sec.

30% Decrease CP cost to chakra techniques.


37. Chakra Sense - Active (LV.33)

Effects: Current Range - 77 meters.

CP Cost : 8.7/meter.


38. Ozark's Resilience - Active (LV.10)


20% Increase in Strength, Vitality and Agility stats for 60 seconds when HP falls below 20%.

Cooldown time: 8 hours.


39. Killing intent - Active (LV.25)


Enemies with a (+ or -)3 level gap between the user are paralysed for 60 seconds.

Enemies less than 4 levels and below the user are struck with terror and paralysed for 80 seconds as well as 13% reduction of their physical stats.


40. Dual Wielding Mastery - Passive (LV.19)


Passively increases the player's minimum and maximum melee Damage, Critical rate and Balance.

19% increase to Damage inflicted.

19% Increase in attack speed.


41. Water affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.19)


38% Increase in water attack jutsu.

38% Increase in water defense jutsu.

12.5% Increase in success when creating water style jutsu.

8.1% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using water style jutsu.


42. Wind affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.17)


34% Increase in wind attack jutsu.

34% Increase in wind defense jutsu.

10.8% Increase in success when creating wind style jutsu.

6.5% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using wind style jutsu.


43. Mana Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.09):


18% Strength increase to all Mana-based skills.

-6% MP cost to all Mana based skills.


44. Telekinesis - Active (LV.07)


14% Increase in Mana attacks.

14% Increase in Mana defenses.

3.5% Decrease in Mana cost.


45. Fire affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.77)


154% Increase in fire attack jutsu.

154% Increase in fire defense jutsu.

80% Increase in success when creating fire style jutsu.

45% Decrease in Chakra cost when using fire style jutsu.


46. Earth affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.79)


182% Increase in earth attack jutsu.

182% Increase in earth defense jutsu.

83.6% Increase in success when creating earth style jutsu.

62.6% Decrease in Chakra cost when using earth style jutsu.


47. Lightning affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.18)


36% Increase in Lightning attack jutsu.

36% Increase in Lightning defense jutsu.

15.8% Increase in success when creating Lightning style jutsu.

8.7% Decrease in Chakra cost when using Lightning style jutsu.


48. Superior Touch - Active(LV. 19)


+38% Increase in Skin sensitivity.

CP cost : 16/sec.


49. Chakra Enhancement - Active (LV.29)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill and increase in abilities, depends on the chakra supplied.]


Increase the attack and defense power.

Increase Strength, Stamina, Agility and Vitality.

Decrease the damage taken.


50. Chakra Flow - Active (LV.20)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]


48% Strength increase to the object.

48% Increase in chakra flow.

10% Decrease in chakra cost.


51. Creation - Active (LV.03)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]


16.5% Chance when creating Common grade items.

1% Chance when creating Rare grade items.

0% Chance when creating Unique grade items.

0% Chance when creating Legendary grade items.

0% Chance when creating Mythical grade items.


52. Unyielding Spirit - Passive (LV. MAX)


53. Shadow Clone Jutsu - Active (LV. 24)


Number of clones depends on the chakra reserves of the user.

CP cost: 490 CP/Clone(Minimum)


54. Body Flicker Technique - Active (LV.32)


72% Increase in Mobility.

CP cost: 41 CP


55. Absolute Recall - Passive (LV. MAX)

56. Combat Arts - Passive (LV.17)


34% Increase in Damage inflicted.

34% Increase in Movement speed.


57. Linked Kill Strikes - Active (LV.5)


5% Increase in Agility.

10% Increase in damage when using swords, daggers or other sharp weapons.

(n+1)% Increase in damage dealt for each additional strike. 'n' represents the last consecutive attack landed on the enemy.


58. Absolute Chakra Mastery - Passive (LV. MAX)


59. Light Steps - Passive/Active (LV.02)


Increases balance of the user when in unstable and dangerous terrain.

6% Increase in movement speed.


60. Mana puppetry - Active (LV. 08)


Can implant suggestions into a target's mind.

MP cost: 742/ Target


61. Giant's Strength - Passive (LV. MAX)

62. Life Recovery - Passive (LV. MAX)

63. Lithe Body - Passive (LV. MAX)

64. Swiftness - Passive (LV. MAX)

65. Hermit's Wisdom - Passive (LV. MAX)


66. Chakra Suppression - Active (LV.35)


35% Chakra suppression.


67. Plunderer - Passive (LV. MAX)


The chances of obtaining skill or jutsu from the killed enemy is 10%.

The chances of obtaining special abilities or bloodline limits is 1%.


68. Mana Scout - (Passive/Active) (LV.10)


20 meters: Current maximum range.

+10% Location accuracy.

MP Cost: 13.5 MP/2 Meters.

A small smile formed on Daichi's face as his eyes landed on the next skill. 'I hope the day won't come when you're activated.'

70. Chakra Rotation - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


+200% Increase in Chakra Movement and Form.

+100% Increase in Chakra Control.

CP Cost: Depends on the user.


71. Chakra Potency - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


+200% Increase in Chakra size and range.

+10% Increase in Chakra Potency and CP.

CP Cost: Depends on the user.


72. Chakra Confinement - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


200% Increase in Chakra Form.

200% Increase in Chakra control.

CP Cost: Depends on the user.


73. Rasengan - Active(LV. MAX)

[Note: The User can create variations of this jutsu with training.]

Effects: Deals 1500 Damage points when it strikes the target.

CP Cost: 250 CP(Minimum Needed)


74. Earth - Leaf crumbling technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


100% increase in Earth Chakra control.

CP cost : 3/sec.


75. Earth - Waterfall Cutting technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


200% Increase in Earth Chakra control.

300% Increase power of Earth Chakra nature.

CP cost : 18/sec.


76. Fire - Leaf burning technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


100% increase in Fire Chakra control.

CP cost : 5/sec.


77. Fire - Waterfall separation technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


200% Increase in Fire Chakra control.

300% Increase in power of Fire Chakra nature.

CP cost : 18/sec.


78. 'I'm Ready to Die' stance - Active(LV. MAX)


HP, CP, SP, MP of the user are restored to 50% for 20 seconds.

300% Increase in effects of all techniques used during the 20 seconds activation period.

All stats will gain a 20% boost for 20 seconds.

Satisfied with the improvements, Daichi closed the panel and left for home.

Author's Note: Since the last chapter was just on genjutsu stuff and this chapter is just about evolving senses and stat update, I thought It was best I post these two chapters without any breaks. To be honest this whole chapter feels like a giant stat update to me too. But since this will be the last skill update chapter for a while I guess there is nothing wrong. We'll pickup the story in the next chapter.

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