The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 431

Chapter 431 - Su Ming Met Xiao Chen by Chance

Su Ming's chivalrous actions had won Hsu Chenyue's favor and piqued her curiosity. Throughout her life, many boys had vied for her attention with their earnest affections. Yet, Su Ming was the first true gentleman she had encountered.

“Alright, I have to go now,” he said.

“If something like this happens again in the future, you should call the police. They'll handle it.”

“It's quite dangerous for a young woman to handle such matters,” Su Ming remarked with a smile before turning and walking away with an air of nonchalance.

Hsu Chenyue stood there, momentarily stunned. ‘He just left? Normally, wouldn't he at least leave some contact information?' she wondered. By the time she snapped out of her reverie, Su Ming had already exited the alley, turning the corner and vanishing from her view.

'He's quite the enigma,' Hsu Chenyue mused before heading back to school.

Su Ming made his way through the alley and soon arrived at a sizable cake shop, boasting three floors, each spanning over 300 square meters. The ground floor was dedicated to selling cakes and an assortment of delicate pastries. On the second floor, customers could order custom cakes, working with designers who used computers to bring their visions to life. Once the design was approved, and the materials selected, a production document was created.

The top floor housed the production area, where cakes were crafted upon receipt of the orders from below. The cake-making process took place at the back of the third floor, while the handcrafting section was situated near the windows. These large, immaculate windows were regularly cleaned by professionals, allowing customers to observe the meticulous cake-making process and enjoy their purchases with confidence.

Upon entering, Su Ming found the interior spotlessly clean. A waiter approached him promptly.

”Good day, sir. How may I assist you?” the waiter inquired with a welcoming smile.

“I'd like to order a cake,” Su Ming replied.

“Certainly, sir. Please come this way,” the waiter responded, leading Su Ming upstairs to the second floor.

The waiter escorted Su Ming to a seating area where a small circular table awaited, adorned with a vase and a vibrant, blooming rose. Two blue sofa chairs flanked the table, offering a sense of comfort and relaxation.

”Hello, sir. Are you here to order a cake?” inquired a young woman dressed in professional attire, seated in one of the chairs. Upon noticing Su Ming, she stood and greeted him.

“Yes,” replied Su Ming with a smile.

“Please, have a seat, sir,” the young woman invited.

Once Su Ming settled into the sofa chair, the young woman sat back down and opened her laptop.

“Sir, these are some images of our sample cakes,” she began. “Feel free to see if any of these designs catch your eye.”

”Or if they're close to what you're looking for, we can tweak any details to your liking,” she added, smiling warmly.

Su Ming nodded and began perusing the images on the laptop. Despite his current wealth and the ability to afford a diamond-studded cake, he knew it wouldn't suit his mother's lifelong frugality. The cake had to be modest in size and luxury, as his mother would consider it wasteful if it couldn't be finished before spoiling.

After much deliberation, Su Ming settled on an eight-inch cake and discussed the finer details and ingredients with the young woman. It was then that they were interrupted by a voice expressing surprise.

”Brother-in-law?” Su Ming looked up to find Xiao Chen approaching with a joyful expression.

”Brother-in-law, what a coincidence! What brings you here?” Xiao Chen said, pulling up a chair to sit next to Su Ming.

“I'm ordering a cake for my mother's upcoming birthday,” Su Ming explained, smiling.

“Auntie's birthday is soon? I'll let my family know to prepare some gifts,” Xiao Chen said eagerly.

“That won't be necessary,” Su Ming responded, still smiling.

“Okay,” Xiao Chen acquiesced, dropping the subject.

“What about you? Didn't your dad just celebrate his birthday? Is there another family birthday coming up?” Su Ming asked, curious.

”No, this cake shop is owned by a friend of mine. I had hoped to discuss something with him today, but he's not around at the moment,” Xiao Chen said with a smile. “Brother-in-law, I was actually looking for you. My sister, Hsu Chenyue, is heading back to the capital tomorrow. She might be there for quite a while this time, so she'd like to have dinner with you tonight.”

Su Ming looked surprised and responded, “Didn't we just have dinner together recently?”

Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel frustrated, thinking to himself, “Brother-in-law, surely you're not oblivious to romance, right? How could you ask such a silly question?”

“Brother-in-law, if you recall, your last dinner with my sister was interrupted, and I was there as well. But this time, she wants to have dinner just with you,” Xiao Chen clarified.

Su Ming chuckled. It was exactly as he had suspected.

How could he be clueless about romance? He was simply curious to see what Xiao Chen had in mind.

“Okay. But let your sister know that I'm from Eastsea. She isn't as familiar with it as I am, so tonight, I'll introduce her to some local delicacies,” Su Ming offered.

“Great!” Xiao Chen readily accepted on his sister's behalf.

To him, they were already family, so it didn't matter who was picking up the tab.

“Alright then, brother-in-law. I'll head out now,” Xiao Chen said, and then he was gone.

Once Xiao Chen had left, the staff member standing next to Su Ming was visibly taken aback.

She recognized Xiao Chen as her boss's close friend.

Her boss hailed from a renowned family in the capital, a scion of a wealthy dynasty she had seen on television.

Her boss had opened the cake shop in Eastsea as a form of self-improvement, unconcerned with the shop's profitability.

Both Xiao Chen and her boss were from affluent families.

Yet, here was Xiao Chen, referring to Su Ming as his brother-in-law, which piqued her curiosity about Su Ming's background.

As an employee, she was expected to maintain a professional demeanor with customers, always wearing a standard smile, regardless of her mood.

But now, her smile was genuine and heartfelt.

After Xiao Chen's departure, Su Ming resumed discussing the cake with the staff member.

Her warm and enthusiastic attitude, however, took Su Ming by surprise.

Su Ming couldn't help but wonder, “What's gotten into you? I'm not inviting you out for dinner tonight. Why are you so worked up?”

“Keep your distance. I have good hearing. I'm not deaf!” Su Ming remarked.

After conversing for a bit, Su Ming added, “You don't need to be so overzealous with me. How many times are you going to ask if I'm thirsty—five or six?”

“You don't need to offer such a steep discount. What's this, you're practically giving it to me for free?” Su Ming's voice echoed.

Even as Su Ming stepped out of the store, his face was rife with confusion.

“Can anyone explain what just happened?” Su Ming shook his head but didn't dwell on it.

He headed straight back home.

On his way, he didn't encounter any thugs harassing beautiful girls.

Once home, Su Ming made a beeline for the breeding zone.

Having just checked with Yuvyuv, he was confident the bamboo rat was ready.

He flung open the door to the breeding zone and hurried into the nearest enclosure.

Peering over the concrete barrier, he froze and murmured to himself, “What on earth is this?”

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