The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 436

Chapter 436 - Su Ming's Plan

When Young Master Jin spoke, the middle-aged woman was immediately bewildered.

Could it be that Young Master Jin had actually agreed?

Having been with Young Master Jin for so long, she was well aware of his personality. He was notoriously frugal.

While Young Master Jin's family was indeed wealthy, they didn't possess assets worth 100 billion, but rather 10 billion.

Despite his wealth, he ate nothing but rice and sauerkraut every day.

For him to dine out on barbeque was an extraordinary occurrence.

He had decided to indulge in barbeque today to celebrate the successful negotiation of a business deal.

His choice to eat BBQ was simple: it was both affordable and tasty.

Furthermore, at the barbeque stall that day, he was the only one from his team who was eating; the middle-aged woman and the bodyguards following him were not permitted to partake.

It was hard to imagine such a penny-pinching individual offering to buy someone else a meal.

The middle-aged woman's face was a picture of awkwardness. She opened her mouth, glanced around, and ended up saying nothing at all.

She turned to Su Ming and cautioned him, “Today, you're in luck because Young Master Jin is in a good mood. But I'm telling you, when you're ordering, you need to be mindful of what to choose and what to avoid.”

No sooner had the middle-aged woman finished her warning than Young Master Jin stood up straight, patted his chest, and declared, “Feel free to order whatever you'd like, don't hold back!”

Su Ming asked with a beaming smile, “Young Master Jin, you're wealthy and generous. Today, I've certainly reaped some benefits from you, but there are many people on this barbeque street who are friends of mine, and they can't afford to eat barbeque. Would you consider treating them as well?”

Those nearby overheard and shook their heads in disbelief.

They were convinced Su Ming's request was doomed to fail.

Despite their own grievances with Young Master Jin, they believed Su Ming's suggestion was utterly implausible.

With so many people on BBQ Street, it was already a stretch for Young Master Jin to offer him a meal, let alone extend the invitation to others.

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman's eyes bulged in astonishment.

“Young Master Jin has already shown you considerable respect by treating you to barbeque. And now you want him to treat your friends as well? You're dreaming! Perhaps you'd like Young Master Jin to treat the entire street next? Don't overstep your bounds!”

The middle-aged woman placed her hands on her hips and fixed Su Ming with a fierce glare as she spoke.

No sooner had she finished her tirade than Young Master Jin brought his hand down hard on the table. The resounding slam echoed loudly, causing a startle among the onlookers.

Uh-oh, Young Master Jin was livid!

Many shook their heads in sympathy, murmuring apologies for their inability to assist Su Ming, given the intimidating presence of Young Master Jin's bodyguards. They averted their gazes, not wanting to witness the impending scene.

The woman, however, puffed up with arrogance. Young Master Jin was incensed, and it appeared her words had struck a chord with him. She had once again demonstrated her prowess before Young Master Jin.

But then, in a grandiose gesture, Young Master Jin declared, “No problem, I'll treat the whole street to a barbecue!”

His proclamation left everyone around him dumbfounded.

What? Young Master Jin was going to treat the entire street to a barbecue?

Had they misheard? This street was teeming with people. The cost of such a generous offer was surely no small sum.

When Young Master Jin had first arrived, he seemed to disdain the place. How had he suddenly turned so benevolent? Was this his way of flaunting his wealth? He was known to be extravagant when showcasing his own status, yet notoriously tightfisted with others.

The middle-aged woman was equally shocked. Having worked for Young Master Jin for quite some time, she had never witnessed such generosity from him. This was entirely out of character for Young Master Jin. Had he lost his mind? Something was definitely off.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ke'er was quietly chuckling to herself. While the others might be clueless, she was well aware of Su Ming's cunning plan. He had already duped several individuals. She felt a pang of pity for those ensnared by Su Ming's machinations. And now, another hapless victim had fallen prey.

Amidst the collective astonishment, Su Ming laughed heartily and exclaimed, “That's our Young Master Jin for you! Always full of surprises!”

“Folks, you all heard him. Today, the feast is on Young Master Jin.”

”Dig in, everyone. And once you've had your fill, just send the bill Young Master Jin's way for reimbursement.”

“Right, Young Master Jin?” Su Ming asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

“Yes! Eat as much as you like, it's on me!” Young Master Jin declared with a delighted grin.

“Wow! This guy is incredible!”

“How did he pull it off?”

“I doubted him just a moment ago. My apologies for being so narrow-minded.”

“Did you get that on video?”

“I did.”

“We'll have to review it later. I need to see how he managed that. I could learn a thing or two from him. If I can pick up even a little, I'm set for life.”

“He's truly impressive.”

“He got Young Master Jin from H Country to fall into his trap with just a few words.”

“Keep it down! Don't let the folks from H Country overhear!”

“Fantastic! Today's not a waste. Someone's footing the bill! Hey, boss, I'll take 20 skewers of kidneys!”

“Boss, I'll have crayfish worth 70 to 80 bucks!”

“Boss, bring out two bottles of Maotai Liquor.”

The entire street was agog.

Now, everyone was aware that Young Master Jin from H Country was treating them to a feast.

They eagerly ordered lobsters, pricey white wine, and skewers of kidneys that cost a pretty penny. Today, they were determined to indulge to the fullest!

And it didn't stop there; many were calling their friends and family to join in the barbecue feast.

Soon enough, the whole barbecue strip was teeming with people.

Tables and chairs spilled outside, creating a lively atmosphere.

The barbecue chefs were working up a sweat but were thrilled at the same time!

They were in for a hefty payday!

Young Master Jin's spirits soared as the crowd grew.

But the bodyguards and the middle-aged woman following him were dumbfounded.

This kid must have done something to Young Master Jin.

They had been with Young Master Jin long enough to know him well: he was not one to treat others to a meal!

Yet, they couldn't pinpoint any issue.

What in the world was happening?

“Young Master Jin, you're something else.”

“See how grateful everyone is?”

“Still, I feel like we could do more.”

“I have a little proposal. Young Master Jin, would you consider it?” Su Ming asked, smiling slyly.

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