The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 440

Chapter 440 - Young Master Jin Woke up

Su Ming scrutinized the bill with care. Everything seemed to be in order.

“However, the labor cost seems a bit on the low side. These chefs have been working so hard, they're drenched in sweat. Young Master Jin isn't lacking in funds. Isn't that right, Young Master Jin?” Su Ming's voice rose with his final question.

“Yes! Money is no object for me!” Young Master Jin responded loudly to Su Ming.

President Chen and Wang Guohui exchanged glances, each feeling somewhat perplexed.

Though they weren't close to Young Master Jin, they had encountered him on several occasions.

Both President Chen and Wang Guohui sensed that Young Master Jin was off his game today.

Indeed, something was amiss with Young Master Jin. Known for his frugality, it was out of character for him to host a meal, let alone splurge on premium ingredients. Something was definitely up.

But upon further reflection, President Chen and Wang Guohui realized that in Mr. Su's presence, anything could be considered normal.

Perhaps Mr. Su was versed in hypnosis. It wouldn't be surprising if he had hypnotized Young Master Jin.

Yes, that seemed quite plausible!

After all, Mr. Su had access to extraordinary items like the Body-stretching Pill and fennel.

The idea of Mr. Su being skilled in hypnosis wasn't far-fetched at all.

They would even believe it if someone claimed Mr. Su was a celestial being; such was their faith in him.

Young Master Jin had it coming! He had disrespected the imperial court. It was only fair that he should pay a price. And if Young Master Jin ever truly enraged Mr. Su, his life might well be at stake.

“Rest assured, Mr. Su, I've got the message. Every penny on Young Master Jin's card will be spent,” President Chen assured him with a beaming smile.

“Very well, let's do that. Now, please, join me. Let's all sit down and eat together,” Su Ming invited, smiling warmly.

“No, Mr. Su, we're quite comfortable standing!” President Chen and Wang Guohui protested, shaking their heads vigorously.

They took their place behind Su Ming, standing ramrod straight.

They resembled two devoted sentinels guarding Mr. Su.

Su Ming was at a loss for words upon witnessing the actions of President Chen and Wang Guohui.

He thought to himself that they should either join him at the table or find somewhere else to sit and dine with others. Their awkward standing was simply getting in the way of his date.

Su Ming remained silent, having long grown accustomed to President Chen and Wang Guohui's behavior.

He and Xiao Ke'er were deep in conversation while those around them dined with gusto.

Time passed unnoticed until a reminder echoed in Su Ming's mind, “The effects of the Consent Pill are nearing their end. Ten minutes remaining!” The short-lived nature of the pill's effects caught Su Ming off guard.

Indeed, joyful moments seemed to fly by all too quickly.

Rising to his feet, Su Ming approached Young Master Jin, who had been sitting for two hours without food or drink, looking rather forlorn.

“Young Master Jin, it looks like everyone's had their fill. It's about time we wrapped things up. Could you take care of the check?” Su Ming asked, wearing a friendly grin.

“Absolutely!” Young Master Jin replied, pulling out his phone. President Chen hurried over, having stood by for an hour and a half, yet still spry.

President Chen explained his agility was due to the excitement of seeing Su Ming after such a long time.

It wasn't that President Chen and Wang Guohui were reluctant to continue helping Su Ming with his farming.

Both President Chen and Wang Guohui were astute individuals who recognized that Su Ming had secrets. They believed that their constant presence might impose on Su Ming's privacy.

After discussing it between themselves, they decided not to intrude on Su Ming any longer, assuring him they would be there to assist whenever he needed.

Today, it was a rare pleasure for President Chen and Wang Guohui to spend so much time with Mr. Su, and they were delighted, not feeling the least bit weary.

Young Master Jin promptly wired 110 million to President Chen's account.

This left Young Master Jin with just over 20,000 yuan to his name.

The remaining funds were sufficient for a few more barbecues, though hosting one on the scale of today's feast would be challenging.

“Rest assured, Mr. Su, I'm on it,” President Chen assured Su Ming upon confirming the transaction. He and Wang Guohui then quickly departed to settle the bill.

Su Ming returned to his seat, picking up the conversation with Xiao Ke'er right where they had left off.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had flown by.

Just a moment earlier, Young Master Jin was beaming with joy, but abruptly, his smile solidified on his face.

Although Su Ming had administered the Consent Pill to Young Master Jin, which made him agreeable to anything Su Ming proposed, it didn't erase Young Master Jin's memory.

Two hours ticked by, and the effects of the Consent Pill had worn off.

Young Master Jin snapped out of the pill's influence in an instant. Recalling the recent events, he was shell-shocked.

He had come here today simply to enjoy some barbecue, yet he ended up spending over a hundred million without even having a bite to eat.

Young Master Jin stood motionless, lost in thought for a solid five minutes.

He was engulfed in a wave of intense self-doubt.

Even though Su Ming had footed the bill for everyone's meal, it was under his consent. It seemed there was no issue at face value. However, he was baffled as to why he would have agreed in the first place.

Young Master Jin was convinced that this incident couldn't just be left unresolved.

The Jin Group might appear to be thriving, but in reality, his family was grappling with a financial crisis. The group was under siege, facing a coordinated assault from numerous major corporations, leaving them in a precarious position.

The Jin Family had managed to scrape together some funds by liquidating their stocks.

His trip to Eastsea was a quest for solutions, an investment opportunity. But before he could even begin, the money was gone.

The thought of his father discovering this made Young Master Jin's blood run cold, and sweat beaded on his forehead.

If the investment failed, he could have coped, but not if the money was squandered on a meal.

The fear escalated within Young Master Jin, and in a sudden outburst, he slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

He delivered a fierce slap to the middle-aged woman, nearly knocking her unconscious.

“Young Master Jin, what are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Why didn't you stop me earlier?” Young Master Jin bellowed.

The middle-aged woman felt unjustly accused. She had attempted to intervene numerous times, but Young Master Jin had ignored her pleas.

“I did try to stop you, several times,” she protested.

Young Master Jin struck her another blow.

“Silence! Disappear from my sight this instant!” he commanded.

With a swift kick, Young Master Jin sent the middle-aged woman tumbling. Her plump figure rolled across the floor like a ball.

”Young Master Jin, what are you doing?” The middle-aged woman winced in pain as she picked herself up off the ground, her face etched with disbelief. “What is this all about?”

“Effective immediately, you are no longer associated with the Jin Group. I will see to it that you are terminated from the company at once,” Young Master Jin declared icily.

“No! Young Master Jin, you can't treat me this way. I've always been nothing but loyal to you!”

“I even changed my nationality for you. I've just taken out a loan to buy a house. If you fire me now, I'll be ruined!”

Desperate, the middle-aged woman rushed forward and clung to Young Master Jin's legs, sobbing uncontrollably.

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