The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 459

Chapter 459 - Give Him a Lesson

“Do you really think the dashcam in my car is just for decoration? Modifying your car without permission and speeding is considered reckless driving. And you had the nerve to insult me? I could easily report you to the police, and you might end up spending two years in jail.”

As Su Ming pondered this, he suddenly noticed a group of people and two cars stopped on the emergency lane in the distance.

It looked like there was a problem.

From afar, he could see it was a car accident. The vehicles had collided in what was clearly a rear-end crash.

The first car wasn't too badly damaged, but the front of the second car was completely wrecked.

Debris was scattered everywhere, along with pools of blood.

Under a tree beyond the guardrail lay a young man, his head covered in blood.

He was unconscious, and his family members stood by, their faces etched with worry.

Several others, likely from the first car, were on their phones. One seemed to be calling for an ambulance, while another was speaking to their insurance company.

“Driving carefully is so important. Speeding can easily lead to rear-end collisions and injuries,” Su Ming reflected.

He decelerated.

He decided to go over and see if he could offer any assistance.

But as he approached, he recognized two familiar figures.

Clearly, they were the same individuals Su Ming had encountered earlier.

One had red hair, the other yellow.

The red-haired man was the driver he had seen before.

His car was at the front, blocked from view by the vehicles involved in the accident.

“Hey, this is a remote stretch of highway, and this guy looks pretty badly hurt. If we wait any longer, his condition could worsen. Come on, get in my car, and I'll drive you to the hospital,” the red-haired man offered.

Upon hearing this, they immediately felt they had encountered a Good Samaritan.

Despite the young men's unconventional appearance, they seemed genuinely kind-hearted.

The family members were just about to express their gratitude when the yellow-haired man stepped forward and added, “But before we go, let's get one thing straight.”

“My car runs on gas, not goodwill. I can't help you for free. Let's make it fair—I won't ask for much. How does three thousand bucks sound?”

The man with yellow hair extended his hand.

Initially, the relatives were quite happy, but they were taken aback when they heard what the man had to say.

They had assumed they had encountered a good Samaritan, only to realize they were dealing with robbers.

“Three thousand yuan? Are you serious? Why don't you just rob someone?”

They lamented internally.

“My apologies.”

One of the relatives spoke up sternly, “My son is merely unconscious. It appears severe, but it's not as bad as it looks. We should wait for an ambulance.”

“An ambulance?”

The man with red hair let out a mocking laugh. “You're mistaken then, because the nearest ambulance will take over 40 minutes to arrive here. Three thousand yuan isn't much. Isn't it a fair trade to spend that amount to save a life?” He continued, clearly not ready to back down.

The relatives began to waver after hearing the red-haired man's argument.

Three thousand yuan wasn't a significant sum, but the idea of being extorted left a bitter taste in their mouths.

Yet, the value of a life far outweighed the three thousand yuan.

The injured could wait a few minutes, but after 40, he might bleed out.

Reluctantly, the relatives bit their lips and nodded in agreement.

The red-haired and yellow-haired men couldn't contain their glee, feeling fortunate to have stumbled upon an easy way to make a quick buck to squander.

Just then, Su Ming pulled up and announced, “I'll drive you to the hospital.”

Stepping out of the car, Su Ming approached them.

“Damn it! Kid, are you trying to undercut us? This gig is ours already!” the yellow-haired man protested, stepping forward to confront Su Ming.

”I'm not asking for money. I'll take you to the hospital for free, and I know people there who can get you into surgery right away,” Su Ming explained, smiling at the relatives.

The relatives, initially stunned, were soon overjoyed.

“Thank you! We can't thank you enough!” they exclaimed.

A middle-aged woman expressed her concern, “My son is badly hurt. What if he bleeds all over your car?”

“When it's a life-or-death situation, these little things don't matter. Let's get your son into my car first.”

Su Ming spoke urgently.

The relatives were just getting ready to lift the injured.

The two men immediately took offense, stepping in to block the victim's family.

“We've closed the deal. We were about to pocket three thousand RMB, and you come meddling in our business!”

The red-haired man scoffed, “In this world, keeping your word is paramount. We already accepted this job. You're breaking the rules.”

Su Ming retorted, “Idiot.”

Several onlookers couldn't suppress their laughter.

Yet, they felt guilty for laughing, given that it was the scene of a car accident and someone was hurt.

The two young men became furious. The red-haired man jabbed a finger at Su Ming's nose and declared, “Second brother, this guy dares to mock us. We need to show him what's what!”

The yellow-haired young man agreed, hands on hips, but he completely misunderstood the red-haired man's point.

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