The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 489

Chapter 489 - He's an Expert

The crowd that had been watching was initially terrified, but now, they couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and a burgeoning urge to laugh.

It seemed to everyone that these three individuals had only succeeded in making a spectacle of themselves.

Onlookers gazed at the trio sprawled on the ground, convulsing, eyes rolling back, and mouths frothing.

The henchmen were dumbfounded.

One of the thugs scratched his head and muttered, “Sorry, I've got some urgent business at home.”

“Oh, I completely forgot, my third aunt is getting married today. I need to be at her wedding!” another thug announced, pulling out his phone.

“Did you say your sow just had nine piglets? Congratulations!”

“What? They demolished our house? Fantastic. No more hustling for me!”

“Is that right? Got it, I'm heading to tutoring class right away!”

After a brief, awkward silence, all the remaining thugs simultaneously whipped out their phones and began to feign phone calls, slowly retreating as they did so.

The whole scene was bizarre. Who would have thought a sponge brick could knock someone out?

Regardless of the sponge brick's mysterious effectiveness, these ruffians wanted nothing more to do with this place. They were eager to get home, away from the dangers of the outside world and its inexplicable weapons.

“Hold it right there,” Su Ming interjected suddenly.

The gangsters acted as if they hadn't heard Su Ming's command, continuing their phone charade.

“Cut the act,” Su Ming insisted.

“You were clearly on the line with imperial court mobile! Unless I'm mistaken, customer service mentioned you have an outstanding bill! How did you even hear about your family's house being demolished?”

“And you! You're holding your phone upside down! The screen hasn't even lit up. Is your phone dead or what? And how did you find out about your friend's piglets? Are you using some kind of psychic powers?”

“I might let the others slide, but you've crossed the line. You don't even have a phone. Are you pretending your fingers are a phone?” Su Ming said, his brow furrowed in disapproval.

The gangsters were taken aback, their embarrassment palpable.

They had thought their performance was convincing, perhaps not Oscar-worthy like their counterparts on the ground, but certainly not far off. Yet, in the end, Su Ming had effortlessly seen through their ruse.

The group of thugs looked at Su Ming with ingratiating smiles plastered on their faces.

Su Ming eyed two of them. “What did you two do before?”

The pair stuttered, “We… we used to work on the assembly line in a factory.”

“Get back to work, pronto. You need to save money to get married and honor your parents! If you don't, I'll have to teach you a lesson,” Su Ming warned, his eyes narrowing.

He then picked up a knife and fork from the dining table and, with a simple squeeze, bent them out of shape.

This display terrified the two men.

Su Ming was clearly a master!

Could Su Ming be like those martial arts experts from the TV shows?

The sponge brick must be Su Ming's way of concealing his true power.

The three men sprawled on the ground were probably injured by Su Ming's internal force.

His underlings realized they had tangled with someone as formidable as Su Ming and were eager to escape.

“Alright, we'll go find jobs immediately,” the two said, frightened into action by Su Ming, and they took off running.

They planned to hurry back and find a factory job.

Su Ming made a mental note of these two. If they didn't go straight to job hunting, they could end up in a worse state than the three on the ground.

“What about you three?” Su Ming asked, frowning at the next trio.

Dressed in gaudy attire, they looked quite young.

“We're high school students,” one mumbled, clenching his teeth and bowing his head.

Su Ming's frown deepened. “You're students and you're not focusing on your studies? Get back to school and hit the books. And listen up—if you don't make it into the top five on your final exams, I'll come to your homes and smack you with a brick every single day!”

The students were dumbfounded by Su Ming's ultimatum.

These three were accustomed to ranking at the bottom of their class. The thought of achieving top five seemed nearly impossible.

“Did you get that?” Su Ming pressed, his hand inching towards the sponge brick.

At the sight of the brick, the three students were petrified.

Reflecting on their situation, they realized, “Sure, studying is tough, but it's nothing compared to being smacked with a sponge brick! We better get home and hit the books!”

With that, the trio spun on their heels and dashed off, discarding their bizarre outfits along the way.

They shaved their heads and tossed every odd item from their homes into the garbage bin.

Afterward, they settled into their chairs, ready to dive into the freshman curriculum.

Upon one child's parent's return, she instinctively pushed open her son's door.

She let out a shriek: her son's room was spotless.

He had gotten rid of all those peculiar clothes.

But what truly shocked her was that her son was memorizing vocabulary!

She wondered, “What's going on? Is it the apocalypse? Are pandas suddenly technicolor? Did the high-speed train take flight? Has the imperial court's soccer team clinched the World Cup?”

The concerned parent rushed over, gently touched her son's head, and asked, “Honey, are you okay? What's happened to you?”

Doubting her own eyes, she thought, “Am I mistaken? Have I lost my mind? Am I seeing things? My son is actually studying!”

“Mom, please don't interrupt. I'm determined to study hard and rank in the top five of my class!”

“I want to make a meaningful contribution to society!” he declared with fervor.

“Alright,” his mother said, utterly bewildered.

As she stepped out, her confusion lingered.

She had long since written off her son's academic prospects, yet here he was, studying diligently.

She mused, “This is just too bizarre!”

In the restaurant, only two individuals remained, eyeing Su Ming nervously.

“You two, escort those three out,” he instructed.

“Make sure they're taken care of, and don't follow in his footsteps as thugs. Choose a better path,” Su Ming advised them.

Clearly, these two didn't aspire to be thugs; they had likely been coerced by Big Brother.

They had entered in his shadow, visibly uneasy.

Everyone faces tough times.

Su Ming had no desire to make their situation worse.

He had tasked them with handling the three.

“Okay!” they agreed promptly.

The pair then dragged the trio by the legs into a nearby alley.

Once alone, they exchanged glances.

One spoke up cautiously, “That gentleman asked us to take care of them. What should we do now?”

One person had a rather odd thought and remarked, “I'm not sure. Should we strip them of their clothes?”

“That's a sensible suggestion! Let's get to it!”

And with that, the two of them proceeded to remove the clothing from the three individuals.

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