The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 368 - Tragedy

Chapter 368 - Tragedy

Keira was grinning at her husband while they were packing their gadgets and documents to get back to the city.

"What?" Alessandro asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head.

"I have an early meeting so we need to leave." He said.

"Babe, we can have time this weekend, right?" She asked and hugged him from behind.

"Of course, baby. Where do you want to go? I can book a plan anytime you want."

She giggled and just hugged him.

"What do you want now?" He asked as he turned to her and patted her head.

"Hmm, kiss?" She asked and he kissed her lips.

"You look blooming today." He scooped her face and kissed his lips.

"Of course," She rolled her eyes. "Your wife is so beautiful."

"I know." He chuckled and squeezed her in his arms. "Let's pack up. I need to meet up with the boys."

She pouted and frowned at him. He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"You can come if you want."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"Babe, you can wear fancy clothes. But not something too revealing."

She laughed at him.


She scooped his butt and squeezed it.

"You are very much handsome."

"I know." He kissed her nose. "Did you get your laptop?"

"Yup." She took her bag and lifted it.

The couple said goodbye to the babies and their parents. Then, they hopped into their car. Keira hugged Alessandro's arm and leaned on him. He patted her head and grinned at her. Keira sighed and intertwined her fingers with him. She can't wait for her surprise. She took it out from her bag and slid it into the pocket of her jacket.

"What's that?" He asked but she stopped him.

"No. You can't open it until we reach home."

"You are sneaky." He grinned at her.

"I just love you."

"Baby, you don't have to say it every time you are horny."

"I am not horny." She giggled and hugged him tightly. "I just love you so much."

The car suddenly stopped and pushed them forward. Alessandro's reflexes were so fast that he pulled back his wife.

"What's going on?" He asked. The driver was silent but the radio was making noises. He held his wife tightly.

"We will try hard to get out from this ambush, sir." The driver said as he turned on the car again. "Please duck down."

Alessandro and Keira duck down as he keeps his wife under his arms. It started. The raining of bullets directly to their car. Their drive was very much flexible as he turned around. They were cornered by other cars.

"Sandro," Keira started crying.

"Baby, it will be alright."

"We can't die…" She said softly.

"I know. I will protect you." He said and kissed her forehead.

They continuously fired the driver and their bodyguard in the front seat. Then, they hit the car pushing it to the nearest cliff. Their driver was doing his best to fight back, leading them to a safer place. But then, they were shot after the bulletproof glass. Their guards were down and they pulled the car open.

"Keira, hold on me tight." He grumbled as Keira did.

They were pulling them apart as Alessandro continued covering his wife. They were forced to get out of the car as he covered his wife in his arms not letting her go although they pointed guns at him.

"Sandro!" A woman came out from a red car with a beautiful smile.

Alessandro's eyes were like daggers and murderous toward Wendy Charles.

"Oh, fuck." Wendy creased her brows. "Game over, Keira. Hand Alessandro now."

Keira looked up at Alessandro and caressed his cheek. He didn't let her go as he glared at Wendy.

"Alright," Wendy clapped her hand. "Fine. If you don't want to give back my man, I will use force."

Keira turned to Wendy and laughed as she wiped her tears.

"You crazy bitch." Keira shook her head.

"You think that Alessandro would want you? I thought that you would think it over while you are staying in your white room." Keira sighed. "I don't have time for this, Wendy. You already killed my men and guess what? We are all tired. Let go of that thought that you will be with my husband. Even if I die, he won't be yours."

"Keira," Alessandro held her in his arms protectively.

Wendy snapped at her Butler who took out the gun.

"Stop this!" Alessandro screamed at Wendy. "No matter what you do. I won't let you. Even if it kills me."

Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Stop this drama. Let's just end this!" She laughed so loud.

Keira turned to her husband and caressed his wife.

"I don't care if something bad happened to me. Just do not let her receive a happy ending." She said softly. Alessandro was very much quizzical as he looked down at his wife.


She hugged him tightly and so he did.

"I love you." She whispered. "I want to hear you say it."

"I love you, more." He kissed her forehead.

Alessandro felt that volts ran through him when they pressed something cold on his nape. He froze as he watched them drag his wife away to the cliff. He fell to the ground as they groped him.

"Keira!" He screamed as they electrified him again. He groaned in pain as he forced his body to move and pushed the people over him. He kicked them although he didn't have enough energy but because of the adrenaline rush, he stood and ran to Keira as the Butler fired his gun and Keira fell on the cliff. "Nooo!!!" His knees fell on the ground but he forced himself up and ran to the cliff to be with his wife no matter what.

Alessandro would rather die with her. They grabbed him before he threw himself on the cliff and somehow everything started getting dark as he heard more gunshots while they were dragging his body.

"Sandro!" A man tapped his cheeks. "Sandro…"

"K-Keira…" A tear rolled down his cheek.

Harvey didn't waste any time to rescue them but it seemed that he was late. They grabbed Alessandro away who was trying to get up although he couldn't.

"Keira," he groaned as he looked around and there were loud guns. He found the cliff on his left so he crawled to it. "Don't worry. I will be with you." He grumbled as he continued crawling while Harvey became busy firing back.

"Sandro!" Harvey exclaimed. Shortly, Johanna came and hit Sandro at the back to make him lose his consciousness.


Wendy was very much angry but then she sat down and watched the news on how they recovered Keira Del Carlo's body. It was all over the news that there was an ambush and she was laughing so loud when they claimed that Keira Del Carlo was dead. Now that Alessandro is miserable, it was easy for her to have him.

"Are you sure that you killed her?" Wendy asked the Butler.

"No one would survive the impact, Miss." Butler Jim said grimly.


"May I take two days off, Miss?"

"Why? Is it your first time?" She asked as she scoffed.

"I killed someone innocent." He grumbled.

"Alright, take three days off if you want." She told him and waved him off. "You are dismissed."

The man bowed as he left. Wendy knew that the man couldn't kill anyone and Keira isn't innocent. She was Wendy's nemesis. She needs to party now. She stood from her seat went to her grandfather's room and kissed him on the forehead.

"Grandpa, I just killed Keira Del Carlo. It wasn't that hard at all." She laughed. "I don't even have to use Victor." She sighed. "Or maybe I did a little. But I won't. Wake up." She said and raised her brows. "Or maybe don't. I will run your empire well." She gave him a flying kiss.

At the time that she turned her back from him, Klaus's fingers moved but his eyes remained closed.

Wendy went back to her room and put the best long red dress on as she walked around the mansion ordering red flowers to fill up everywhere where she was going to surprise Alessandro as soon as she had him in her castle.

"Send red flowers to Keira's funeral." She told her grandfather's assistant. "It is a celebration for us!" She exclaimed. She started singing a love song as she walked into the garden. She was in euphoria as she smelled the flowers and said that everything was beautiful around her. She will have him soon.

She was humming and humming until her brother just stopped in front of her with a grim face.

"Fuck," She rolled her eyes.

"You did that?" Ken asked.

"Did what?" She scowled at him.

"You killed her. What did you do?" Ken asked.

"Why?" She scoffed. "Don't tell me that you have a crush on Del Carlo?"

"Well, yeah. She was better than you." Ken nearly spit on her. Wendy's hand flew across Ken's cheek.

"Don't you compare her to me! I am way better… better than anyone!" She gritted her teeth. "What is it to you?"

Ken reached his forehead and shook his head.

"Our stocks are slowly plummeting because of you."

"Don't worry. I will work this out.. Grandpa has a lot of resources and I can do better."

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