The Bloodline System

Chapter1595 Reincarnated As An Oslov

Chapter 1595  Reincarnated As An Oslov

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


As Gustav stood in the middle of Dimension Six, the surroundings around him began to shift and swirl. The ambient, ethereal lights dimmed for a moment, and then a new display of glowing energy appeared before him. The air vibrated with a low hum as five ancient artifacts materialized, each one distinct, shimmering with otherworldly power.

**The five sacred items** that the Outworldly had crafted long ago before turning mortal:

- **The Armor**: Gleaming with a metallic sheen, interwoven with threads of celestial energy, it exuded an impenetrable aura of protection. Its surface was etched with swirling cosmic patterns that seemed to shift and move, reflecting the countless stars from which it was made.

- **The Boots**: Sleek and black as the void, yet glowing faintly with a silver hue, the boots pulsed with the power of swift travel. A single step in these boots could carry one across galaxies in an instant.

- **Cohilia**: A strange, multicolored rhombus-shaped being, swirling with shifting hues. It pulsed with life, as though it were sentient. Gustav knew this being was capable of swallowing anything into its endless void—matter, energy, or even concepts of existence.

- **The Ancient Hourglass**: Its sands shimmered with the glow of a thousand stars, flowing in both directions—forward and backward—representing the manipulation of time itself.

- **The Sword**: A blade forged from the very fabric of the universe, its edge gleamed with the light of a million stars, as if each strike would ripple through the very fabric of reality.

Gustav's gaze moved over each item, recognizing the sheer power each one held. As the five sacred items floated before him, the construct began to shift again, revealing a new set of instructions in the form of glowing symbols and ancient runes.

The **ritual** was shown to Gustav: the process that needed to be followed to merge the five sacred items into one. He watched intently as the display revealed that once the ritual was complete, the five items would come together and form a **translucent humanoid being**, its core swirling with galaxies, nebulae, and the vastness of space itself.

"When the merging is complete," the construct's voice resonated around him, "the being will combine with you, and you will regain your full Outworldly power."

But then, the construct shifted again, this time showing Gustav a series of locations scattered across the universe. These places shimmered with a faint glow, indicating where the **vestiges of the Outworldly's power** had been sealed long ago.

"These are the locations," the construct explained, "where the remnants of your original power were hidden. Before the merging can occur, you must first journey to these places and extract the vestiges. Only then will you be able to perform the ritual of merging the sacred items. The process must be done in sequence. If attempted out of order, it will result in failure."

Gustav absorbed the information, his mind racing as he took in the enormity of the task before him. These sacred items represented aspects of his former self—pieces of a puzzle that, once completed, would make him whole again. But first, he had to reclaim what was his.

"I understand," he murmured. "First, I retrieve the vestiges, then I perform the ritual."

The display faded as Gustav stood in silence for a moment, his resolve hardening. He was ready. Nocturnis was growing stronger, and the universe teetered on the brink of chaos. There was no time to waste.---

**Elsewhere, in an unknown part of the universe**, the air was thick with the sounds of battle. Explosions echoed across a desolate, rocky terrain as beams of light and fire clashed in the distance. The sky was a deep, ominous red, with swirling clouds that seemed to pulse with dark energy.

At the center of it all, **Endric** stood with his arms raised, his brow furrowed in concentration. His eyes glowed with an ethereal light as the ground around him trembled under the weight of his telekinetic power. Massive boulders floated in the air, suspended by his will alone, before being hurled at breakneck speed toward their enemies—strange, barely clothed beings with translucent skin and shimmering spiritual auras.

To his left, **Ria** crouched low, her hands pressed against the earth. In an instant, the ground beneath her began to glow an intense red, turning molten as it shifted into **lava-like matter**. With a sharp motion, she thrust her arms forward, sending the liquid fire surging toward their enemies in a deadly wave.

"Push forward!" Endric shouted, his voice strained from the sheer intensity of his powers. "We need to reach that sword!"

In the distance, towering over everything in sight, stood an **incredibly massive sword**, its blade plunged deep into the ground. The sword was impossibly large, its hilt reaching high into the blood-red clouds above. Dark, swirling energy surrounded it, and the skies churned with storm-like fury. The sword seemed to hum with a menacing energy, its presence foreboding and ancient.

The beings they were fighting—**spiritual guardians** of the sword—were fierce. Their strange, ethereal forms shimmered as they moved with unnatural speed, each one wielding powers tied to the spiritual realm. Some could phase through physical matter, while others sent out blasts of energy that disrupted the mind and soul.

Next to Endric and Ria, another figure fought with them—an **unknown warrior** with the bulk and upper physique of a bull but the frame of a human. His powerful frame rippled with muscle, his movements swift and deadly. In his hands, he wielded a **lightning axe**, its blade crackling with electric energy as he swung it with precision.

"Hold them off!" the bull-like warrior roared, his voice deep and booming. With a blur of movement, he rushed forward, his axe cleaving through the ethereal bodies of the spiritual beings in a flurry of strikes. Lightning danced off his blade, sending arcs of electricity through the battlefield as he tore through their ranks with relentless speed.

Ria gritted her teeth as more of the spiritual beings descended upon them. "There's too many of them!" she shouted over the chaos, her hands glowing with molten energy. "Endric, can you clear the path?"

Endric's eyes flared with intensity as he raised both hands high above his head. The ground beneath their enemies began to tremble violently, and with a sudden, forceful gesture, he sent out a massive telekinetic shockwave. The spiritual beings were thrown back in every direction, their forms flickering as they struggled to recover from the impact.

"I'll buy us some time!" Endric called out, his voice strained from the effort. "But we need to move, now!"

The bull-like warrior, sweat glistening on his brow, rushed to Ria's side. "That sword… it's radiating too much energy. If we don't destroy it, these creatures will keep coming."

"I know!" Ria shouted back, her eyes fixed on the massive sword in the distance. "But getting close to it is going to be nearly impossible with those things guarding it."

Endric clenched his fists, his telekinetic powers surging as he hurled another wave of debris toward the incoming enemies. "We don't have a choice! If that sword stays in place, this entire region will be overrun!"

The bull-like warrior grunted in agreement, his massive frame tensing as he readied himself for another charge. "Then let's take it down," he growled, gripping his lightning axe tighter.

With renewed determination, the three of them pushed forward, battling through the strange, supernatural beings that continued to swarm them. The ground beneath them cracked and shifted as Ria transmuted more earth into molten lava, creating walls of fiery matter that cut off their enemies' approach.

But the closer they got to the sword, the more intense the energy around them became. The dark, swirling clouds above the sword seemed to pulse with malevolent intent, and the very air felt charged with an overwhelming power.

Endric could feel it—the sword wasn't just an ordinary weapon. It was connected to something far more dangerous, something ancient and powerful. And whatever it was, they had to stop it before it unleashed even greater destruction.

"Stay focused!" Endric shouted, his voice barely audible over the roaring winds. "We're almost there!"

And as they closed in on the massive sword, the full extent of the battle lay before them—a clash between mortals and the spiritual, between raw power and ancient forces. Only time would tell if they could overcome the odds and destroy the sword before it was too late.

**To be continued…**


Within the laboratory...

Holographic projections filled the space, displaying streams of data, complex energy diagrams, and molecular structures.

Grand Commander Shion stood with an imposing look with his silver hair and the diamond shard embedded in his forehead before Scientist Merkle.

Merkle intense eyes, adjusted the holographic display to show the latest findings. "Grand Commander, based on our current progress, the amplification method should be ready for implementation in a few weeks. We've made significant strides in stabilizing the energy transfer and minimizing the risks."

Shion nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the detailed data before him. "Excellent work, Merkle. This breakthrough could be pivotal in our struggle against the dark plane."

Merkle's expression was resolute. "But still we must tread carefully, Grand Commander. I can only hope the training and psychological preparation for our soldiers yield results."

"Indeed we must balance the need for power with the imperative of safety. I will inform the other four Grand Commanders of our progress. Together, we will decide the next steps for the future of Earth and the universe as a whole," Grand commander Shion stated.

 "I will continue to refine the process and ensure that everything is ready for the trials," Scientist Merkle responded.

As Shion turned to leave the laboratory, a sudden gust of wind swept through the room... The winds of ominousity....

As he reached a private area, Grand commander Shion activated the secure link to the other Grand Commanders. Holographic images of four distinguished figures appeared before him, each one representing a pillar of strength and leadership.

"Grand Commanders," Shion began, his voice carrying the weight of their collective responsibility, "I have urgent updates regarding our efforts against the dark plane. Scientist Merkil and his team have made significant progress with the amplification method. It should be ready for implementation in a few weeks."

Grand Commander Alara, a formidable looking woman with green eyes and a calm demeanor, nodded. "This is indeed promising news, Grand Commander Shion. The amplification of our soldiers' strength could turn the tide in our favor."

Another Grand Commander leaned forward with a stern expression. "What about the risks involved, Grand Commander Shion? We cannot afford to proceed without understanding the full implications."

 "There is no sugarcoating it. Its dangerous and can lead to their demise. The amplification method draws power from both the dark plane and the future potential of our Mixedblood soldiers. While it offers immense strength, it is also highly taxing. Prolonged use could result in the death of the soldiers involved. Only those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice would be considered for this task."

Grand Commander Zorin, an elderly man with a wise and contemplative air, spoke up. "We must be cautious. The balance of power and safety is delicate. What measures are in place to ensure our soldiers are adequately prepared?"

"Merkle is refining the process and implementing rigorous training and psychological preparation. Volunteers will be the first to give it a try so we may know what step to take next."

 "If our soldiers are to make such sacrifices, we need to ensure it is for a decisive victory. We cannot afford to squander their lives," Another Grand Commander stated.

Shion's gaze was steady. "I agree. This is why we must coordinate our efforts and plan our next steps carefully. The decision we make here will shape the future of Earth and the universe."

The holographic images of the Grand Commanders flickered slightly. After a moment of silence, Alara spoke with a resolute tone. "We will convene again once the trials are complete to decide on the deployment."

Shion nodded. "I will keep you all updated."

As the communication ended, Shion stood in the quiet room with an indescribable expression. The winds of foreboding seemed to whisper through the walls.

Returning to the laboratory, Shion found Merkle and his team deep in their work. He approached Merkle, his presence commanding attention.

"Merkle, the other Grand Commanders are informed. We have their support, but we must proceed with caution."

Merkle nodded. "We will not falter. Our efforts will be thorough and precise."

Returning to the laboratory, Shion found Merkle and his team deep in their work. He approached Merkle, his presence commanding attention.

"Merkle, the other Grand Commanders are informed. We have their support, but we must proceed with caution."

Merkle nodded. "We will not falter. Our efforts will be thorough and precise."

They proceeded with their work in the laboratory; conducting simulations and stress tests to ensure stability and safety. The first selected volunteers underwent rigorous training, their resolve unwavering in the face of the immense task ahead.

One evening, as the final preparations were underway, Shion gathered the team for a briefing. The room was filled with anticipation and determination.

Holographic displays flickered with the latest data, casting a soft glow over the faces of those present.

"Everyone," Shion began, his voice resonating with authority, "we stand on the brink of a new era. The work you have done here is nothing short of remarkable. The time has come to take the next step."

He turned to the volunteers. "You are the best of us. Your courage and dedication are an inspiration. As you prepare to engage in these trials, know that you carry the hopes and strength of all of us. We are with you, every step of the way."

The volunteers stood tall, their faces reflecting a mix of pride and determination. One of them, a young woman named Kira, spoke: "We know the risks sir, and we accept them. For our people, for our future, we will do whatever it takes."

Shion nodded while smiling. "Thank you, Kira. Your bravery honors us all."

As the volunteers prepared for the trials, the laboratory buzzed with activity. Final checks were made, systems calibrated, and the amplification process initiated.

The moment arrived, and the volunteers stepped into the controlled environment for the trials. The lab fell silent, every eye fixed on the holographic displays tracking their progress.

Seconds turned into minutes, each one filled with anticipation and anxiety. The data streams fluctuated, reflecting the intense energy transfer and the physical toll on the volunteers.




Back on the desolate Planet Humbad, the journey down the chasm had been arduous for Gustav and Miss Aimee. The days stretched into a week, each one filled with the oppressive heat and the constant vigilance required to navigate the treacherous path.

The walls of the chasm were lined with jagged rocks and strange, glowing symbols that seemed to pulsate with an eerie energy. The scent of sulfur drizzled across the air and the distant rumble of magma pits provided a constant, ominous soundtrack to their descent.

"We've been descending for so long," Gustav remarked with a slightly distraught look.  "Are we ever going to reach the bottom?"

Miss Aimee nodded. "We're getting close, but it appears the bottom isn't what we expected. Look."

Gustav followed her gaze and saw the chasm's floor ahead, but it was covered in a bubbling, magma-like liquid. Pillars of rock protruded from the molten surface, creating a dangerous and unpredictable terrain.

The red glow from the magma illuminated the entire area, casting long, flickering shadows on the rocky walls.

"Be careful," Miss Aimee cautioned.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I just wish we could move faster," Gustav let out a little sigh.

They moved carefully with deliberate and measured steps. The heat from the magma had risen to unprecended heights but they were still okay. The rocky pillars provided some stability, but they had to be cautious, testing each foothold before putting their weight on it.

As they continued, the sights around them became more intricate. Debris from what looked like ancient structures lay scattered across the chasm, remnants of a civilization long gone.

The pillars of rock protruding from the magma reminded him of a twisted, otherworldly landscape, like something out of a nightmare.

"Do you think this place was once inhabited?" Gustav asked, his voice echoing slightly in the vast chasm.

Miss Aimee nodded. "It's possible. If dimension six was always located here then it makes sense for the surroundings to have been formerly inhabited."

They continued their cautious descent as the heat kept intensifying.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached a relatively stable area near the bottom. The magma-like liquid was still everywhere, but there were enough solid footholds to navigate without stepping directly into it. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"I don't see much roads to move on," he said to Miss Aimee

Miss Aimee eyes scanning the area for a safe path. "Just keep following me."

They moved carefully, testing each step before committing to it. The bubbling magma hissed and popped around them, the heat radiating off the surface in waves.

After days of navigating the treacherous chasm, Gustav and Miss Aimee finally reached what appeared to be the real bottom.

The landscape before them was a vast expanse of bubbling, magma-like liquid stretching across thousands of miles, glowing with a malevolent red hue.

The entire scene was both mesmerizing and terrifying. Gustav was almost completely stark naked at this point. In as much as he would have loved to take out another attire from his spatial storage space, using any form of energy could cause problems.

Gustav stopped at the edge, staring out over the molten expanse. "We can't move any further," his voice tinged with frustration. "How are we supposed to find anything down here?"

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