The Bodyguard System

Chapter 36: Stirring Up the Forum

The momt that they got back into the same gym that they had be in before, they found few people inside. Of course, it was not Harry and his group, nor was it Lucas and his group.

The gym was available to all the studts within the campus. So, it was not impossible to find people inside. The reason why the population was so low at the momt was simply because it was afternoon, and the sun was burning hot.

So, only a few people would come to the gym at this momt. The majority of them would always come here early in the morning, or in the eving. That was the best time for them to train within the gym.

The two of them completely ignored the presce of the other people, but the same could not be said about them ignoring Scarlet. That was especially so the momt that they realized that there was an unfamiliar person that was following behind Scarlet.

In this campus, everybody knew about Scarlet. She was extremely popular, not only due to the sports car that she possessed, but due to how stubborn she was. She was a girl that was feared by many boys within the campus, although they admired her.

At the d of the day, although she was kind of scary, she was still a beauty. And so, there was a large number of boys that liked her. But ev th, they did not try to approach her at all. First of all, her personality was extremely explosive in such a way that in case they approached, they would definitely suffer.

There was a certain boy who did not know about it, and decided to make a move on her, trying to seduce her to become his girlfrid. But the guy had just begun talking about how beautiful she was looking, wh he was suddly punched in the face.

The poor guy's nose broke and he began bleeding. Immediately after being hit by Scarlet, he was told off, with Scarlet saying that she was not into weak boys. If he wanted to be with her, he had to be strong ough.

The boy left the area, with the inttion of training. But only a few days later, the guy dropped out of campus. Not many people knew about it, but the few who knew about the reason behind it would not help but feel a chill running down their spines.

They understood that a person had made a move on that guy, behind the sces. Of course, it was other than Lucas. How could he allow another person to seduce the woman that he was obsessed with?

Due to the deterrce of the strgth that Scarlet possessed together with her wealth, there was also the deterrce that was brought by Lucas. So, ev if they thought that Scarlet was beautiful, of them was brave ough to be able to say that out loud. Otherwise, they would definitely d up suffering.

And, this was the first time that they were seeing an unfamiliar person following behind Scarlet. The distance betwe them was not that big, and it was clear that this guy was following Scarlet.

At this momt, they could not help but feel pity for him. After all, the momt that Lucas got information about this matter, he was definitely going to act against this guy.

Jad did not care about the gazes that he was receiving. Instead, after the two of them got inside the ring, he began instructing Scarlet. He had watched the battle betwe Scarlet and Alfie, and so, he quite understood Alfie, though he understood that Alfie had be holding back.

"In that fight betwe the two of you, that guy was holding back by quite a margin. I'm not sure how much he was holding back, but ev th, he was still holding back." Jad began.

The momt that he said those words, Scarlet's expression shifted. There was clear indication of anger on her face together with humiliation. "How dare he fight with me while holding back? That is preposterous!" Scarlet stated with the veins popping on her face.

Jad on the other hand could not help but feel helpless after hearing what Scarlet was saying. If the guy was holding back and he was able to defeat you, what would happ if he wt all out?

It was clear that you would have be defeated in just a few moves, and with your pride, you would definitely feel humiliated, more than you feel right now, right?

Nonetheless, Jad did not say that out loud. Instead, he patitly waited until Scarlet calmed down. It was th that he finally continued.

Having observed Alfie, he understood the guys fighting technique. Due to the fact that he himself possessed the intermediate combat skills, it was quite easy for him to be able to understand Alfie's fighting style.

And so, he was able to easily spot out the weaknesses that could be exploited in order to be able to easily defeat Alfie.

For example, Alfie was extremely slow wh attacking. But ev th, he was using explosive strgth with each attack. And so, it was definitely going to be impossible for him to be able to retract his fist so fast after launching it.

But of course, to cover this point of weakness, he usually used both of his fists in attacking, making sure that he left no window for the oppont to attack. In order to handle this situation, Scarlet would have to make sure that she dodged the attacks.

But of course, just using speed was not ough to be able to deal with Alfie. Instead, she would have to read his movemts. For example, before throwing each punch, there would be a twist of Alfie's shoulder to the side.

That was ough to be able to indicate that he was going to attack using that hand. So, all that Scarlet would have to do was to move towards the hand that Alfie would use to attack. And immediately after dodging it, she had to attack his body from that direction.

It was going to be difficult for Alfie to be able to react in that situation, or to use his other hand to attack, considering that he would have to turn his body in order to be able to attack. But of course, since his speed was lower as compared to the one that Scarlet possessed, Scarlet should definitely take advantage of that.

Jad wt ahead and give a few more weaknesses that Scarlet was supposed to take advantage of. But of course, it was going to be impossible for Scarlet to be able to fight against Alfie just like that. So, she had to have a practical lesson.

In the d, Jad decided to imitate Alfie's fighting style, so that he could give Scarlet a chance of trying out the strategy before getting involved in a fight with Alfie.

The sce of the two gaging in a conversation and sparring with each other fell into the eyes of the group of people within the gym. They could not help but be impressed by this guy.

He was able to easily communicate with Scarlet, and more than that, he was ev fighting with her. They did not hear what it was that they were talking about, considering that they were talking in low voices.

Additionally, the group did not try to approach the ring in order to list to the conversation betwe the two of them. Each and every one of them was extremely afraid of Scarlet and Lucas.

But ev th, they thought that there had to be something that Jad had done. Nevertheless, looking at the way that the two of them were fighting, it looked kind of romantic, didn't it?

From the way that they could observe it, it was clear that Jad was kind of offering training to Scarlet. This was supposed to be a good thing, but what did Scarlet say? She would only get together with a person who was stronger than herself.

Did that imply that she was willing to get together with this guy? After all, he was stronger than her to be able to offer pointers to her, right? But th again, would Lucas accept that? Until today, Scarlet and Lucas had always be considered as a couple, ev though they had not said anything about it.

Immediately, one of them gathered courage and snapped a picture of the two in the ring. Th, he wt into the university forum and posted about what was happing here.


While posting, the guy did not try to make any assumption of the relationship betwe the two of them. Otherwise, in case he was wrong about it, he would d up suffering. Of course, the thing that attracted the atttion of the majority of the people that surfed through the university forum was the name Scarlet.

Scarlet was extremely popular within the campus, and so, any topic related to her would definitely attract a huge atttion. Immediately, many people viewed the post, and they could not help but get curious about the relationship betwe the two people.

They could see that the two of them were fighting with each other, but from the expressions on their faces, it did not seem like they were having mity with each other.

At that momt, commts flew all over, with many people making assumptions about the relationship betwe the two of them. At the same time, others could not help but get curious about where Lucas was at the momt.

Of course, a large group of people immediately headed towards the gym, with the inttion of verifying with their own eyes that the information that they had received in the forum was actually true. If it was, they would definitely wait to watch a good show that would arise.

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