The Bodyguard System

Chapter 43: Transfer

As he slept off, something else was happing within the Johnsons. And Clifford was having a solemn expression on his face at this momt.

Clifford possessed a solemn expression on his face. Not long ago, he had received information that Jad had be attacked. Although he had already expected something like this to happ, he did not expect it to happ on the very same day that Jad had reported for duty.

According to the information that he had received, although Jad had not be directly attacked, but his house had be visited by a group of people. Additionally, somebody within the area where Jad was living had ded up being injured, and had be tak to hospital by Jad.

In the information that was submitted by Stev, Clifford could see that the old man that was injured was in a critical condition, and would be requiring a surgery as soon as possible.

And thinking about the information about Jad's life, Clifford understood that it was difficult for Jad to be able to give the amount of money that was going to be required for the surgery to be tak care of.

Without hesitation, he called for Stev and informed him to make necessary arrangemts for the old man to be tak care of. He could clearly tell that Jad cared about the old man, considering that he had be within the hospital until now, ever since he had tak the old man to the hospital since morning.

Stev immediately wt to make arrangemts. For the Johnsons, it was not quite difficult for them to be able to deal with the matter of the operation for the old man. After all, all that was required at this momt was money, and that was something that the Johnsons did not lack.

At the same time, Clifford continued going through the report. In the report, it was stated that two differt groups had visited Jad's house. Additionally, there was another group that was observing Jad from the shadows. It was clear that there were three groups that were observing Jad.

One thing in particular that Clifford could not understand was the fact that other than the Williams, there were other two groups that were also involved in the matter. So, what was their inttion?

He could understand the Williams, considering that they would definitely try to look for a way to deal with Jad. At the d of the day, he was the one who had destroyed the plan that they had before.

Th there was another group that belonged to Lucas Brown. That was Scarlet's schoolmate. That guy was kind of obsessed with his daughter, and so, it was obvious that he would make a move on Jad considering that Jad was currtly close to Scarlet as he was her bodyguard.

Clifford already possessed information on Lucas. Lucas was among the young masters of one of the big families within Faru city. Of course, although the families were considered as big, they could not compare to the levels that the Johnsons and the Williams had reached.

Nevertheless, Clifford did not pay much atttion to Lucas Brown. After all, to him, with the capabilities that the Brown family possessed, it was impossible for them to be able to deal with Jad considering his capabilities.

And of course, if they tried to go beyond the line, the Johnsons would definitely not hesitate to take action against them. This was just to sure that nothing too much out of line happed to Jad. Otherwise, it was going to affect his duty as a bodyguard.

Finally, there was one group that he did not know its origin. Nobody knew about them, and ev after investigating for a while, they came to a conclusion that they were definitely not from Faru city.

They were directly targeting Jad the momt that they arrived. This implied that there was something about Jad that had attracted them. Additionally, according to the information, it seemed that there was some kind of link betwe this group of people and the Williams.

Rather, it could be said that the leader of this new group of people was kind of related to the young masters of the Williams family. Although it was not directly related to the top echelons of the Williams, but nevertheless, there was a form of relationship.

Could it be that this group of people was trying to help the Williams? But thinking about it, it seemed that they were operating differtly. They did not seem to have the same goal at all.

In the d, Clifford could not do anything for the time being. Right now, they could only take care of the old man for Jad. Jad would have to come back on duty on Monday, and so, they had to take care of the old man during the time that he would be on duty.

It was a good thing that the old man was not being directly targeted. Otherwise, it was definitely going to be troublesome considering that guarding that old man was going to be difficult, in case the Williams and the other groups decided to take action against him.


The following morning, Jad woke up from the waiting area. He had be here since last night, and since he slept on the seats here, his body was kind of stiff.

He stood up and stretched his muscles a little, before walking towards the duration of the ICU. Through the glass on the door, he could see that the old man was still being supported by the life-support machines.

Jad decided to remain here, considering that it was on a Sunday. So, he would have to make arrangemts for the old man to be transferred to another hospital first in preparations for the surgery.

Jad had just thought of that wh suddly, he saw the attding doctor coming over. Wh he arrived, the doctor wt straight to the point.

"We have already received the paymt, and we are making the arrangemt for the old man to be tak to the biggest hospital prest within the city, 'The Restoration'. Once he arrives there, it should not be difficult for him to recover considering that the facilities there together with the staff are all top notch." The doctor said.

Jad was surprised after hearing that. Received the paymt? As long as he could remember, he had not made any paymt until now. So what paymt was this guy talking about?

Additionally, he was saying that they were taking the old man to the best hospital in the city? If that was the case, it was clear that the expses that were going to be incurred were going to be extremely high.

"But I have not made any paymt. Is there any form of misunderstanding here?" Jad asked with raised brows.

The doctor was a little surprised, considering that he had expected that Jad knew about the paymt. But from the looks of it, it did not seem like he knew about it.

He sighed and said, "I have just be informed that paymt for the old man have be made, and the source of the money is somehow related to the Johnsons. I thought that you knew about them."

Upon hearing the name Johnson, Jad finally understood. It seemed that Clifford had somehow received the information about what had happed here. But thinking about it, it was not strange considering the connections that the Johnsons possessed, ough to be able to find information about himself.

Jad nodded and said, "If that is the case, please go ahead and make necessary arrangemts for my old man to be tak care of."

The doctor nodded. Th, he looked at Jad and said, "There is a group of police officers here that are intding to look for your statemt about the issue. The injury that the old man has suffered from is obviously from an assault from a person using a knife. So, they are here to investigate about it."

Jad had already anticipated that. But it seemed that the police had reacted quite late, right? After all, ever since the previous day in the morning, until today's morning, it was clear that they had reacted only after about 4 hours.

Nevertheless, he wt ahead and nodded to the doctor. While the doctor left to do the necessary arrangemts for the old man to be transferred, Jad received two police officers.

They were here for his statemt, before carrying out the necessary arrangemts so that they could investigate about the matter. Jad cooperated with them, and gave them the information that they required.

He gave his statemt about how he had gone back at home, found his room rummaged through, before finding the old man on the g in a pool of blood. That was wh he took the old man to the hospital.

After a of questioning, the two police officers left. Jad on the other hand continued remaining within the hospital, as he was planning to stay here for today, before the old man was transferred away.

He had to go back to the Johnsons residce the following day, also, he would have to make ough arrangemts for that. But with the condition of the old man, he would have to put everything on hold first.

After about 3 hours, the old man was finally tak out of the hospital, and was transferred to The Restoration hospital, the biggest hospital found within Faru city.

With the old man being tak to the restoration for further treatmt, Jad believed that everything would go on well. After all, everything about this hospital was top notch. So, if the old man could not be tak care of there, that implied that they would have to transfer him out of the city.

With the issue of the old man temporarily tak care of, Jad left. He planned that later in the eving, he would pay the old man a visit in the hospital. But before that, he had to make necessary arrangemts while trying to look for any clues related to who it was that was looking for him.

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